View Full Version : Finally Told My Wife

05-08-2009, 06:15 AM
After months of agonizing and worry, I told my wife on Tuesday about my long-held desires and that I have wanted to live my life as a woman. I was terrified, but she is loving and kind and understanding and we talked for a long time. She was sad that I've been tormented for so long and wanted to know if I was interested in men or did I want to cut off my penis. I told her that this was not a desire to be intimate with men and I wasn't ready for any kind of surgery at this time. I just couldn't live any longer keeping this in side and it was the need to be the real me. She is worried and I'm not real sure where we go from here, and I'm not sure myself, but I know it is better not living a lie anymore. I'll keep going to therapy and talking and taking it slow, but I know I've done what's right for all of us.



05-08-2009, 06:21 AM
Well congrats to you! That's probably a lot of weight off of your shoulders - i know it was for me long ago.

Claire Cook
05-08-2009, 06:43 AM
Well congrats to you! That's probably a lot of weight off of your shoulders - i know it was for me long ago.

I agree with Kimberley (it was for me too, a long time ago!) and really hope that things will work out for you both.

Melissa A.
05-08-2009, 07:41 AM
Stuff like this always makes me smile :) Couldn't be happier for ya, Cathy.


Melissa :)

05-08-2009, 07:46 AM
all the best to you just remember to keep talking

Kaitlyn Michele
05-08-2009, 07:59 AM
yes as MJ said...keep talking...you've taken your lifetime heavy burden and put some of it on your wife... you both have feelings/desires etc...

And also, congrats to you, you are very brave and I know how hard it is to talk to loved ones, especially your wife, about things..

Bea A
05-08-2009, 09:07 PM
Same here Cathy.. Told my wife in December. I suggest that you don't make any major decisions yet. You now have this new freedom and may hit the "pink fog" Give your wife time to digest and process this.... Best wishes and keep talking. :2c:

05-09-2009, 07:30 AM
I had to tell my wife about 5 months ago. It felt like the weight of the world came off my shoulders. She's not liking it at all. Since then, I've kept it very much quiet hoping that we can re-visit it once she'd had some time and sees that it is very much a part of me. I also want to start wearing some more feminine clothing to keep moving in the right direction. I fully expect to hit a brick wall - but what can I do?

I wish you the best of luck, I'm in the same boat as you are.

05-12-2009, 08:04 PM
Thank you all. It does feel like the weight of the world is off my shoulders, but now is being shared by my wife. She has been wonderful and talkative. We're going slowly, but in the right direction.

05-12-2009, 10:13 PM
Let me also add my congratulations to you Cathy. I finally told my wife of 25 years a few week ago myself and you're absolutely corrrect, a great weight has been lifted from me also. From what you wrote it sounds nearly identical to my wife's response and, like you, we have since had a number of very thoughtful and sometimes tearful talks.

My very best to both you and your wife on the journey ahead of both of you.

