View Full Version : TS or CD

05-03-2009, 03:02 PM
Hi everyone,

Is it really true we are all born bisexual? And at some point we remain bisexual or move on becoming heterosexuals? Looking back to when I was about 7 years old I was experimenting and think I have been trying to hide something all my life. I am now married again for the second time 16 years and think maybe I am living in denial. The denial being that deep inside I have always felt like a woman. I have tried doing male things like playing football, driving trucks, etc. Even in my sex life I always feel like the woman and want to be with the man. Anybody else feel this way?



Jan W
05-03-2009, 03:30 PM
Football is so hard on the nails honey!

05-03-2009, 03:34 PM

05-03-2009, 03:37 PM
I've never been attracted to men, but as long as I can remember I've loved to put on women's clothes.
There's lots of theories about sexual development (Freud spent a lot of time on this) but I don't think there is a definite, fits-all-types explanation of what goes on.
You are what you are.

05-03-2009, 03:39 PM
Are you kidding, Me??, Never.......:heehee:

<3 Keri Lynn <3
05-03-2009, 03:42 PM
We aren't born any sexuality we find out sexuality through life and experiences, most become heterosexual because the thought of reproduction dictates to society and them to us saying anything else is wrong which it isn't just others don't understand. I feel like a women through and through but physically I am not, doesn't mean I cant be myself just some people might get upset which we cant change the world in a day, it'll take time

Its society to be harsh, telling us we cant do that its "girly" or when they tell women you cant do that let the man do it. Most men are homophobic cause they don't want to be made fun of which is stupid to hear. I understand where you come from, I have a long road ahead of me and I don't want to go down the wrong path so I am trying to figure it out before hand.

I may have ranted a bit :doh:


Juliet Simone
05-03-2009, 03:47 PM
I sure understand your feelings and your question. I have had to rationalize my life inside my head (and the closet) and it wasn't until recently that I have come to understand gender and sexuality, like a lot of things they both lie on a continuum.

Most of us are somewhere on the gender continuum between full woman and full man. The same goes (I think) for sexuality, we all lay somewhere between homosexual and heterosexual, some are even right in the very middle, bisexuals.

Thats the only way I have to make sense of it. Its very confusing, I just try to keep loving myself, and of course you ladies.

05-03-2009, 03:51 PM
It's not unnatural to feel attracted to a man when you've transformed yourself into a woman...crossdressers are by nature curious and experimental, and although there are good reasons not to act on this desire, it is very real and if the opportunity presents itself, may be hard to resist. I realize that this will be shocking to some, but so is dressing as a woman...

Juliet Simone
05-03-2009, 03:57 PM
Well said, It helps to hear those words.
Ta Ta

Kate Simmons
05-03-2009, 03:59 PM
Actually, what we do is follow our DNA programming.:)

05-03-2009, 04:00 PM
cd.... for now.... ts.... someday

05-03-2009, 04:03 PM
Arianna, DNA just programs proteins. We are more than a sack of mixed proteins. We develop within a family and a society, and get just as much input from these.

Kate Simmons
05-03-2009, 04:12 PM
Arianna, DNA just programs proteins. We are more than a sack of mixed proteins. We develop within a family and a society, and get just as much input from these.Agreed Ruth but just what is it that makes a lump of protoplasm and a bunch of chemicals into a functioning person to begin with? This is what I am talking about my friend. There is a wee bit more at work here than simply nature and nurture.:)

05-03-2009, 04:24 PM
Sexuality is NOT about football, "manliness" or even clothing of the opposite sex. Its about preference in sexual partners.

A child has no sexuality as he or she is not sexually "attracted" to other people reguardless of sex. Children simply dont have those feelings till about puberty or so. They usually ARE attracted to members of the same sex, but not for sexual reasons, but rather a "role model" type of thing.---Incidently this is one reason most people with hold sexuality information from children as they might confuse role model attraction with sexuality attraction, which they have no experience with yet, and thus engender mistaken fears of being homosexual.

In pre sexual children we may be dealing with sexual IDENTITY issues rather than sexuality issues. A boy who feels like he is a girl, for example, is NOT "homosexual" (yet anyways), but rather has identity/ self image issues. He MAY be transsexual, but not even that is for certian.
Childhood crossdressing usually is not sexually based. Yes, a child could have the aforementioned identity issues, but it could be other things too, such as the "High" or "good feeling" he may get from simply violating social norms, or the feeling of the clothing itself.

None of this is "sexuality" , sexuality (homo/hetro/bi) comes only at puberty when the child develops the capacity for sexual feelings for others.---and this develops independently of one's other interests of games and excentricities of clothing.

Lisa Golightly
05-03-2009, 04:28 PM
When I was a boy and considered myself CD I was attracted to girls but when it came to sex I just didn't like it... It physically repulsed me, but I was still attracted to females... There were boys who chased me, but although I liked the attention sexually there was no spark...

Starting hormones after being diagnosed as TS was very liberating... It was as though I was chemically freed of my attraction to girls and this brake was removed though it take around a year to happen... I was suddenly very interested in the boys who had been chasing me... and for the first time in my life my attraction and sexual role seemed natural to me...

05-03-2009, 05:39 PM
Nothing Bi-Sexual here. Just that I identify as a female as my preference of a gender leaves me open to all possibilities. Preferentially fem-lipstick but butch is cool too.

Dressing Jill
05-03-2009, 06:07 PM
I can't stand men, needless to say men and I do not get along very well. It is like I am tolerant of them for as long as they are around.

I am a true lesbian trapped in a mans body.

