View Full Version : Very Confused need help. Please help. / Has anyone taken a gender test?

06-16-2009, 01:16 AM
A while ago I took the COMBINED GENDER IDENTITY AND TRANSSEXUALITY INVENTORY assessment test. I feel that it provided a very accurate result. Saying that I am Bi/Dual-Gendered. Meaning that I have a very distinct Masculine Side, and a very distinct Feminine side.

Im having a tricky time with this, as its hard to talk even to transsexuals about this problem because I have to explain it for a good 15 minutes. Like I visit a transexual chatroom on IMVU a lot, but then there are long periods of time where Im gone doing male things. I cant really introduce my transexual friends to my "normal friends" and I cant do the vice-versa either.

The big problem though is that I cant seam to find harmony or balance between the two identities. For example, When I try to date, I cant say that Im a Tgirl, even though I kind of am about 50% of the time. Then when they are OK with that, its a mind trip for them to get used to me as a guy, then as a girl for while, then back to guy another few days later.

I couldn't like seek permission to go to work in drag sometimes, then as a male sometimes.

My problem is that I seam to have to choose between the two gender identities, but both are important to me, and I like both. I cant really do without one of them either.
I cant get like a sex change to take care of this either, because the masculine side is important to me too, it wouldnt work any better if I was transformed.

Anyone can help me out on this? Its not a HUGE problem right now, but it is an issue and I fear that it is growing more into a big problem as time progresses.

Take the COGLIATI for yourself, for free at http://transsexual.org/cogiati_english.html

06-16-2009, 01:31 AM
Well, as a psychologist, I advise you to seek professional help...

Not on this forum (with all due respect for all the good willing people out here)... but real help, preferably from a professional specializing in gender disorder issues.

If your story is true, you and your counselor have some work to do...


06-16-2009, 01:36 AM
Im a psychology major myself, and I quite agree. THe problem is that I live in a community where I wouldnt trust the psychologists around her to maintain confidentiality, and I cant really tell my mom about it. Im not their yet. THOUGH I DROP PRETTY CONSIDERABLE HINTS! SO going to Lincoln or Omaha really isnt an option.

06-16-2009, 01:57 AM
I agree, counselling with a knowlegible counsellor is the best think for you. Is there not confidentialty between patient and counsellor. As you suggested you may have to go further a field. In other words what comes first your well being or what.....

06-16-2009, 02:00 AM
I wouldnt trust the psychologists around her to maintain confidentiality

Well, as a psychology major, you should know a lot better... A professional registered psychologist who cannot guarantee confidentiality, has very poor career prospects and will soon be out of a job...

So your argument is invalid. Find one near you, as I advised you before...


06-16-2009, 02:06 AM
British Columbia is very very diferent from Middle of Nowhere Rural USA. As in I would be run out of town, and they would keep their job. Yes it really is like that.

06-16-2009, 02:25 AM
I believe what you are saying, Vikki, based on your own internal feelings and experiences, but I do want to emphasize that you shouldn't take the COGIATI too seriously. It's more like a fortune cookie "for entertainment purposes only" - the questions are so extremely weighted to outdated gender stereotypes that half the women on the planet would peg out as highly masculine, and vice-versa, depending on whether they are better at reading facial expressions or maps (or math vs. spelling, or history vs. science). And don't get me started about the numerous questions that have answers phrased almost identically - "Sometimes I could" vs. "I think I might be able to" - yet throw your score up or down depending on which one you pick. In short, it's a poorly written, completely unscientific novelty that should never be used to self-diagnose or make any life decisions.

06-16-2009, 02:31 AM
I too took it for entertainment but it had an accurate diagnosis inspite of its flaws. I just mentioned it as back up so it was clear that Im not TS in denial or somthing like that. I know it is not a well written tool. I took it because I wasnt sure how to explain myself and wanted a word for it. Im not making decisions based on the test. I had these feelings before I took it.

Dana Lane
06-16-2009, 03:38 AM
Have you thought about dressing right in the middle? To a point where it is hard to tell if you are male or female? Just a thought.

06-16-2009, 04:18 AM
What Ralph said. Don't stake any major life decisions on a bullshit test created by [-]quack[/-] psychiatrists. (Sorry, redundant.) I've known garbagemen with better understanding of the human psyche. The Garbage Man would say, "Why you worry? Just be you, man! Why you gotta live in somebody's else's little box?"

Im a psychology major myself,

Why am I not surprised? :doh: Physician, heal thyself.

06-16-2009, 05:26 AM
Being bi-gender appears to be about your brain-structure and appears to be common.


Society always eeds to catch up with science. And some of this science is quite new.

So we need to educate the whole community about this.

If your brain is strongly wired as Bi-Gender you likely won't be happy sticking with either (like most CDs, I suspect many if not most CDs are moderate to strongly bi-gender). Only by educating people will your problems and those of other bi-gender folk be resolved completely.

06-16-2009, 12:00 PM
Don't put much trust in the COGIATI. The test is structured in a way that anyone with an education will get mid to high male results.

06-16-2009, 12:33 PM
Many years ago I was having midlife issues trying to decide where I fell on on the gender spectrum. I researched, as musch as possible before the internet, two local psychologists that supposedly specialized in gender issues.

The first meeting was "interesting" to say the least.

This doctor had me sit in a large easy chair that had large leather covered electric colis on the seat, the back and on the arms. This series of coils was attached to a tower computer sized gadget with a few knobs etc. Being an electronics geek myself I was intrigued.

His explanation of this device was that after factoring in my age and weight, it would generate extremely low frequency magnetic waves that would "relax" me. I could see there was no danger of electrocution from its design, but let's just say I had major doubts about the efficacy of such a device.

Then the questions began. Long story short after about 10 minutes of this he began his schpeil about SRS. The only problem is that I am NOT TS. I consider myself the garden variety crossdresser- at least at that point in my life.

After the hour was up we made another appointment, primarily out of curiosity on my part.

The next appointment, he was not there but his partner was. The woman was a large frame individual and had lost a leg to diabetes. This I found strange as it seems to be an educated, scientific or medically trained person would know to take care of rampant diabetes and should probably not have sucumbed to such a loss.

