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View Full Version : I'm taking my first steps out (right now)... sharing the moment with you :)

Gabrielle Hermosa
05-16-2009, 06:06 PM
I'm just about to take my first steps out for a drive. I recorded a quick video of my in my back yard - greeting all of you before my first time out. :)

Nervous, excited... and not sure if I'll actually get out of the car, but I'm heading out in just a few minutes.

Here's the (phone camera) video of my pre-outing (http://www.mycdlife.com/public/gabi_out001.3g2), if you'd like to laugh at my really, really silly femme voice. lol My wife got a big laugh out of it. :heehee:
EDIT: I replaced the original video with a cop-out video because I got shy - I'm sorry!

I don't look as feminine in video as I do in my photos... my look needs some work yet, but I'm trying. Mrs. H. made me do ALL my makeup myself this time! Not the best job in the world, but not too shabby for my first full makeup job solo.

Well, let's hope I don't get killed out there. :heehee:

Wish me luck, ladies.

This was totally unplanned... just felt like doing this... today and NOW for some reason. Be back later... I hope. :)

Carrie R
05-16-2009, 06:12 PM
Have fun!!!

05-16-2009, 06:28 PM
Outstanding! I am happy for you. Have a great time! :cheer:

Tasha McIntyre
05-16-2009, 06:32 PM
Wow Gabi, way cool video. You say your nervous but it doesn't show.

You just brought back the nervous excitement I felt a month ago when I first ventured out :daydreaming:.

Good luck, don't forget the detailed update when you get back.

Tash :)

05-16-2009, 06:42 PM
Gabi, you look great! Hope you can settle down enough to enjoy the moment a little bit.And as far as the dress, hey, it's Saturday Nite!!:drink: Good Luck!

Kayla Shadows
05-16-2009, 06:42 PM
Yay!!!!! :) Thanks for sharing the video.Good to see you getting out there.Enjoy yourself

05-16-2009, 06:50 PM
Your video got my heart racing! It reminded me of my first attempt at going out 2 weeks ago!:heehee:
Except U looked a LOT more nevous than I was! Remember to BREATHE!

U look and sound fine. Please keep us posted. We want to know if u found that "CLUB", or CAVE, safely!:brolleyes:

05-16-2009, 08:40 PM
I can't wait for you to tell us how it went.

Every detail


Gabrielle Hermosa
05-16-2009, 08:53 PM
I'm back.

Thanks for the well-wishes, ladies! I appreciate it! :)

CD Tasha - thank you. I really was nervous, but glad it didn't show through. Didn't go as far as you did in your first true outing though.

Docrobbysherry - I remember your 1st outing post. I breathed... and giggled a lot, but didn't do much else.

For the compliments on my appearance, thank you so much, ladies! :)

I removed the video, btw - if you happened to download the link in my thread starting post and wonder what the hell that was all about. It's been replaced with a "sorry" video. I got shy about my first video.

I got out, drove around a local mall for a while, sat in a fast food parking lot watching people walk by, took some more phone videos and a coupe phone photos in the car, ordered two milkshakes at the drive-thru of McDonalds, got read... and laughed at (which caused me to bust out laughing myself lol), and went back home and enjoyed a chocolate milkshake while Mrs. H. enjoyed a strawberry one.

Wow - the adrenaline pumping through my veins had me acting pretty weird... I was pretty giggly most of the time. I mean, I even got read and laughed at... and all I could do was bust out laughing back! I honestly found it very funny in the moment. I guess not much bothers me when I'm Gabrielle. Thank God I was in my car, because if I was in the restaurant and got laughed at, I would have gone out of my way to mess with the guy and have some fun at HIS expense. I'm a bit of a smart ass and somehow enjoy moments that should be embarrassing. :heehee:

Adrenaline gone and calmed down. I took more video while sitting in the car, but I was acting really silly and don't care to share that. For someone who wants to make a difference in how the world views us, I sure acted poorly (just stupid), imo. Even took video of the guy who read me - you can see him turning and laughing after handing me the 2nd milkshake. Can't post the video though - I was full of adrenaline, giggling about the whole thing, and making less than intelligent commentary (to the phone cam) as I drove off.

