View Full Version : Becoming Jenna

05-23-2009, 02:23 AM
Hey everyone, its been a while since i have been around, been busy with not being able to find a job, etc. Anyway, I am planning on beginning transition when I can find the right therapist. But i need some advice. First, what can I expect when things begin. Also, what should I look for in a therapist? Any further advice would be helpful. Also, I have changed my name to Jenna, just an fyi. Please feel free to PM me with your response if you like. Thanks for all your help!


05-23-2009, 02:28 AM
Well it helps to find a therapist experienced in gender issues also one that has transitioned patients before is a plus.

But most important is finding one that you are comfortable talking with. You want to just sit down and talk, share your feelings, open up, and go at a pace you are comfortable with.

05-23-2009, 03:26 AM
Well it helps to find a therapist experienced in gender issues also one that has transitioned patients before is a plus.

But most important is finding one that you are comfortable talking with. You want to just sit down and talk, share your feelings, open up, and go at a pace you are comfortable with.

I agree 100%. I went to 2 Gender Therapists before I found the one I'm using. I absolutely love her. If you find a therapist, after awhile, see if they run any groups for Transgendered people. I've been with my therapist for 2 years now and I only see her one-on-one about once every 2-3 months, but I go to group every other week.

BTW, when you say you changed your name, you mean here on the forum, not a legal name change, correct?

I wish you the best of luck with your therapist search and welcome back!


Melissa A.
05-23-2009, 05:37 AM
The wrong therapist can make life very difficult. Alot have no knowledge at all about this issue, and many come with their own biases and ignorance. Many areas have one or two who are seen by most of the transpeople around the location. If you know any anyone in your town who is seeing one, or if there's a yahoo group in your area(there are many), I would suggest getting a referal. If that's not possible, if you google Gender therapist and your city, and you may find a couple. Therapists are the gatekeepers, but they shouldn't make you run an obstacle course to get to where you need, either. Most of the experienced ones know this. Good luck!



05-23-2009, 05:24 PM
As in everything, there are good therapists, and bad ones! My first therapist was a real snot of a woman! I wasted three sessions with her and a lot of money before I found the absolutely right Therapist who happened to be a guy. He was wonderful, understanding and just all-around nice! I found him by asking at TS meetings. You are involved in group meetings aren't you? If not, find a group (or groups!) and pick the minds of the people there... folks like you. Don't hesitate to ask advice from the leaders! It's a lot easier if you don't try to do the transition thing alone!
The girls here are also a good source of information.