After about 10 minutes of intoduction, the doctor began to talk about HER life and depression etc. 125.00 an hour I paid to be someone elses shrink.

I have handled the audio visual setups for the American Psychaitric Association for many years as a contractor and I can tell you categorcally that searching for a balanced shrinks is easier said than done.

Don't rely on just one person' analysis unless you feel a genuine confidence and trust. They can send you down a road not meant for you.

Take care,


06-16-2009, 12:36 PM
I agree, counselling with a knowlegible counsellor is the best think for you. Is there not confidentialty between patient and counsellor. As you suggested you may have to go further a field. In other words what comes first your well being or what.....

Except for some mandatory reporter issues, yes there is complete confidentiality.

06-16-2009, 12:58 PM
A very smart young therapist once said to me, when I asked her the very same question, a few years back.

"Why can't you be both?"

I pondered that for quite a while.
Yes.There are somethings about each gender that are worth keeping.
You can be the best of both worlds!:)
You can be "YOU".:D

Melissa A.
06-16-2009, 01:24 PM
My problem is that I seam to have to choose between the two gender identities, but both are important to me, and I like both. I cant really do without one of them either.

Lemme ask you...why do you have to choose? You really aren't any different from the vast majority of gender-variant people out there. It seems to me you simply haven't figured out the best way to fit it into your life yet. If you find yourself exceedingly unhappy, deppressed, or suicidal, yes, see a therapist. It can only help. But what you are describing is a case of transgenderitis combined with maturing and growing up. And that's really perfectly alright.

And like, no, you probably couldnt get an employer to like, to go along with, like, you presenting as more than one like, gender. (I'm sorry. I had to) But that's really not an unreasonable thing. I'm a transexual, and even I get that.

I imagine as time goes on, you'll figure all this out. You'll find the right friends, the right relationships, the right job, and a presentation that works for you. And if you're honest with yourself, a way to fit all of this into your life. My help, for what it's worth, is this: Don't worry about it. Worry only makes it all less fun.



Nicki B
06-16-2009, 01:45 PM
A while ago I took the COMBINED GENDER IDENTITY AND TRANSSEXUALITY INVENTORY assessment test. I feel that it provided a very accurate result. Saying that I am Bi/Dual-Gendered. Meaning that I have a very distinct Masculine Side, and a very distinct Feminine side.

Did you read the small print, when you did the test? It's noted for giving you exactly the answer you wanted, i.e. it's very easy to skew, consciously or unconsciously..

British Columbia is very very diferent from Middle of Nowhere Rural USA. As in I would be run out of town, and they would keep their job. Yes it really is like that.

So - why don't you move, to where you can live as the person you want to?

06-16-2009, 01:46 PM
Dita wrote
A professional registered psychologist who cannot guarantee confidentiality, has very poor career prospects and will soon be out of a job...So your argument is invalid.

Uh, it's not invalid at all. Oh, they'll guarantee your confidentiality, but they won't keep that guarantee. No one can anymore. All your information gets written in your chart, and 'professionals' often feel it necessary to discuss you with their peers. I don't know where you work, Dita, but I've worked in the medical field now for >30 years in many different hospitals, and several physicians' offices. Healthcare workers of all types talk amongst themselves out in public all the time, discussing cases openly, and just because they don't mention someone's name doesn't mean no one can figure out who that particular patient is; and of course physicians are the worst offenders. They often discuss the most intimate details of patients cases in the hallways and elevators of institutions as well as out in world, where the general public is, without even a care about it at all. I'm not a physician, or an administrator; several times I mentioned that perhaps it wasn't the place to discuss things like that and got into trouble with my bosses, saying that I should mind my own business. This practice is widespread. So, now I keep my mouth shut just to keep my own job. Basically, these people think they're above the laws, and nothing is going to change that. Someone like me who lets the authorities know that these people are violating HIPPA laws pretty much guarantees that I will never have a job again. I don't have enough money saved up to withstand a lengthy lawsuit while being out of work, and have no desire to work a minimum wage job for the next 10 years waiting for a settlement. Whistle-blowers in this country aren't treated very well. Also, patient's charts are maintained by a large assortment of clerks, secretaries, filing personel, people who transport the charts around the facilities, insurance industry personel who have easy access to most of your records, I can go on and on. Basically, patient confidentiality is a joke. While you are a patient, pretty much everyone is reading your information except you! All in the name of giving better care because 'they know more about your case' that way.

Confidentiality? Be afraid. Be very afraid. And now, with the introduction of digitalization of patients charts, your information will be floating all over cyberspace. They say it will facilitate treatment, but it's all about sharing patients information among all the 'providers'.

You want someone's information? Simple. Get a separate phone line, give it a business name like 'fax line' or 'charting archives' or something like that, so the caller I.D. delivers that identity to whoever you call. Make up a phony cover letter with some nice letterhead on it. Create a release of confidentiality letter, nicely worded, and fill out the information of the person that you want information on. Call the institution you want information from, and come up with some story about that patient being treated and you need some test results or something. That will start the ball rolling; and as you accumulate more information, it's easy to convince the people on the other end of the line that you are involved in the patient's case, and more often than not, they will fax you whatever you want.

As one doc told me; the number of people it takes to keep a secret? One. Any more than that and you're compromised. Be careful out there.

Nicki wrote
So - why don't you move, to where you can live as the person you want to?
Not everyone can just pick up and move anywhere they want to. We're not all independently wealthy. For most of us, doing so will result in being unemployed or winding up in a minimum wage job for a long time; not exactly a future everyone wants. Especially if you have a lucrative position somewhere. We're not all willing to give up everything else just so we can dress up when we want to. Not to mention, leaving all your family and friends behind. Not everyone is able to cut all ties and support, move on, and just hope for the best.

06-16-2009, 03:22 PM
Nicki wrote
Not everyone can just pick up and move anywhere they want to. We're not all independently wealthy. For most of us, doing so will result in being unemployed or winding up in a minimum wage job for a long time; not exactly a future everyone wants. Especially if you have a lucrative position somewhere. We're not all willing to give up everything else just so we can dress up when we want to. Not to mention, leaving all your family and friends behind. Not everyone is able to cut all ties and support, move on, and just hope for the best.

