View Full Version : Compliments - no

04-17-2009, 02:01 PM

Now that makes two of us who do not receive compliments when we do get ourselves out there.
Do any other ones in here not get compliments when they are out there ?


04-17-2009, 02:07 PM
Do you need compliments?

04-17-2009, 02:47 PM
Only if you are extrinsically motivated, which I am not!

Lora Olivia
04-17-2009, 03:31 PM
Most of time no compliments, but there have been a few. Once this nice older lady came up and patted me on the head complimenting my hair(wig) and my toenails have got a couple.

04-17-2009, 03:39 PM
Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't - see the blog. Does it matter though?

04-17-2009, 03:47 PM
Nope. Never been complimented as such. I have drawn a few admiring glances but no one has ever explicitly complimented me. At least not for being me and expressing my femininity. I have been complimented on my approach to life, since I accepted myself as a woman. Though the complimentee didn't know that. Does that count? Being complimented as a human being? :)

Sarah xxx

Teri Jean
04-17-2009, 03:51 PM
Comliments are like the icing on the cake. The cake is really all you need but the icing .............well it is so good. Keli

04-17-2009, 04:31 PM
nope, never a compliment, but so long as i never got, "hey, look everyone, that's a guy in that dress over there!" i was happy... especially in a time & place when crossdressing in public isn't as socially acceptable as it is now!

04-17-2009, 05:32 PM
We as GG's tend to compliment other GG's on there dress in social situations, or if they are very close friends, we very very rarely compliment complete strangers on their dress ... just my :2c:

deja true
04-17-2009, 05:52 PM
Sly, funny looks don't count as compliments, do they?

Get lots of complements from the sweet, lying girls I know through here...

And have been complemented on stuff I've been wearing and on my figure by young women the few times I've been out in the real world. But nobody ever told me I was pretty or cute (except that old drunk blind guy who tried to pick me up at Hunter's...LOL!).

So...yes and no...

04-17-2009, 10:15 PM
I know mine don't count, but I would give both Samm and Karren a compliment anytime. You are both good looking women!

Although I now go out dressed but wearing no makeup and no wig, I do get compliments on my feminine outfits occasionally!:heehee:

BTW, Samm, I will be in Aberdeen for two weeks in late August. Have some friends there. She knows, he doesn't.

04-17-2009, 10:39 PM
Now and then, and sometimes what some idiot may think is a compliment like...nice a**. My boyfriend gives me nice compliments... HE'D BETTER!

04-18-2009, 01:40 AM
We as GG's tend to compliment other GG's on there dress in social situations, or if they are very close friends, we very very rarely compliment complete strangers on their dress ... just my :2c:

I frequently compliment GG's, even one's I'm meeting for the first time, on some aspect of their choice of clothes or accessories. "Great earrings!" "Love your bracelet!" things like that.

With close GG friends compliments may also include some more personal observations, like "You've changed your hair! It looks great!" or the ultimate, "Wow! You've lost some weight!"

I find that en femme I am treated the same, with women I don't know well often commenting on some specific clothing or accessory choice of mine and close GG friends complimenting on more personal things.

Lilith Moon
04-18-2009, 03:22 AM
Do horns from passing vehicles count as compliments ? I've had a few of them:heehee:

Joy Carter
04-18-2009, 03:41 AM
I have a home made bracelet, that looks like one Wilma Flintstone would ware. You know the kind, like largish rocks as the cartoon character wares. But these are jade colored plastic. I wore it at a resort, and one waitress made it a point to say she liked it. I responded that it was a "Wilma Flintstone" original. She gave me a
funny look, like "????" I don't think she got it. LoL

04-18-2009, 03:17 PM
well, i think both of you should get compliments at times. i try to keep my complliments simple, such as : nice, pretty, great. but if i compliment you one time and do not the next, it could be that i remembered the first and didn't think the second was necessary.

04-18-2009, 03:26 PM
So far I have not gotten any compliments. I've gotten looks of disbelief, few times though. I was filing some paper work with my wife for her, about her visa here in Finland. And then suddenly the office lady turns over her and starts speaking in English(so far we spoke in Finnish) and asked if she was married. We answered simultanous we're married and she stared at us in disbelief for at least half a minute before she continue asking the stuff.