Didn't have the courage to get out of the car because I dressed how I like to dress. It really shouldn't be a problem, BUT people do tend to view this look as inappropriate or s|utty or cheap or whatever. I really hate that. I'll post a pic later if I remember (took a couple photos in the back yard before venturing out). To me, I look good like this. I LOVE to see my wife dressed like this. It's just not in poor taste to me... but to everyone else, it's another story. :(

Did this totally on a whim, too. There'll be a price to pay for my actions... the appropriate "window of opportunity" I've talked about before was not present. I was just tired of being locked inside my man-face and NEEDED to breathe a little. I rarely get the opportunity to wear makeup because of a hectic life and a zillion complications. But I'm fully made up as I type this, nails painted, feeling really good... and must soon wash my face clean. :(

In retrospect, I don't understand the big deal I was feeling before venturing out. Why do people post these threads? Yesterday, I was telling myself I would not do this for a driving-out. Today, I couldn't wait to post "I'm going out now..." Oh well. I guess you girls who get out regularly remember the rush of that first time out. Thank God that's out of the way. :) Maybe next time I dress in a way that won't draw so much attention (less sexy) and actually get to walk in the open outdoors. :)

Oh - I got checked out by a few guys while sitting in my car, btw. One guy was walking with his gf and I wasn't paying mind at first, but when I looked up as he walked by, he quickly looked away. I recognized that look he had - he was checking me out. I've make that look so many times myself, I sure know it one another guy. I guess I pass from behind the windshield glass when the view is obstructed a little. :) I'm not trying to attract men, but getting checked out is a sign that I looked good and that means a lot since I try so damn hard to!

Thanks for reading. My first time out was kind of a dud, but an interesting experience, anyway. :)

05-16-2009, 08:56 PM
Well I missed the sound part but you sure looked good, and ready,plus your make up was fine.Great smile too.

05-16-2009, 09:04 PM

I caught sight of your vid before you removed it, and I do have to say that you did look HOT. If I had been walking by your car, I would've been checking you out too.

Congrats on your first outing, hun.

btw.......As Celeste pointed out.........you've got a gorgeous smile. :happy:

05-16-2009, 09:20 PM
aw I wanna see the video :(

I can understand second thoughts though and removing stuff after thinking about it for a few, I;ve done the same thing myself.

Anyway, grats on your first venture out, sounds like you had a blast!! :)

Tracii G
05-16-2009, 09:34 PM
I missed it too.:sad:

05-16-2009, 09:38 PM
Fun! Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you for a little bit. You're making me wish I could go do this right now, but too many practical problems--no wig, too much inappropriate body hair, a missus who's probably not quite ready for something like this just yet. But I think I know what my summer project will be.:)

Disappointed that I missed your original vid:cry:, but you looked pretty darn good to me in the replacement snippet. You rock!

Christina Horton
05-16-2009, 11:03 PM
OMG girl. If I had half your looks I would never get read. I missed the first vid dam it. You need to put it back on. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW E.T.C. E.T.C. E.T.C. E.T.C. E.T.C.

In the new vid you look so great. Me I just a little while ago discovered I can wear short skirts. I love them, and If I (a plus size(fat) girl can) then you will be able to anytime you want.

The way I see it since I can't pass the more people who see me the better out there for the rest of you girls it will be. They will see and maybe expand there minds and maybe even open them up , even if it only a little it more then worth it hun. But from what I saw you are gorgeous hun. If it's the voice that outed you then feel lucky my voice is ok but I could fix that easy but my look is not as fixable. you have the one down pat, the other will come.
DO what I do when you in the car ( I do it driving my rig all the time) put you head phones for you call and talk to yourself like your on the phone and use your fem-voice and you will get it soon.