Doesn't it depend how much you want it? I'm not sure Vikki is ready yet. Maybe time will tell

Nicki B
06-16-2009, 06:41 PM
Nicki wrote
Not everyone can just pick up and move anywhere they want to. We're not all independently wealthy.

Very few of us are.. :heehee:

My point is, plan your life around this - you don't have to just sit there and take what comes?

06-16-2009, 07:35 PM
First off, the COGIATI test is by no means a clinical study. And it's so easy to manipulate, it's practically a joke. Everyone who deals with gender identity issues comes across that test on the internet sooner or later. And everyone takes it, and everyone gushes about what a chick they are. My advice, use it for personal amusement, but nothing more. It's a conversation piece, that's all.

Look inside yourself. Strip yourself of physical gender, and look at yourself deeply. Where do you stand? There are no right answers or any wrong answers. There's a bell curve where every personality type lives, and you're on it somewhere. Don't be ashamed or alarmed at where you stand on it. Just accept it and move forward from there. Just be you. This is where self-acceptance lives. You can live there, too.

This path has many destinations. The good ones are the ones found through self awareness and self acceptance. The bad ones...well, evil that way lies. You don't have to have a battle raging between your dual identities. Merge them into one. This doesn't mean that your male ego has to display feminine qualities if it doesn't want to, it only means that you are at peace with it, that's all. One doesn't need to win over the other. They can live together in harmony with each other. They can be one.

Michelle S
06-16-2009, 07:59 PM

There is nothing wrong about being bi-gendered. I go out en femme about once a week - not just to night clubs - but to cafes and shoppes during the day time. But, I enjoy doing things in guy mode too. I sometimes think of myself as being bi-gendered or dual-gendered. I am definitely not androgynous. I have never felt the need to see a therapist about this.

You wrote: "I couldn't like seek permission to go to work in drag sometimes, then as a male sometimes."

Actually progress is being made here. I know someone who is very active in TS workplace issues. She knowns of someone who is working with his/her employer about being free to come in as either gender. This is a new frontier. There is not any case law on it yet, but our day is coming. You are young. I think you have a good chance of being able to live and work freely as a bi-gendered person someday.

I also know what it is like to live in small town America. Get your degree, then move to the big city! The world awaits you!

06-16-2009, 10:15 PM
The COGIATI -- which I had never heard of until about 10 minutes ago -- is what some psychologists call a self-reporting inventory instrument. It is not a diagnostic tool. It will not "tell" you if you are gay, transgendered, or just plain nuts. Instead it helps you to decide who you are and what you want. Notice that the only personal pronoun in that last sentence is "you."

This next sentence is very important: In inventory instruments like the COGIATI, only YOU ---- yes, you -- can validate the results. Is this really me? There are so many factors that affect the way that we answer questions on inventory instruments. The results are valid only if you say that they are valid.

Do not over-reach with the instrument. I looked at the COGIATI. To the everlasting credit of its designer, the instructions point out the weaknesses in the instrument. The author clearly indicates this. The instructions state:

"The user is advised to consider the results of taking the COGIATI as a basis for self-examination and perhaps as an indication of what further investigation might be pursued. The COGIATI can not tell the user what they should do, or what they are. The COGIATI can only strongly suggest a rough category of definition to the user, as an aid to self-understanding."

The results of this instrument are one piece of information that you can consider for what it is worth. But you are the owner and ultimate interpreter of the data.

Consultation with a psychologist might be helpful to help you understand and validate your results. But you have to make the decision.

This is the start of the journey, not its destination.

I hope that this helps.

By the way, I thought that my results were not entirely accurate, but reasonably close. I need to think about them more.

06-16-2009, 10:53 PM
No disrepect intended for the other posters, but Dita and Nora probably gave the best advice offered. Your initial thread beginning and your subsequent posts sound as though you are a very mixed up person! Nothing wrong with that, I guess most of us on this forum would admit to being somewhat mixed up!

But yours goes beyond that, and that is why seeing a psychologist would be a good idea. And your statements about not being able to do that because you live in a small town are, pardon the expression, pure hogwash! In my 70 plus years on this earth, I have lived in small towns and big cities. As a former credit manager, and current Life and Health Insurance Agent I am well aware of confidentiality regulations and laws! And no matter where he/she is located, a certified, licensed Psychologist would not reveal things told in confidence. Breaking that confidence would not only result in loss of license and certification, but also, in many states, could be a criminal act! BTW, I am talking about a Psychologist who practices the field for a living, not as a sideline to teaching it!

BTW, I took the same test and guess what? I am half and half!! What a big surprise!!!!:doh: Do you suppose I "fixed" the results?:heehee:

06-18-2009, 01:08 PM
Putting all the advice together, I do feel quite a bit better. I think Im starting to harmonize. Thank you all.:hugs:

Aubrey Green
06-19-2009, 09:29 PM
Wow! I took the test. I was confused about how I felt all these years and this site (it's people) really put me at ease. The test shook me up again. It says I am androgen. That I could live contently as either male or female, but probably couldn't find the ultimate happiness as either male or female. :eek: That is interesting to say the least. So I guess I am just a person born to be content with my life. That's kind of a blow to my ego's. Good thing I am not a weak minded person. :daydreaming:

06-19-2009, 09:55 PM
What Ralph said. Don't stake any major life decisions on a bullshit test created by [-]quack[/-] psychiatrists. (Sorry, redundant.)

Psychiatrists didn't create the COGIATI, Jennifer Diane Reitz did, and she's a programmer/artist/writer by trade. I wish I could wipe the COGIATI of the net. The thing causes too much fuss because it sounds like something "official" or "scientific" Even JDR herself doesn't claim it makes a reliablediagnostic tool.

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.

08-01-2009, 10:49 AM
Hi Girls,

I've always been a little confused about where I fit in the gender hierarchy. I do feel that I have pretty much equal male and female characteristics, leaning towards the female side slightly.

I decided to take a gender test to see what it might reveal. I took a lot of time answering the questions. Some were easy to answer, some took a little thought. Some had obvious answers if I wanted to push myself to the feminine side but I couldn't answer them that way because I wanted to be true to myself and not skew the test to the feminine side.

