View Full Version : I Think I Was Outed

06-29-2009, 03:05 PM
I woke up this morning in a thick pink fog so I slipped into my bra and panties and found my dress and put it on me. I was writing a short storry about a boy who crossdresses when no one is around. I needed a break.

I was feeling a little brave so I put some girly slippers on and walked into my back yard and was walking around, feeling the wind go up skirt. As I was checking myself out in the reflections from the window feeling cute and girly, I hear some men talking in spanish.

And I look up and there is this mexican worker looking at me, maybe checking me out or something. I walk a little briskly into my house.

I was totally outed there. It felt sorta exciting that someone was looking at me while I was at my most femme.

I changed into a bathing suit and wrapped a saraong around my waist and walked out there again to see if he was out there. I don't know why I did that. Maybe I was looking for that rush again. Maybe I wanted to show off a little bit.

Anyways, just thought I'd share.

Do you girls have any outted stories?

Carol A
06-29-2009, 03:23 PM
To tell you the truth in 55 years of crossdressing I have never been outed

06-29-2009, 03:44 PM
Actually that did happen to me one time a couple of weeks ago. This was after the Be-All and I was feeling adventuresome, so I got all dressed up and stepped out the front door for a bit just to feel the fresh air and all while dressed. After a few minutes I notice the blinds of the condo next door to me ruffle and someone looked out!! I thought no one was home which was why I ventured out. I quickly turned around and headed back into the house. Don't know how much they saw or if they knew it was me out there, but nothing was ever said, so I guess I got away with it!! :)

06-29-2009, 03:44 PM
Went to get the mail one day and came face to face with the postman, another time I stepped around the corner of the house and came face to face with the elec. meter reader, Both just said hello and went on their way

06-29-2009, 04:12 PM
I answered the door one evening in a peasant skirt and top and it was my neighbor. After trying to hide behind the door for 5 minutes I finally gave up and asked him in. I am sure everyone in the neighborhood knows now so I don't hide

06-29-2009, 04:14 PM
I answered the door one evening in a peasant skirt and top and it was my neighbor. After trying to hide behind the door for 5 minutes I finally gave up and asked him in. I am sure everyone in the neighborhood knows now so I don't hide

You are so brave. I'm delighted someone has the guts to come out in the open...

06-29-2009, 04:24 PM
I answered the door one evening in a peasant skirt and top and it was my neighbor. After trying to hide behind the door for 5 minutes I finally gave up and asked him in. I am sure everyone in the neighborhood knows now so I don't hide

One of those dilemma's where you might as well go with the flow. Well, at least you don't have to worry any more about being outed!! :)

06-29-2009, 04:59 PM
It all depends on what you mean by outed. If outed means someone seeing you dressed, I guess I've been outed many times. If outed means someone seeing you dressed and determining that you as a crossdresser, I've been outed MANY times. However, if outed means someone recognizing your male identity as someone who crossdresses, I thankfully haven't yet had that experience.