You look great so great hun. I am so jealous right now. You avatar need to lose the mask so we can see your beautiful face hun.pls.good luck on your next outing and talk you wife two. fun awaits!!!!!

05-17-2009, 06:26 AM
I think it took more guts to drive-through, than gas-up ( like I did) as you had human contact. I think that will be the next step for me. But I don't know how I'll handle the first "getting read".

Way to go !


05-17-2009, 06:28 AM
I was one of the lucky few to see your original video and I thought it was so cute! I know exactly how you were feeling, as I've been there myself!

I would put it back up, honestly as it would show the other girls that haven't gone out what kind of emotions they will feel when they first go outside! :eek:

I'm glad you had fun, and that it was not too traumatic! :love:

Love, Tracy

Rogina B
05-17-2009, 06:40 AM
I have suggested to gabrielle more than once that she get out the door and see what it is like and i am glad she did. My suggestion to those girls in the same boat is to dress to blend,and just get out there! Go immediately to a walgreens or cvs, buy something you may need,[breathmints] and jump in the checkout line. Perfect your attitude and projection there...usually no kids or teenagers to pick on you. By the time you reach your vehicle parked at the far end of the lot,you will have a start. Then drive to the next place such as a kohls or target,etc. Do some looking,etc. Go through the checkout line with a feminine item. Again, polish your projection. In a couple of hours time,you are ready to go inside that fast food restaurant for those unhealthy shakes!! As tamara suggests,have a few attractors on that keep you questionable and you will stand up to the casual glance crowd. Many women have deeper or gravely voices,so go easy with yours. Smile when someone figures you out...who cares if they do? Your confidence will come fast if you work it. Go to it!

05-17-2009, 06:45 AM
Ohhh, I missed it to, you look great :)

deja true
05-17-2009, 07:00 AM
:cry: Wah! I missed it too!

How 'bout a couple of stills from the video stream?


Gabrielle Hermosa
05-17-2009, 07:33 AM
I'm sorry for removing the video. I'm a little shy about my really bad femme-voice and even more so about how not female I look in motion. Maybe I'll post the video again in a not as public area of this site. I don't mind sharing with those of you who have asked about it... just not sure I want to give the whole world (non-members) a chance at it.

Here's a frame capture of the smile at the end of it. :)


I posted a photo of how I was dressed in the picture and video gallery here (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107482). The photo is also available on my flickr account and website (links in sig).

Looking good (or passable) in a photo is one thing, but in person and in motion, I most certainly do not pass. Like I said - I got laughed at pretty good by the guy at McDonald's. No big deal though - as I said before, his reaction gave me a good laugh myself. I'll get laughed at many more times, I'm sure. Ain't gonna stop me from doing my thing. Bet I looked better than his gf anyway! :heehee:

Actually, the guy who took my money at the first window didn't bat a lash. Never looked at me funny at all. Only the second window guy read me... or let on that he did.

I wanted so bad to get OUT of my car, but this is NOT a cd-friendly area and I could have really gotten into serious trouble. I watched a several groups of tough, macho guys passing in and out of the mall as I drove around. I could get eaten alive quickly if surrounded by a bunch of them. Nothing like a fun game of beat-the-cd-to-death to make the night memorable.

I know you've been asking me to get out, Rogina - well, I finally did... mostly. :) Yes, a more subtle choice of attire would have been better, but I couldn't help myself. :heehee:

Btw - for those of you who fear being read... it's not so bad. Honest! I didn't blush a bit - just laughed my ass off! And I'm sure the guy had a fun story to tell his buddies later. :heehee:

So long as being read doesn't get you into physical harm, what's the big deal? If you get laughed at, just laugh back at them. Or in my case, I couldn't help but laugh back. Guess I've got a good sense of humor about myself.

I'm not sure if I got laughed at because I looked absolutely ridiculous, or if it was simply because he read me as a guy. Based on your comments, I'm guessing it was the latter. Around here, cd = great big funny thing to laugh at. THAT is why we all need to get out and change the game. It's stupid to be laughed at for WHO we are. Go ahead and laugh if I look funny, but to laugh at me because of WHO I am? Wtf?