An example was something like, "If you were in a terrible accident and your male organs were permanently distroyed how would you feel?" If you said "Hooray" then you are probably wanting to transition fully. I put that it would be terrible but I would find a way to accept it. You can see how I could have selected "Hooray" and it would have moved me to the other end of the spectrum...if I wanted to intentionally move myself there. I answered honestly. :)

I'm not sure of the validity of the test but I do know that it appears to have given a fairly accurate score based on what I "believe" I am at this point.

Here are the results...

Your COGIATI result value is 125 which means that you fall within the following category:


What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity and Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially androgynous, both male and female at the same time, or possibly neither. In some cultures in history, you would be considered to be the third sex, independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine. Your gender issues are intrinsic to your construction, and you will most likely find your happiness playing with expressing both genders as you feel like it.

Suggestions for Action:

Your situation is a little tricky in our current society, but no tremendously so, depending on your geographic location.

The suggestions for your circumstance are not overly complicated.

1. If you have any conformability about your gender expression, some slight degree of counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining questions you might have.

2. As an androgynous being, both genders, and both sexes are natural to your expression. Permanent polarization in either direction might bring significant unhappiness. It is not recommended that you go through a complete transexual transformation. You might find a partial transformation of value, if you find yourself attracted overall to the feminine. You are more likely transgenderist, than transexual. It is recommended that you recognize that your gender issues are real, but that extreme action regarding them should be viewed with great caution.

3. If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands or groups devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of friends to discover who share your interests.

There are also publications, vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.

So, what do you think?



Christina Horton
08-01-2009, 11:05 AM
Where did you take the test on the web or some were else. The one Q you said well If it were me I would not be happy but it would be ok to. I would prob get SRS if that was the case but I want to have kids so that is a hard Q to ansure. Good test I wonder what Mine would be.

08-01-2009, 11:17 AM
Here is where you can take the test:




Joni Marie Cruz
08-01-2009, 11:21 AM
Hi Allie-

To be honest, I've taken a couple of these tests, different ones, online and don't give them a lot of credence except that they conform pretty much to what I already know about myself. I think they're fairly easy to manipulate and just by thinking about the answer a little you can skew the results to make yourself either more TG or more masculine or whatever. With that said, I have tried to answer them with the first thing that pops into my head when I read the question and usually wind up as pretty far into the femme side of the scale. Works for me.

Really, I suppose if I wanted some serious insight into my femininity I would go to a therapist who specializes in gender issues and spend several hundreds of dollars to find out what I already know about myself. Being someone who tends to intellectualize things, that would be fun if I could afford it, actually, if I had the money I'd buy some really cool shoes instead.

Hugs...Joni Mari

08-01-2009, 11:36 AM
I just took it, and my result seems accurate, although I am not sure how much of the suggested course of action I agree with; it recommended counseling.

I'm pretty comfortable with who I am. The world around me may not be though!

You can find the test here: http://transsexual.org/cogiati_english.html

Your COGIATI result value is: 190 Which means that you fall within the following category:

What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially feminine, but with some masculine or androgynous traits. It is very possible that you are a candidate for a diagnosis of transsexualism. You show a strong degree of gender dysphoria. At the very least, further investigation should be undertaken. Your COGIATI score places you among the majority of those diagnosed as transsexuals, the 'late onset' tanssexual.

Joan Merrie
08-01-2009, 11:44 AM
Yes I took the real test, I talked to my therapist.:D:hugs::love:

Marissa Anne
08-01-2009, 12:08 PM
Hmm. I was rather surprised at the results. However I did find some of the questions a bit narrow...where the choices didn't always fit. I suppose it just suggests what I was planning anyways which was to see a therapist capable of dealing with gender issues. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter as I will almost certainly not be able to transition. With a wife and child, I just couldn't put them through that.

08-01-2009, 12:18 PM
Things like the COGIATI test should be taken with a good pinch of salt. FWIW, I got Type 3 Androgyne too when I did it.

08-01-2009, 12:27 PM

I did take the COGIATI as well. It was at least 5 years ago. It came back Type 4 I believe and said I should get help.

I found it somewhat accurate but like many have said it can be easily manipulated. There are other tests but they can also be manipulated.

I think the best thing I learned was that I should see a gender therapist--and I started with a therapist and it has been helpful.

Sara Jean
08-01-2009, 12:31 PM
i just finished taking it I tried to honestly answer the questions I recived a score of 165

stacy-marie hanna
08-01-2009, 12:32 PM
i got Type 3 Androgyne too which i do agree with


Christina Horton
08-01-2009, 12:38 PM
I just took the test and here was my 100% honest result


Your COGIATI result value is: 100 Which means that you fall within the following category:
What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially androgynous, both male and female at the same time, or possibly neither. In some cultures in history, you would be considered to be a third sex, independent of the polarities of masculine or feminine. Your gender issues are intrinsic to your construction, and you will most likely find your happiness playing with expressing both genders as you feel like it.
Your situation is a little tricky in our current society, but not tremendously so, depending on your geographic location.
The suggestions for your circumstance are not overly complicated.
If you have any comfortability about your gender expression, some slight degree of counseling might well prove helpful. The primary goal would be to make it possible for you to enjoy your gender expressions free from any shame or embarrassment, and to resolve any remaining questions you might have.
As an androgynous being, both genders, and both sexes are natural to your expression. Permanent polarization in either direction might bring significant unhappiness. It is not recommended that you go through a complete transsexual transformation. You might find a partial transformation of value, if you find yourself more attracted overall to the feminine. You are more likely a transgenderist, than a transsexual. It is recommended that you recognize that your gender issues are real, but that extreme action regarding them should be viewed with great caution.
If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups devoted to gender play of various varieties. There is literally a world of friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications, vacations, and activities that would expand your gender play.

I wish it was higher but it is fine with me

08-01-2009, 12:40 PM
I took it a long time ago and just took it again, from what I remember I got pretty much the same answer.

