View Full Version : Stepanie's going out to the clubs tonight for the fiirst time....

06-13-2009, 12:24 PM
I'm really looking forward to it but at the sme time to say that I'm scared sh**less is an understatement....So we'll see how it goes....going sol as well...

Yeah I know...full report....

Maybe get the co jones and take some pictures.....

See can't even spell my name right!!!!

trannie T
06-13-2009, 12:46 PM
Isn't it fun when they leave the nest for the first time?

Kate Simmons
06-13-2009, 04:21 PM
Just relax, be yourself and enjoy my friend.:)

06-13-2009, 04:24 PM
I am so happy for you. have a blast sweety.

Gabrielle Hermosa
06-13-2009, 06:01 PM
Congrats on your upcoming night out en femme, Stephanie!

It's understandable you're nervous, but I bet you have a great time once you settle into the thick of things.

Have a blast and give us the skinny after! :)

06-14-2009, 01:37 AM
It sucked but glad I did it...bitch typing with nails

Deedee Dupree
06-14-2009, 01:52 AM
Hi Steph,

That's truly disappointing to hear. I was rooting for you to have a great evening. Well, I can say not every time I went out was great. Some were some were not.

Well, when you feel up to it, it would be nice to know what happened?


06-14-2009, 07:27 AM
It sucked but glad I did it...bitch typing with nails

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it does stop you from trying again. :hugs:

06-14-2009, 08:18 AM
I was going to go to a gay club.... I got going an I wasgoing to be late..was suppose to meet someone and never did,,got there and drove around for a half hour and could not find a parking space....other that walk maybe two blocks in heels.

I was by myself which was a mistake...next time I'm dragging someone with me...

Drove around and said the heck with it...if I was with someone might have been different....but next time??? Oh yeah like next weekend !!!!! Steph's out and no putting this girl back!!!!

NOTE of humor....

I'm looking for a parking space see this girl and think oh that's a CD or T/G...I'll ask her if there's some plce to park..."pull up and say oh hon, do you know of any places to park?... she turns around and says No I don't it's petty jammed up here tonight...guess what she was a girl...but man did she look like a guy!!!! So I got fooled

06-14-2009, 03:14 PM
Next time exchange cell phone numbers with the person with whom you are going to meet. Then if you are late you can still make sure that you can meet up. Also, I always try to meet with someone in another spot, public parking, supermarket parking lot, whatever. That way we can talk before we get there and establish a relationship for the night before we get into a noisy place and then have trouble hearing each other. I am like you and always try to go with someone (to lean on, count on, share with, talk with, support and all the rest).

06-14-2009, 09:14 PM

I hate it for ya that it was soooo bad. I don't want to hijack your post so I thought i'd add a little about my Club experience last night. . .

In a different city and state. . .

here goes. . .and Sherry this shows that every once in a while going out alone can be fun but scary at the same time :o

Well, I haven't been out to a club in over 12 yrs or so. . .being I got married and after that -- never had the chance to visit a club again til now. . . you may know of my current situation but anyways . . .

We have 3 GLBT clubs in the area so I chose one called "The Castle" why the name? I guess cuz they have Drag Kings and Drag Queens that put on shows there ??? anyhoo on with it.

I decided to call ahead for myself . . . I was going alone :( I don't know too many other girls who actually go out here in SC but I really wanted to go so I went . . . ! arrived at 10:30pm and it was dead! really dead. . . so I figured it wouldn't get busy til late but I was determined. . .so I paid the cover and went in.

I was officially in a GLBT club yeah!

there were a few people milling around waiting so I wasn't totally alone whew, so I sat down at a tall table and waited. . .and waited. Then, to my surprise a Cowboy asked if he could sit with me. . .interestingly enough he was in town participating in a local rodeo as a bullrider! A bullriding cowboy in a gay bar . . uh I was intrigued. . .come to find out, he wandered into the wrong bar and for some reason decided to stay :o He was friendly and asked if I was a guy or girl :D so I decided to tell him that I was a TS. he seemed ok with that so. . . We had some small talk and then he mosed on along to a small table in the back of the bar. . .whew, that went well. Still a lot of night to go.

It gradually started to pick up as more patrons entered and started dancing with their partners to the local top 40 songs . . . I was glad to see it was getting more activity... but now I was alone again :(

That was until 2 sweet ladies and their friend came and sat down a table away. . . They saw that I was alone and invited me to their table!! ooh I was thrilled!! I gladly accepted and then over the next few hours we chatted, about a variety of girly things and watched the local drag queen show neat!! It turned out these sweet gals kept buying me drinks. I couldn't believe it!! I was having such a good time. . . here's a run down on their orientation: Both women were in their late 40s One was a lesbian and her friend was straight and the guy friend they brought was gay and had just broken up with his partner :( very sweet people. . . they complimented me many times which was nice! I met some really nice people

What a blast for someone who went out alone. . . now here's the scariest part of the whole night and it was at the very end near closing time. eek!

You guessed it if you said the time when those usually lonely who wait around seeking some "company" for the night. . .remember that cowboy from earlier, well, as I was leaving, this now very drunk cowboy asked if I wanted to go to his truck with him. OH no!! I said no! I was tired and needed to go home. . .he moved on . . .whew!

It gets a bit creepier and worse yet. . . As I was trying to leave, this drunk and possibly bind drunk Mexican guy asks me if I want to go to his car with him . . . Uh no! I have to go home . . . then he asks if he can come to my place for some company . . . uh no! Too tired and must work tomorrow . . . this guy was very pushy and I was a bit freaked out! He even said, "You don't like Mexicans!" Then he asks for a kiss! Not just a peck but a serious kiss! EEEEEk! and EW! he was not at all attractive and even if he was not too sure if I'd go there that and I was now very scared . . . . I thanked my new friends and I found a different way out and there he was in the parking lot waiting . . .so I ran to my car, quickly locked my doors and sped away!

There were some other good moments but I'll have to share them later lest this post be a novel :)

Like I said it was a good night all but the end. . .I think next time I'll just stay with a group rather that getting off by myself at times where it could get uncomfortable. . .I still think it would be much more fun with friends then going alone but if you must go alone you can still have a good time we just need to remember to be extra careful :o