View Full Version : Walking the walk

Donna Marie
04-30-2009, 09:00 AM
Has anyone noticed the commercial from the oil and gas industry (I think) in which a lovely woman in a simple black pantsuit, white blouse, and low heels walks out toward the camera to tell us all how wonderful our natural resources are? And that we should drill more oil and dig more coal (or something to that effect). Disregard the politics involved - just watch how she walks - it is soooo feminine and sexy. I've been trying to emulate that walk - sometimes it feels right - often not. Wish I could, though. It goes a long way toward appearing more feminine. And she looks gorgeous in pants, too!

Angie G
04-30-2009, 09:28 AM
No bot I'll keep an eye open for it thanks Donna.:hugs:

Karren H
04-30-2009, 10:27 AM
She lies!! Never!! Ever believe a woman wearing slacks!!! Unles she's a sexy coal miner.. Underground... Then she's ok.. Other wise only believe women in skirts, dresses.. Or just lingerie.. Yeah!! Always belive women in lingerie... Cause they are not trying to hide anything like women in slacks are!! Hahaha

Dressing Jill
04-30-2009, 10:44 AM
I haven't seen it.

However walking is such a great topic.

I walk with my focus on my pelvis. I brings my head up straightens my back. And My legs walk in a straight line. Not like a macho guy sports walk. Which I do really well also.

When I am in heals the walk is so well performed it looks like a women walking (as it is a women walking). It takes some practice but it is not so hard to do.

Just focus on your pelvis and let it lead you. That means stick it out there. Not a lot but enough to bring you head up and straighten you back. I feel so much taller when I walk like that. I suppose if you are over 6' tall that could be an issue. However when i see a man walking like that it is so beautiful. I only know 2 women that walk like that. Most women walk like a guy. Heel to toe. I like the toe to heel or place both on the ground at the same time. It is so elegantly graceful.

I walk like that all the time except when I have to be macho.LOL........

After a while it just becomes natural.



04-30-2009, 10:45 AM
Yes I see it frequentl. Funny how she never says the majority of oil and natural gas comes from Canada. My stocks thank you for using lots of fossil fuels.:)

04-30-2009, 10:48 AM
Alas walking is a trial for me even in Guy mode. I straighten my back throw my shoulders back and set out but unless I stay focused on it pretty soon I find myself slouched over again.


Donna Marie
04-30-2009, 01:13 PM
BTW, I think this commercial is usually on the news channels like CNN, CNBC, and Fox News.