Your COGIATI result value is: 230 Which means that you fall within the following category:
What this means is that the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory has classified your internal gender identity to be essentially feminine, but with some masculine or androgynous traits. It is very possible that you are a candidate for a diagnosis of transsexualism. You show a strong degree of gender dysphoria. At the very least, further investigation should be undertaken. Your COGIATI score places you among the majority of those diagnosed as transsexuals, the 'late onset' tanssexual.
Your situation is potentially serious and indicative of a probable inborn gender conflict. It is definitely recommended that you pursue further action.
The suggestions for your circumstance are several.
It is recommended that you seek help from a sympathetic counselor or professional about your gender issues. It is very possible that over time they will become increasingly difficult to cope with. Early determination of what you really need and want is vital. You need to determine if you truly are transsexual. Keep in mind, thought, that many alternatives exist other than complete sexual transformation. Partial transformation and many other way of existing are available. While you are very possibly a transsexual, COGIATI has determined that this is not absolutely certain. While time is an issue, being certain is more important. Proceed with investigation of your possible transsexuality or transgenderism, but with caution.
Some actions may help you to define your needs more clearly. Experimenting with living full time as a woman, taking hormones for a short time under supervision, or taking testosterone suppressers to observe how you feel are all viable options. Keep in mind that while it is very likely that you might be a transsexual, it is not certain. Do not take severe or permanent actions without long thought and the help of counselors and professionals.
Your gender issues are real, and should not be ignored. Neither should you rush into acting on them, however powerful they may feel. You do not fit the full criterion for the rarest classification, classic transsexuality, and so should be cautious, and open to possibilities. You may yet end up undergoing transition, and the path of the transsexual may well be your salvation. Be very careful, but do not ignore your issues.
If you have not already, consider joining any of the thousands of groups devoted to gender expression of various kinds. There is literally a world of friends to discover who share your interests. There are also publications, vacations, and activities that would expand your gender expression.
Thank you for using the Combined Gender Identity And Transsexuality Inventory.

Nicki B
08-01-2009, 12:41 PM
When I saw the thread title, I wondered what you meant by a gender test...

Please - do a search here on 'Cogiati' and read some of the threads you will find?

08-01-2009, 01:08 PM
Nicki-thank you for directing me to the Cogiati posts which I found in the "Search" heading.This really should be in the Trivia and Fun and Games sections. I was beginning to take it seriously-so thanks again.

Incidentally-are there any "Professional Tests" available?

08-01-2009, 01:47 PM
I recently took that gender test. Just as I figured, I am half and half. I made a strong effort to not side with the female questions ( at 66 I have taken a LOT of tests). Just as before on a similar test I was found to be half and half.

That question of having my genitals blown away was easy....I don't want anything blown away. I have give a lot of thought to what would it be like without the "boys". I am not sure how I would do emotionally, but would not miss sitting on them when eating breakfast in my gown. As we grow older, the male "sac" gets looser and longer. In addition to aging, we get to take more medications...hey, it comes with the birthdays. Like our personalities, everything begins to relax. The best medicine is accept yourself for who you are. God don't make no junk!


08-01-2009, 02:02 PM
That thing gave me a score of 170 / classification FOUR, PROBABLE TRANSSEXUAL and says: potentially serious and indicative of a probable inborn gender conflict. It is definitely recommended that you pursue further action.

Yeah ok... maybe later. :p nah.. Think I will go put on some heels, my purple skirt and grab a beer instead.

Sara Jean
08-01-2009, 02:29 PM
here is the breakdown of scores for those of you that didnt find the link to them

-650 to -389 Class 1 (Definite Male)
-390 to -129 Class 2 (Feminine Male)
-130 to 129 Class 3 (Androgyne)
130 to 389 Class 4 (Probable Transsexual)
390 to 650 Class 5 (Classic Transsexual)

08-01-2009, 02:44 PM
When I saw the thread title, I wondered what you meant by a gender test...

For my sake, I thought: "Oh no, AllieSummers has found the COGIATI without realizing it's been discussed ad infinitum and ad nauseum. :rolleyes: :dh:

Please - do a search here on 'Cogiati' and read some of the threads you will find?

Yep, :rolleyes:

The COGIATI shouldn't be taken too seriously, even JDR (Jennifer Diane Rietz, it's creator) says so, and IMHO shouldn't be taken seriously at all.

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.

Nicole Erin
08-01-2009, 02:47 PM
Here is a tried and true gender test -

1) do you want to live your life as the opposite of your birth gender?
Yes No

If yes - Start taking steps now to transition
If no - Take no steps towards transition

Many moments went into creating this gender test. The majority of time was spent correcting typos.

08-01-2009, 02:48 PM
According to the COGIATI test, I am androgynous.
I would probably agree ... I can talk golf with the guys and lingerie with the ladies.
Do I need help?
The COGIATI test should be considered a little bit of (potentially harmful?) fun.

08-01-2009, 02:49 PM
I just took that test and wound up a negative 65 (does that mean that I do not exist?). :confused:
I tried to answer the questions honestly and not distort them in either direction. :sigh:
Again, the results were what I expected them to be and I still do not any solid information, just what I already suspected. :sigh:
So, what am I? Defineately not as good looking as you! :sad:
But as popeye said, "I yam what I yam" :daydreaming::confused:

I just saw the scoring for the test,wowI am notwhat I thought. I guess maybe I overemphasized some of the "male" answers.
Oh well, if all these tests were accurate, I would be a surgeon somewhere.
(Test taken for career suitability when I separated from the Corps).

God don't make no junk!
This quote from Emme is true, and at age 39++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I will agree that, , , , , , , sigh
just get up and do something . . . anything, Just do it!

08-01-2009, 02:57 PM

When I look at your Avatar, I wonder why you bothered to take the test?? No queation what it should have told you!!! Girl, Girl, Girl!!!

I took the test some time ago, and scored as a definite Feminine Male.:heehee: I have taken a couple of other similar tests for gender, and always score as a female or feminine male! No desire to be a woman, but I sure do like to dress like one!!:love:

08-01-2009, 03:18 PM
OK, I scored a 95, COGIATI classification THREE, ANDROGYNE! That's about right!! :)

08-01-2009, 03:27 PM
Just for sh*** & giggles I took the test and scored an 80 which put me in the same category as you. And I have to say I agreed with these results.:)

08-01-2009, 03:36 PM
I can talk golf with the guys and lingerie with the ladies.
Do I need help?.

Anybody who talks about golf needs help ;)

08-01-2009, 05:47 PM
A very smart young therapist once said to me, when I asked her the very same question, a few years back.