04-19-2009, 11:14 AM
Some times yes and sometimes no---it really depends on how often you go out dressed and where you go---the local gay/drag bar you will get some I'm sure--the local shopping mall not likely---email Me if you would like to know a sure way to tell if a compliment is sincere.

04-19-2009, 04:50 PM
I agree with MSJanessa. It depends on where I am. Ive got compliments from men at bi/gay bars. I think they only wanted one thing( I have to figure out what it is) I have also got compliments from girls for outfits Ive worn.

04-19-2009, 05:01 PM
I often comment on GGs at work when I notice a new hairdo or a particularly nice outfit. First time I might get a strange lookm but usually they seem very happy someone noticed their efforts to look nice.

One GG that sits near me has just gone thru a divorce and sometimes come to work like she doesn't care. When she does dress nicely I always compliment her. It works, as she dresses nicely much more often. As in many divorces, she has a low opinion of men and I hope by being compassionate and nice I can help get back to a more normal state.

I do hear many GG friends in my wife's circle, compliment each other. So while it may not be a thing that guys do, it does seem normal for GGs.

04-19-2009, 05:06 PM
I spend a LOT of time out and about in the world and VERY rarely get compliments. When I do, it is most often a double edge sword making it clear that they know I'm a guy. So in most cases, the compliment boils down to "Gee, you look good . . . for a man . . . "
Once a friend and I went to a late dinner after the club closed. The hostess did a minor double take and then told us "Hey, you guys make pretty girls!". Her heart was probably in the right place, but was that really a compliment? LOL

Tracii G
04-19-2009, 05:39 PM
I have gotten a few.

04-19-2009, 05:42 PM
Some of us GG's compliment all the time, some don't. I personally do compliment other GG's once in a while.

As for recieving compliments myself, pretty much the only time I ever wear a skirt is at church. I get complimented once in a while, by people I already know, not total strangers.

04-19-2009, 07:53 PM
I got a compliment this past Friday. It was the first for me in femme. I went out and decided to wear my tight skinny jeans and 3" heels, plus a tight hunter green top. I felt like a million dollars. Well, I went to an estate sale, saying what the hell, I felt good. The wind was blowing, so the wig was flying everywhere. It was an outside sale and just imagine, everyone could tell I was a guy, but I didn't care. :heehee: Every women that saw me, smiled and of course I smiled back. The guys didn't look too please to see me though. :heehee: Well, didn't find anything, so on the way out, this lady in the cash register(in a wheelchair), looked at me and said, "how are you doing ma'am." I replied with "feeling great". She started to explain that the sale was going on for the whole weekend. I said thank you. Then she looked me up and down, and said, "Girl, you are looking hot today, especially with those heels." I looked at her and smiled and of course said, "thank you". I bid them farewell and left with the biggest grin I had in a while.

04-19-2009, 08:02 PM
I get compliments all the time when I'm out with T-girl groups. Alot of times people will come right up and tell us that we look great and that they admire us for just being ourselves. They enjoy seeing us.

When I go out by myself however, people hardly notice me, which is fine too. I think I look great either way, and that's what matters the most to me.:)

04-20-2009, 07:19 PM
Oddly enough.....
I almost always get a compliment when out dressed.
I cant remember the last compliment I got in guy mode.

CD Susan
04-20-2009, 11:06 PM
I have recieved compliments from guys at gay bars and from other cd's at cd gatherings but never one from a GG. I have recieved some mysterious smiles from GG's when they have noticed my long nails though.

04-20-2009, 11:10 PM
As I've never been out enFemme, I have never received a compliment. However, I have had complete strangers come up to me at restaurants and comment on how much I look like Tom Petty!!!!!! :D

04-20-2009, 11:16 PM
EVERYONE likes compliments!:eek:

I don't go out dressed.
But, as a man, whenever I've received a sincere compliment, I've appreciated it!:)

When it is from a woman, any woman, I melt like hot butter!:D

curse within
04-20-2009, 11:25 PM
I don't really look for any or expect any...one time years ago my wife suggested to me that I look good as a girl but it was in fun..I really don't know how I would handle one if ever out in public ( never gonna happen tho )..I have got a few in guy mode different topic tho..