View Full Version : Thank Aunt Phyliss / Diary of Days Out/Part one and two

04-18-2009, 05:50 AM
This is gonna be a bit long, so I'm gonna break it up into a few parts.

Let me state right at the begining, I've done my best to be as accurate as possible, without any embellishment. Any reference to age has been modified as best as possible.

Nov of ‘08
Visiting my sister over the weekend to attend her 3rd wedding ( don’t ask, long story ) . Got into a conversation with my niece. P**** about what she’d be wearing and what her daughter, L***** would be wearing.
P**** showed me her dress, nice with spaghetti straps and commented that the straps on her bra would show but that she had bought some clear “invisible straps” to hide this. ( We know they still show ) . She went on to talk about the dress that L***** would be wearing. I asked to see it. Really cute little thing, just right for a young girl wanting to look older, but not so “tacky” as to be foolish. P**** also mentioned that L***** had some 3” heels to go with the dress. Of course I asked to see them. P**** commented that L***** didn’t walk well in them.
Cue "the light bulb" turning on
“Ask her to put them on and maybe I can give her some lessons”
Watching her walk in those heels was a sight to behold. Ungainly is a polite word. But then, being a young lady and not having lots of experience it would be expected. Unfortunately the shoe size was a bit too small for me, otherwise I’d have put them on to demonstrate. As it was, I gave her a few pointers about proper foot placement and walking.

P**** was watching me give these lessons with a questioning eye and sorta wondered how I knew so much. Knowing her and also knowing that she’s rather open minded I confessed how I knew so much. Her response was a simple , “Cool” .

As we talked a bit more about it she commented that she wanted to loose some weight and come shopping in my closet. I’d guess she’s about a size 14 or so while I’m about a size 10 or 8 depending on the maker. One of the things that came up in our conversation was manicures, pedicures and facials. Some where in all the talk a plan was hatched to have her visit me in the Spring and we’d go have a “day of it” at the local spa that I go to.

Dec ‘08

Things have a way of growing.
A few emails and telephone conversations and now the simple idea of getting a pedicure, manicure, and facial has grown into and appointment for a full body waxing, for both of us followed by going to a local lingerie shop for a bra fitting for her, ( trust me, she needs one ) . Then the following day getting our feet, fingers, and face “done” followed again by going to another lingerie shop I know for a second fitting.

Jan ‘09
I think I’ve created a monster.
P**** has informed me of her vacation time, so that I can confirm the dates. Her time off just happens to be the same time that L***** has off from school ( Easter break ) and that she’d be going with us. L***** wants to have her legs waxed. Being young and still developing, she could use a proper fitting for what she has. P**** really doesn’t have a clue as to what to buy, or how. She’s the type to go to “wally world” and grab what looks cheap.

Feb ‘09
Called P**** today and let her know that appointments and times have all been set.

Mar ‘09
End of the month and the time is getting close for our “day out”
Frankly I’m beginning to get nervous about all this.
Why? Just seems like a “dream come true” to have a day out with girls, doing “girl” things. Kinda waiting for the bubble to burst and not have it happen. To be disappointed yet again in my life.

Part two to follow soon. .... I'll add it to this post.

04-18-2009, 05:57 AM
Hi Phyliss
It sounds as if your dream is about to come true , I hope you all are able to enjoy your girl time together.
Have fun !

04-18-2009, 06:26 AM
Sounds lke a good time is sure to be had. Can't wiat to read the rest of the story. :thumbsup:

04-18-2009, 06:56 AM
Days out are sooooo good. Thanks for sharing.

04-18-2009, 07:39 AM
thats soooo cool,,,,, sitting here waiting to hear more....

04-18-2009, 07:44 AM
thats what cool aunts are for. have fun auntie:)

04-18-2009, 06:53 PM
A part of why this is a special site, waiting for the follow up. Bravo and good luck.

Teri Jean
04-18-2009, 07:17 PM
I have to agree this is one of the best threads I have read and hope everything goes well.


04-19-2009, 05:47 AM
Tuesday Apr 14
Well, …. It happened.
They arrived on Tues. afternoon. L***** said that she wanted to get a bathing suit. I volunteered to take them to the local Kohl’s. First off, I planned to stop in the Maurice’s store next door. To look at the selection of bathing suits they have, in a size that would fit L. Of course I took Mom along also, just in case she saw something that she liked.

Turns out that this year they aren’t carrying swim suits. (marketing thing, I guess) .

Not to be put off, from a shopping experience, L begins to look at the clothes they have. Next thing I know she’s heading into the dressing room with an armful of stuff. I don’t care, her Mom is paying, but I’m giving permission to her to get what she wants. Kinda feel sorry for “mom”. She just can’t say “NO” to her. (future problem growing? Possibly)
Fortunately I have some discount cards to help with the bill, but “Mom” walks out of there, minus $327.89.

Tues. evening they wanted to go in my hot tub and invited me along. ( two against one. Who am I to resist?)
So, we’re sitting there and L***** asks what we were doing for the rest of the week after Wed. P**** mentions the facial we’ll be getting on Thurs and that on Friday she was going shopping in my closet.

I say, “I’ve got a number of items I no longer wear and I know some of it will fit her“.

“Oh nutz, the cat is out of the bag” I let it slip. Oh well, too late now.
L***** has a rather confused look and I make the decision to “come out” to her. The good part is, she didn’t laugh in my face. Told her enough to get her to sorta understand. Teenagers don’t need a full 4 hour explanation. Their mind wanders at 8 minutes, I kept it to just under 6.

Sat in the tub for awhile and talked of many things, not dwelling on just me and crossdressing. Subjects from how school is going to politics and other things, after that. I guess about 45 min went by even after the water jets automatically turned off. So relaxed, I could barely get the energy to get out of the tub. Fell asleep quite quickly when I got in bed, even though I knew what we’d be doing the next day. Not nervous at all. Actually quite excited about the upcoming fun, kinda like a kid at Christmas

Teri Jean
04-19-2009, 07:02 AM
Phyliss, It sounds like you had a wonderful and relaxing day with the girl outing, no pun intended. You are right the younger people seem to accept much quicker and move on. I think you may have a shopping crew for future outings.

Good for you. Keli

04-19-2009, 07:16 AM
Phyliss,... I think you may have a shopping crew for future outings.

Good for you. Keli

Yes, I do. P**** is leaving to go back today, and last night we were talking and she told me how much fun she had. It seems that L***** wants to do this agin soon. I'd like to but my and her Mother's budget won't allow it. :sad:

Surprisingly, other than the waxing and "fill in" for my nails and slight indulgence of the face treatment, I only spent $45 on a new bra for me. I needed a beige one for my forms, only had a black one, which limits what I can wear.