"Why can't you be both?"

I pondered that for quite a while.
Yes.There are somethings about each gender that are worth keeping.
You can be the best of both worlds!:)
You can be "YOU".:D

I agree.

I took that test. Because I'm a GG I had to mentally change the questions a bit to fit my situation. I have to say, it was pretty accurate. -25: androgyne.

I look feminine on the outside, but I'm fairly androgynous (but slightly more female) inside my mind... unless some situation brings out my male or female side strongly. I like both sides. :)

Many years ago there was a huge difference between my serious, suit-wearing work self and my party animal nighttime self. This became exhausting after a while. Gradually I toned down the night side and loosened up during the day until I was pretty much a happy medium all the time. It worked for me. Something similar might work for you.

08-01-2009, 06:17 PM
I don't take it too seriously. :). But it was pretty accurate for me. Thanks for the "girl, girl, girl" comment. That means that at least when I'm in girl mode I'm pulling it off. ;-)



08-01-2009, 08:09 PM
If you new folks will take a quick look at the thread starter, you'll see this question was originally posted back in June (and, as others have noted, it keeps coming up again). For those who have not taken the time to read past discussions on the COGIATI, here's a quick summary: You should put every bit as much faith in that test as you do in your fortune cookie. Some of the distinctions between the answers (like "maybe" vs. "sometimes" vs. "possibly") are so fuzzy that you could give a completely different, but perfectly honest, answer to the same question three times in a row... and yet those three identical answers can nudge your score five or ten points in either direction depending on which one you pick. The test also presupposes some ridiculously outdated gender stereotypes like only men are good at math and only women are good at reading facial expressions. The remaining questions that might actually have some relevance to your personality are not any kind of analysis at all; they're just taking what you said and repeating it back to you. That is, if you're the type of person who would be thrilled with loss of your male genitalia and an opportunity to magically transform into the opposite sex - wow, big news flash, you are a likely candidate for SRS. OK, scratch that summary. You could get BETTER results from a fortune cookie.

Sorry about all the snark (yeah, right) but I seriously hate it when junk science is passed off as the real thing. That's fine when everybody knows it's junk, but when gullible folks actually make life decisions based on that junk science, I get angry.

08-01-2009, 08:16 PM
Here is a tried and true gender test -

1) do you want to live your life as the opposite of your birth gender?
Yes No

If yes - Start taking steps now to transition
If no - Take no steps towards transition

Many moments went into creating this gender test. The majority of time was spent correcting typos.

That's the best gender test I have seen yet.

08-01-2009, 08:28 PM
I too took it for entertainment but it had an accurate diagnosis inspite of its flaws. I just mentioned it as back up so it was clear that Im not TS in denial or somthing like that.

Personally if you were a TS you would know it, there isnt much denial aside from trying to surpress your innerself. Are there masculine women who enjoy baseball, motorcycles, boxing, etc... absolutely. Theres no reason you couldnt be transgendered, identify as female and still enjoy more masculine hobbies, work etc... I was sort of this way for a long time, I thought that if I flooded my life with uber (sorry mod's I know its not an english word :)) male hobbies like riding dirtbikes and playing paintball that I could sort of drown the woman inside with testosorone. But thats not really me, I still enjoy some of that stuff I just dont take it to extremes. Now on the other hand I know a TS female who is uber girly but loves to drive off road and work on trucks. The point is were all complex and we all have different things that bring us peace. If you are TS you know, you just do, even if you are in denial or are trying to surpress your self deep down you know. Dont let your hobbies dictate who you are. If you take the time and think there are a lot of women who enjoy extreme sports and hold traditional male jobs, theres no reason you cant be one of them. There are a lot of women who dont enjoy wearing skirts and heels and are happy in a t-shirt and jeans, theres no reason you cant be one of them.

08-01-2009, 08:57 PM
A friend of mine's husband is TG. S/he came out to my friend 12 odd years ago, and after a difficult first few years eventually the family rallied around, including the kids who are now nearly adult, to fully support husband/dad. The family also belongs to a church community that is extremely supportive of the husband's transness.

So my friend told me that her husband over the years ran the gamut from at first being extremely involved in the lifestyle and wanting to live 24/7, take hormones, and not knowing if she wanted to transition, to not wanting to dress at all for some years (despite having everyone's full support), to being happy living in balance, to beginning the cycle all over again.

I should think my friend's husband would have had different results on the cogiati or similar tests depending on when s/he took it. I've often wondered if gender identification among some CDers (not TSs) is more fluid than people believe, and indicates changing attitudes rather than a permanent state of being.

08-01-2009, 09:58 PM

Are you saying Fortune Cookies aren't always true? Darn, I really wanted that check to come!:heehee:

Penelope Marie
08-01-2009, 10:03 PM
I just took this silly test and got just what i knew already. score 135, probable transsexual . classification 4 i do need to seek some professional help not so they can tell me what i am just so i can hopefully get this train rolling, and at last find some peace and contentment

Nicki B
08-01-2009, 11:07 PM
IME the Cogiati gives you exactly the answer you want - which means it's too easy (both subconsciously and consciously) to slant the answers.

Personally if you were a TS you would know it, there isnt much denial aside from trying to surpress your innerself.

I've heard many people say this - and yet a lot of people I know who've transitioned have had long periods of doubt and uncertainty - it seems at least as common as absolute certainty, and perhaps is more understandable? :idontknow:

08-02-2009, 02:15 AM
Anybody who talks about golf needs help ;)

:lol: i just read this out to clayfish n he cracked up myself oi think hes beyond any help laffing... but then thats just my :2c: :devil::battingeyelashes:

im a GG n that test says im more to the male then female. now go figure that one...laffing... does that mean i have bigger balls then most, n clayfish says nah i just sell more tickets. laffing:devil::D:tongueout

08-02-2009, 04:05 AM
i just roll with it and if guys are uncomfortable with it, trust me, there are many guys out there who arent sweetie!

08-02-2009, 11:07 PM
I've often wondered if gender identification among some CDers (not TSs) is more fluid than people believe, and indicates changing attitudes rather than a permanent state of being.

I think it might be, but then again I think a certain number of self-identified CD's are what I call "Proto-TS's"

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.