We really need to educate society and I've said before - I'm preparing to do my part. And no, I won't be dressed like that when I give public talks! Well, not unless it's at a dance club or something. :heehee:

05-17-2009, 11:30 AM
Now, maybe U'll be planning your NEXT venture out into the world!:eek:

But, beyond that, maybe u'll consider WHY u want to go out dressed, and/or WHAT u hope to accomplish!?:brolleyes:

My silly, short, poorly planned outing, gave me pause to consider same. I my case, I just wanted to see if I COULD and WOULD do it!:devil:

I'm NOT making plans to go to dinner, or shopping, as Sherry! But, maybe U WILL!:thumbsup:

05-17-2009, 11:49 AM
Well, I missed the vid, but your photo from that day was gorgeous. Maybe we'll see more vids in the future of you in the outside world? :)

05-17-2009, 12:15 PM
You've got a lot more guts going out in something like that in the general public that I do. I save those outfits for the clubs!

I know you like the sexier stuff, but you can do it with pants/shorts and a nice blouse. There are some really cute low heel shoes too. I'm talking about for going out shopping and stuff in the day time. For me it's just more comfortable!

Maybe I'm getting too old...:brolleyes:


Christina Horton
05-17-2009, 12:59 PM
I'm sorry for removing the video. I'm a little shy about my really bad femme-voice and even more so about how not female I look in motion. Maybe I'll post the video again in a not as public area of this site. I don't mind sharing with those of you who have asked about it... just not sure I want to give the whole world (non-members) a chance at it.

Here's a frame capture of the smile at the end of it. :)


I posted a photo of how I was dressed in the picture and video gallery here (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=107482). The photo is also available on my flickr account and website (links in sig).

Looking good (or passable) in a photo is one thing, but in person and in motion, I most certainly do not pass. Like I said - I got laughed at pretty good by the guy at McDonald's. No big deal though - as I said before, his reaction gave me a good laugh myself. I'll get laughed at many more times, I'm sure. Ain't gonna stop me from doing my thing. Bet I looked better than his gf anyway! :heehee:

Actually, the guy who took my money at the first window didn't bat a lash. Never looked at me funny at all. Only the second window guy read me... or let on that he did.

I wanted so bad to get OUT of my car, but this is NOT a cd-friendly area and I could have really gotten into serious trouble. I watched a several groups of tough, macho guys passing in and out of the mall as I drove around. I could get eaten alive quickly if surrounded by a bunch of them. Nothing like a fun game of beat-the-cd-to-death to make the night memorable.

I know you've been asking me to get out, Rogina - well, I finally did... mostly. :) Yes, a more subtle choice of attire would have been better, but I couldn't help myself. :heehee:

Btw - for those of you who fear being read... it's not so bad. Honest! I didn't blush a bit - just laughed my ass off! And I'm sure the guy had a fun story to tell his buddies later. :heehee:

So long as being read doesn't get you into physical harm, what's the big deal? If you get laughed at, just laugh back at them. Or in my case, I couldn't help but laugh back. Guess I've got a good sense of humor about myself.

I'm not sure if I got laughed at because I looked absolutely ridiculous, or if it was simply because he read me as a guy. Based on your comments, I'm guessing it was the latter. Around here, cd = great big funny thing to laugh at. THAT is why we all need to get out and change the game. It's stupid to be laughed at for WHO we are. Go ahead and laugh if I look funny, but to laugh at me because of WHO I am? Wtf?

We really need to educate society and I've said before - I'm preparing to do my part. And no, I won't be dressed like that when I give public talks! Well, not unless it's at a dance club or something. :heehee:

As I said you looked so dam hot. You have the body for it hun. I just wrote a thread (below) about not passing. I don't pass Looks wise or really in my voice but some people think I pass fine and voice to others say I and obvious so WTF. I put my post here just for you hun. So you can Laugh with me too.
Oh If I looked like you do I would pass 100% YOU GO GIRL FRIEND!!!!!