I have not met any men that are balanced with male and female energies. Yet..... Until I found this site, I thought I was alone. I have had people tell me that I was the only one they have met that displayed both roles of male and female.



There is always room for more friends in ones heart

Sharon B.
05-03-2009, 06:19 PM
A woman at heart but still keep trying to do the manly things in life. I haven't develop any muscles in my arms or chest, so I guess as a man I'm on the feminine side when it comes to that.
When I do make love to a woman in my mind I am thinking why can't that be me on the bottom with somebody making love to me.
When I am completely dressed as a woman I do think about men but as yet I haven't acted on it. I'm afraid if I do I will enjoy it and want more of it.

Nicki B
05-03-2009, 07:09 PM
Hi everyone,

Is it really true we are all born bisexual? And at some point we remain bisexual or move on becoming heterosexuals? Looking back to when I was about 7 years old I was experimenting and think I have been trying to hide something all my life. I am now married again for the second time 16 years and think maybe I am living in denial. The denial being that deep inside I have always felt like a woman.

I think you're confusing sexuality and gender - the two are distinct, but neither tend to be black or white..

05-03-2009, 07:19 PM
Well first of all doing "male" things does not have anything to do with who you are attracted to at all. Attraction is just that...who you are normally attracted to. For a moth it would be a porch light. For a straight guy, it would be girls. For a gay guy, boys. There doesn't have to be any action involved to say who you are attracted to. Otherwise every virgin on the planet would be labeled as a "presexual" Are people really THAT scared of being labeled a certain way to admit an attraction to someone? I know I may be in the minority on this, but attraction is something you can't choose. So why make it a tougher issue than it really is? If you are attracted to someone as an adult (assuming of course they are an adult as well......wouldn't want anyone accusing me advocating something I am not) then go for it and enjoy yourself.

Alice Green
05-03-2009, 07:34 PM
The question you’re asking is something that only you can really answer for yourself, but maybe talking here with us may be able to help. A specialist in gender identity may be able to help you better.

As for me I got out of a long relationship and have let out feeling of attraction out that I have always had. It was largely due to having a conservative up bringing and feeling in order to be ‘normal’ I had to conform to societies standards that I had learned, but I’m now happy and comfortable with saying that I’m a bisexual.

I can’t tell you what you need to do but, I know everyone here will be here to support and listen to you if you have any questions.

05-03-2009, 08:28 PM
I can't stand men, needless to say men and I do not get along very well. It is like I am tolerant of them for as long as they are around.

I am a true lesbian trapped in a mans body.

I have not met any men that are balanced with male and female energies. Yet..... Until I found this site, I thought I was alone. I have had people tell me that I was the only one they have met that displayed both roles of male and female.



I have often felt the same way. But isn't this kinda normal for virgin teenage girls? Because one does not really know how it is like...

05-03-2009, 10:07 PM
And on a lighter note, it was George Carlin who observed "being bi doubles your chances of getting laid before closing time..."

05-03-2009, 10:10 PM
I think that it's mental/emotional and that it involves many preferences and choices.

05-03-2009, 11:18 PM
Maybe we should consider a little science?

The notion that we are all Bi comes from Kinsey's groundbreaking studies. While the best they could be at the time they had lots of Methodology problems.

Brain differences in Gays and Lesbians have been discovered. Where many (not all) Gay men had feminine aspects to their Brains and vice versa for lesbians. Meaning that being Gay, like being Transsexual and probably being a CD too is often a matter not of choice but of having an Intersex neurological variation. And Schizophrenia also appears to be related, a cross-sex brain neurology variation.

Evidence suggests that some people are indeed born Gay. That some are even born Asexual, without sexual desire at all (and these occur more often in combination with some neurology variations). Evidence also shows that 80% of those who are homophobic are in fact severely repressed Gays thmselves.

Studies on Bisexuals I'm yet to see. So it could be very true that we are all variations of many male and female brain traits and that hetero/homo/bi/a-sexual is just one variation of one factor like cis/ts/cd/gq/a are all variations of gender identity and expression.

05-03-2009, 11:58 PM
No TS here, CD - TG - GID.

As far back as I can remember, I have always been attracted to women, and fortunately or un-fortunately (depending on your point of view) have wanted to wear the same things a woman does, do the same activities that women do, but, do NOT want to be a woman, to really make it confusing, I consider myself a feminine male lesbian, boy ! would Freud have fun with that statement?

05-04-2009, 08:31 AM
Evidence also shows that 80% of those who are homophobic are in fact severely repressed Gays thmselves.

I personally think 80 percent of THOSE are not really surpressed Gays, but rather ignorant and misinformed straight guys who only THINK they are gay, for various , often silly reasons, such as not being good at sports, etc.---and feel a need to hide their "dire secret" of their imagined 'gayness", usually by publically expressing an exagerated comtempt for those they percieve as being 'gay".

05-04-2009, 09:05 AM
I personally think 80 percent of THOSE are not really surpressed Gays, but rather ignorant and misinformed straight guys who only THINK they are gay, for various , often silly reasons, such as not being good at sports, etc.---and feel a need to hide their "dire secret" of their imagined 'gayness", usually by publically expressing an exagerated comtempt for those they percieve as being 'gay".

They hooked up devices to measure physical signs of sexual arousal and tested many different groups of people. 80% of those who scored as strongly homophoboc on the questionaires had very strong physical sexual arousal when shown gay erotic images. A stronger reaction even that the out Gays had to the images!

Now for the remaining 20% maybe. But those 80% were physically sexually aroused according to the studies results.