08-03-2009, 12:48 AM
A while ago I took the COMBINED GENDER IDENTITY AND TRANSSEXUALITY INVENTORY assessment test. I feel that it provided a very accurate result. Saying that I am Bi/Dual-Gendered. Meaning that I have a very distinct Masculine Side, and a very distinct Feminine side.

Im having a tricky time with this, as its hard to talk even to transsexuals about this problem because I have to explain it for a good 15 minutes. Like I visit a transexual chatroom on IMVU a lot, but then there are long periods of time where Im gone doing male things. I cant really introduce my transexual friends to my "normal friends" and I cant do the vice-versa either.

The big problem though is that I cant seam to find harmony or balance between the two identities. For example, When I try to date, I cant say that Im a Tgirl, even though I kind of am about 50% of the time. Then when they are OK with that, its a mind trip for them to get used to me as a guy, then as a girl for while, then back to guy another few days later.

I couldn't like seek permission to go to work in drag sometimes, then as a male sometimes.

My problem is that I seam to have to choose between the two gender identities, but both are important to me, and I like both. I cant really do without one of them either.
I cant get like a sex change to take care of this either, because the masculine side is important to me too, it wouldnt work any better if I was transformed.

Anyone can help me out on this? Its not a HUGE problem right now, but it is an issue and I fear that it is growing more into a big problem as time progresses.

Take the COGLIATI for yourself, for free at http://transsexual.org/cogiati_english.html

Hi Vikki

I don't know of this test but I would imagine that the stereoptype content in the questions could well be true. I would struggle to take it seriously therefore because I tend to hate stereotypes...especialy gender ones!

I understand the things you are saying about having male friends and TG friends .....and finding it hard to combine the two. I don't have any real life TG friends ( yet ) but I have a lot of girlfriends and few male friends. I struggle to understand the boy lifestyle in a lot of ways and sometimes i have struggled to make new male friends. That is a sad thing in a way because i so want to behave as I normaly would like when I'm around my girlfriends, which is basicaly one of the girls!.....though when around new males I struggle to let my guard down and tend to take on that mask I'v grown all my life.

It makes me sad , because I often meet men who are sensitive and gentle and would no doubt be fine with me being like a girl, but I don't let them in. For me it is a pretty clear feeling inside...in how I believe I am a girl inside and the male behavior is mostly...mostly a mask or a remnant of the mask I'v been wearing since I was 5.

I won't deny that I have some trates that are masculine and likes/dislikes etc. I don't fight those things because most GG I know or have met also have various male trates.

:hugs: b

JoAnne Wheeler
08-03-2009, 12:43 PM
I took the test - scored 245 - they said I was a transexual !

JoAnne Wheeler

08-03-2009, 12:55 PM
You betcha - it's a huge problem. Been there, done that myself.

If you are truly transgendered (call it bi-gendered if you wish) then you must not hide one gender nor should you feel that you need to choose. It won't do you any good since the other "ignored" gender will scream at you until you let it out. It's worse than a foo-foo dog locked in a car at a mall. I can't tell you how to let both sides find expression, but I can tell you that you need to find ways of doing just that.

For me, I seem to have simply reached a place of ease and comfort with my own dual gender issue. To most of my friends I probably seem to be a pretty average kind of guy. But, then, I tend to choose friends and situations that are comfortable and non-threatening. Think about who you see and where you are. Be advised: it gets easier as you get older because less is expected of you in regard to gender presentation.

I keep my feminine side mostly confined to home where my wife is wonderfully accepting and supportive. Very rarely we go out shopping together and I dress down to match the locals. So, the fem side gets a compromise but it works for me. You will find your own water level.

Just be aware that both genders need to find expression. To do otherwise is to invite stress, shame, and worry lines.

08-03-2009, 01:08 PM
Vikki,I scored 175 and I will not be cutting the junk off in this life time for the sake of that test!
I need a drink :drink:

08-03-2009, 03:41 PM

If you don't know who you are, no one else does. You say you value both your male and female sides equally. There's your answer. Enjoy one or the other as the mood takes you.


08-03-2009, 04:27 PM
Believe me when I say that a great many of us here know exactly what you are talking about as we have "been there, done that". A great many of us have had to live double lives; one as a man, the other as a woman (so to speak).
This is not always easy and is often frustrating. One has to consider a number of factors when deciding how to best handle this situation. Not everyone will make the same choices.
The "good news" is that you are not alone and that many of us understand and are sympathetic.
Good luck!

08-03-2009, 04:45 PM
I just took it, not too surprised at the outcome. Nice to have some affirmation from a 3rd party source

08-03-2009, 07:51 PM
for kicks I took the Cogiati test.its says I am androgynous... I could have guessed the results. I dont have time or money to go to a shrink. I am no risk to myself so no big deal.

I dont put much faith in test like that anyway

08-05-2009, 01:14 AM
What might be really interesting is if people took the test crossdressed and then took it later while not crossdressed and see if the scores are the same or different. Does our gender presentation change our score?

I am surprised that no one has mentioned the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI). Even though it has been around for awhile and has some reported flaws, it seems to be a "standard" gender test...

Robyn P.

08-05-2009, 01:52 AM
I did the test, 155 Class 4 (Probable TS) was result. Tests like these are fun, and can give one a bit of an idea but ultimately as others have said nothing can replace a professional therapist. This isn't a small issue as i'm beginning to learn as I sort through my own identity problems.

08-24-2009, 04:14 PM
I took the test and got a -165 (is the minus part of it??), classification 2, feminine male.

I wouldn't take it seriously anyway. Some of you said that the test was accurate but how can you measure that? It's more a situation of "I'm getting what I want out of the test because I answer what I already know would lead me there".
This test (like many others) assumes that there's a lineal spectrum of gender from ultra macho to uber sissy and that's not realistic.

About the therapy, I think that if the issue (any issue actually) affects your life in a way that renders you dis-functional, you must seek professional advise. Living more than one life is not dis-functional since most people do that all the times. Granted, most are not doing it because of gender issues. But we go back and forth between different separated worlds. I think that there's a trend lately (many many years lately) to unify our worlds and it's not healthy. I work now in a corporate environment where getting everyone together and sharing with the families is a must. I always stay out of it. I like to have my work life on one side, my family life on another, my friends on another, my hobbies on another. I may mix them occasionally though. I see the same in schools where it's assumed that you have to share your whole life with those that were put there with you just because it happened.