Yes I do want to pass. :)BUT. :doh:

There have been many threads about this DUH. But my view is this.....

When I go out dressed and since I don't pass and get read all the time, I am helping the "( normal)" people see CROSSDRESSERS. If I deport myself right don't act like a pre-Madonna or a diva Bitch, I should give them a good experience with there first or second e.t.c time seeing a CD.

SO that's the way I see my ability of not passing.........

Don't get me wrong I will all way strive to look better than I did before and try to pass, I just feel that Since I don't right now WHY should I cry :cry:about not passing when I can help EDUCATE the General public out there EH.

I have explained this on other threads but thought It would be a good thread of it's own.



Rachel Morley
05-17-2009, 01:58 PM
Hey skinny girl! :) Love your outfit! I bet that takes some confidence to go out for the first time dressed like that. I also love your website http://www.mycdlife.com/ I've bookmarked it and I think I'll be going there often. :) Better go now, I have some water to drink and some gum to chew :)

Christina Horton
05-17-2009, 02:06 PM
I have a new tv (pun intened)show for you called


Adrian and well Jamie test the Myths no one else would test.

Woud be a show I would watch.:D:heehee:
I put your site on my favorites. see you there.


Jessica Who
05-17-2009, 05:22 PM
Great news, Gabrielle, I wasn't really on the boards yesterday so I just found out about this now, I read everything and I'm so happy for you.

I don't really have much else to add that hasn't been said, but congratulations again what an experience :)

05-17-2009, 08:50 PM
Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for ya. You look smoken hot too. The most important thing is that you had a good time out. No one really bothered you, and you had a good laugh. The thing is you don't really know if the guy at Mc D's read you or not he may have been laughing at your panties showing or something. You had a fun safe outing and I hope you have many more. Keep on gurlen you sexy thing. Love!!!!!!

Deedee Dupree
05-17-2009, 08:55 PM
Fun story to read...missed the video. I had forgotton how funny (absurdly whimsical) I thought it all was when I started to dress fully and go out. Never laughed so much for such a long time in my life, but there were close seconds. It was such a happy time. dd

Gabrielle Hermosa
05-18-2009, 04:15 AM
But, beyond that, maybe u'll consider WHY u want to go out dressed, and/or WHAT u hope to accomplish!?

I definitely need to plan my next outing much better. Hopefully my wife can accompany me for a walk in a park or something next time. She was very sick when I went out and understandably not feeling up to going out with me.

Well, I missed the vid, but your photo from that day was gorgeous. Maybe we'll see more vids in the future of you in the outside world?

The video wasn't that great, really. I have pondered doing more videos - not just out and about, but entertaining and maybe humorous things, but that's undecided as of yet. To see me in motion I look a whole lot less passable and that kind of bothers me. Got to get over it though if I am to keep venturing out, right?

You've got a lot more guts going out in something like that in the general public that I do. I save those outfits for the clubs!

I know you like the sexier stuff, but you can do it with pants/shorts and a nice blouse. There are some really cute low heel shoes too. I'm talking about for going out shopping and stuff in the day time. For me it's just more comfortable!

Maybe I'm getting too old...


I never stepped out side my car. :( I was way too afraid because I'd easily draw attention to my self dressed like that. Could be very dangerous where I chose to drive - this isn't exactly a cd-friendly area.

Yes, I LOVE my sexy outfits! I wish "sexy" wasn't considered so terrible by so many people. I think it's mostly an American thing. Funny how sexy 15 years ago was a lot better tolerated than it is today.

I LOVE sexy looks so much because that's always been my interest in cding. I was never allowed to (or through I could not) look like this years ago. And now I've got the courage to be me, but I'm getting old really fast. I've got maybe 10 years or so before I simply would look ridiculous trying to wear something like that. I want to really enjoy what little "sexy" time I have. I exercise so much but I can't stop the aging process. :(

As I said you looked so dam hot. You have the body for it hun. I just wrote a thread (below) about not passing. I don't pass Looks wise or really in my voice but some people think I pass fine and voice to others say I and obvious so WTF. I put my post here just for you hun. So you can Laugh with me too.
Oh If I looked like you do I would pass 100% YOU GO GIRL FRIEND!!!!!

Thanks! :) I appreciate your sharing your blurb about not passing as well.

I may look hot for a cd (and thank you so much for saying that!), but I sure do not pass so I'll never be seen as a hot chick - ONLY a hot cd if hot at all. I don't mind, so long as I'm seen as hot. I work SOOOO damn hard to look that way! I just wish people were more accepting of us... but that will change in time.

Hey skinny girl! Love your outfit! I bet that takes some confidence to go out for the first time dressed like that. I also love your website http://www.mycdlife.com/ I've bookmarked it and I think I'll be going there often. Better go now, I have some water to drink and some gum to chew

Thanks, Rachel! :) It takes confidence, BUT I never stepped outside my car like that (not away from home, anyway). It wold have drawn too much attention and I might have been harmed by the wonderfully CLOSED minded locals.

I see you've got the same eating habits as I do. :heehee: Thank you so much for visiting myCDlife.com. I work VERY hard at maintaining it with quality content.

I have a new tv (pun intened)show for you called


Adrian and well Jamie test the Myths no one else would test.

lol - love the pun.

Crossdressing mythtbusters - now THAT'S a show I'm sure we'd all love to see! :heehee:

Great news, Gabrielle, I wasn't really on the boards yesterday so I just found out about this now, I read everything and I'm so happy for you.

I don't really have much else to add that hasn't been said, but congratulations again what an experience

Thanks, Jessica! :) I've got a long way to go, but I'm taking my first steps out. We all have to start somewhere, right?

Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for ya. You look smoken hot too. The most important thing is that you had a good time out. No one really bothered you, and you had a good laugh. The thing is you don't really know if the guy at Mc D's read you or not he may have been laughing at your panties showing or something. You had a fun safe outing and I hope you have many more. Keep on gurlen you sexy thing. Love!!!!!!

Thank you so much, Paula! :)

My underwear was not showing in the slightest. I actually checked carefully before pulling up to the window - not a chance anything was showing in that regard, trust me. He was clearly laughing at the "freak" in the car. Like I said though - didn't bother me. Bet I look better than his girlfriend, anyway! :heehee:

I'll keep on "gurlen" for as long as I'm physically capable! Thanks for your kinds words! :)

Fun story to read...missed the video. I had forgotton how funny (absurdly whimsical) I thought it all was when I started to dress fully and go out. Never laughed so much for such a long time in my life, but there were close seconds. It was such a happy time. dd

So you were all giggly too, huh? I'm not someone who giggles all the time, but I sure was that night! Must have been the adrenaline at work. I took a few videos while parked in my car, but couldn't post them because of all the silly things I was saying (not joking, just behaving silly). I might go back, edit all my video clips together without the sillier comments I was making, and then share... if/when I have the time.

Thank you so much EVERYONE for your awesome words of encouragement and kind compliments on my look! It means a lot to me. I hope my next outing will be a bit more OUT and a bit less sitting in the car...

05-18-2009, 08:19 PM
The video wasn't that great, really. I have pondered doing more videos - not just out and about, but entertaining and maybe humorous things, but that's undecided as of yet. To see me in motion I look a whole lot less passable and that kind of bothers me. Got to get over it though if I am to keep venturing out, right?

I was probably one of the few that was lucky enough to see the video. I fully understand you not wanting it up as I understand the need for privacy for some.

But I do have to say it was great. I think you look great and it was a great insight into the nerves just before going out. You have been building up to this for a long time and everyone (who was quick enough :D ) was able to see how it feels to finally reach that moment. It was pretty special and it showed. Congrats! I see you being out there often knocking them dead!