The best part of living your life going back and forth different separated worlds is that each one is a refugee from the others.

08-24-2009, 04:46 PM
I just got forwarded this from Cristan Williams, the director of the Houston Transgendered Resource Center. She likes the scale at the bottom better because it shows things in a more clear light with some objective views of use of therapy, both psychological and hormonal.

************************************************** ********

Have you heard of the Gender Disorientation Scale?

It is a discarded Scale used to identify transgenders along the lines of a very clear continuum instead of what we use today. Harry Benjamin came up with a Sex Disorientation Scale that used 7 delineations or lines in a continuum in much the same way that Kinsey used 7 delineations for his sexual orientation scale.

Putting aside some of the language that seems a bit outdated and the incorperation of the Kinsey scale into the Benjamin scale, the Benjamin view seems actually way ahead of the game and better in than the diagnostic criteria we have in the DSM today.

Below is Dr. Harry Benjamin's Gender Disorientation Scale. I've included Kinsey's sexual orientation scale for reference:

Kinsey's Sexual Orientation Scale
0 Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual experience
1 Predominantly heterosexual, only incidently homosexual
2 Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual
3 Equally heterosexual and homosexual
4 Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual
5 Predominantly homosexual, but incidentally heterosexual
6 Exclusively homosexual, with no heterosexual experience


Benjamin's Gender Disorientation Scale

Type One: Transvestite (Pseudo)
Gender Feeling: Masculine
Dressing Habits and Social Life: Lives as a man. Could get occasional kick out of dressing. Normal male life.
Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Hetero, bi, or homosexual. Dressing and -- more --exchange may occur in masturbation fantasies mainly. May enjoy TV literature only.
Kinsey Scale: 0-6
Conversion Operation: Not considered in reality.
Estrogen Medication: Not interested or indicated.
Psychotherapy: Not wanted and unnecessary.
Remarks: Interests in dressing is only sporadic.

Type Two: Transvestism (Fetishistic)
Gender Feeling: Masculine
Dressing Habits and Social Life: Lives as a man. Dressing periodically or part of the time. Dresses underneath male clothes.
Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Heterosexual. Rarely bisexual. Masturbation with fetish. Guilt feelings. Purges and relapses.
Kinsey Scale: 0-2
Conversion Operation: Rejected
Estrogen Medication: Rarely interested. Occasionally useful to reduce libido.
Psychotherapy: May be successful (in a favorable environment. )
Remarks: May imitate double (masculine and feminine) personality with male and female names.

Type Three: Transvestism (True)
Gender Feeling: Masculine (but with less conviction.)
Dressing Habits and Social Life: Dresses constantly or as often as possible. May live and be accepted as woman. May dress underneath male clothes, if no other chance.
Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Heterosexual, except when dressed. Dressing gives sexual satisfaction with relief of gender discomfort. May purge and relapse.
Kinsey Scale: 0-2
Conversion Operation: Actually rejected, but idea can be attractive.
Estrogen Medication: Attractive as an experiment. Can be helpful emotionally
Psychotherapy: If attempted is usually not successful as to cure.
Remarks: May assume double personality. Trend toward transsexualism.

Type Four: Transsexual (Nonsurgical)
Gender Feeling: Undecided. Wavering between TV and TS.
Dressing Habits and Social Life: Dresses as often as possible with insufficient relief of his gender discomfort. May live as a man or woman; sometimes alternating.
Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Libido often low. Asexual or auto-erotic. Could be bisexual. Could also be married and have children.
Kinsey Scale: 1-4
Conversion Operation: Attractive but not requested or attraction not admitted.
Estrogen Medication: Needed for comfort and emotional balance.
Psychotherapy: Only as guidance; otherwise refused or unsuccessful.
Remarks: Social life dependent upon circumstances.

Type Five: True Transsexual (moderate intensity)
Gender Feeling: Feminine (trapped in male body)
Dressing Habits and Social Life: Lives and works as woman if possible. Insufficient relief from dressing.
Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Libido low. Asexual auto-erotic, or passive homosexual activity. May have been married and have children.
Kinsey Scale: 4-6
Conversion Operation: Requested and usually indicated.
Estrogen Medication: Needed as substitute for or preliminary to operation.
Psychotherapy: Rejected. Useless as to cure. Permissive psychological guidance.
Remarks: Operation hoped for and worked for. Often attained.

Type Six: True Transsexual (high intensity)
Gender Feeling: Feminine. Total psycho-sexual inversion.
Dressing Habits and Social Life: May live and work as a woman. Dressing gives insufficient relief. Gender discomfort intense.
Sex Object Choice and Sex Life: Intensely desires relations with normal male as female if young. May have been married and have children, by using fantasies in intercourse.
Kinsey Scale: 6
Conversion Operation: Urgently requested and usually attained. Indicated.
Estrogen Medication: Required for partial relief.
Psychotherapy: Psychological guidance or psychotherapy for symptomatic relief only.
Remarks: Despises his male sex organs. Danger of suicide or self-mutilation, if too long frustrated.

************************************************** ********

I think it is interesting. I still don't fit any of these types perfectly.

I think I am a Type: 2.5 Transvestite. Of course, the fact that I'm confused may mean that I'm Type: 4 Transexual or maybe I'm Type 3.5 Transvestual with a strong libido. I don't know. :)

All I do know is what I'm not. I'm not Type: 1, Type: 5 or Type: 6.

I think they need to call it the "Gender Confusion Scale" not the "Gender Disorientation Scale". :)



08-25-2009, 11:53 AM
Allie, that was great! I also found it hard to find my place on the scale... I'd rate myself a solid 2, except that implies that I dress purely for sexual experience and I require some object(s) of clothing to complete the sexual rush.

It's true, dressing for me is purely sensual - the tactile feel of the clothes on my body give me pleasure. But it hasn't been sexual for 30 years. Instead, the feelings produced lead to relaxation and self-assurance. Seeing my wife naked, being naked with her... that still gives me a bigger erotic thrill than a pair of panties ever will.

08-25-2009, 11:54 AM
I passed the test. I am still myself.