View Full Version : Experiment

06-30-2009, 11:58 AM
It was a good weekend to try and experiment with something. Many here fear what the general public might say if they wore something that would "tell" them as a CD. Well because it was "Pride" weekend and I had planned to be out and about I thought why not paint the finger nails instead of temporary nails? Granted it wasn't a screaming red, but it wasn't the typical "male" colors either. I left it on 72 hours and did all my routine things, grocery shopping, clothes shopping (didn't find anything I wanted :( ), driving, tanning, more shopping right up to when I had to see a client (dam money wins out again, yes I know it shouldn't matter but I kinda like to eat). No comment was made at any place I went.


I have done the clear, metrosexual, before and I have gone weeks with team colors during Superbowl, Stanley cup and World series, but not a feminine pink(ish). This weekend Red White and Blue!

06-30-2009, 12:09 PM
I once went a whole week with my nails painted blue and no-one seemed to notice. By the Friday night, I was so frustrated by the lack of reaction that I asked everybody in the pub if they liked my nails. People can be amazingly unobservant.

06-30-2009, 12:24 PM
Good for you Lorileah .................glad you had a good time and yeah damn needing money sucks :sad:

06-30-2009, 12:40 PM
You go, lady! Well done. :D

06-30-2009, 01:00 PM
hmmm ive had my nails painted many colors. purple, pink, green, blue and the only people who ever ask anything are gg's. they ask why? and then if they can paint them for me :)

06-30-2009, 03:38 PM
Mine are painted in a clear varnish nearly all the time, except when I put on a colour (weekends mostly). People don't notice or don't care.

Carol A
06-30-2009, 03:50 PM
I have keep my nails filed and clear coated for years, but only GG will comment how nice my nails look:hugs:

Nicole Erin
06-30-2009, 04:14 PM
Men don't notice things like a nice manicure.

06-30-2009, 04:22 PM
yep, peeps can be amazingly unobservant really!! i guess we all just look past stuff from time to time though. Such is life!
flic xx

06-30-2009, 05:17 PM
i have my nails painted most of the time in black and red or black and pink but when dressed male i do have a metalhead style so it doesnt bother most of the time ive had a few comments at work from customers and a unofficial discussion as im not supposed to wear it even the fems arent allowed.

love and kisses
bethany xxxxx:battingeyelashes:

06-30-2009, 06:43 PM
I file them, buff them and although I don't use polish for work reasons, I do take much better care of them. I also pluck and shape my eyebrows too.

Again...all of this learned from a GG.

06-30-2009, 07:18 PM
wow how can people not notice that your fingernails are painted, especially if its a bold color?? I am 100% sure that if I wore pretty much any nail polish to work, people would notice lol.

Veronica 1
06-30-2009, 08:27 PM
I paint my nails with Sally Hanson Stardust, A hint of pink and gold sparkles, and have worn this to work for the past few months where I deal with farmers, cowboys and rednecks. No one has said a thing if they have even noticed. Maybe I should try a bright red. lol

06-30-2009, 08:58 PM
wow how can people not notice that your fingernails are painted, especially if its a bold color??

I don't know! But they don't. I haven't tried a deep red like OPI "I'm Not Really a Waitress" though, that might get noticed.

Rondelle (Ron) Rogers Jr.

Pauline Lauren
06-30-2009, 09:16 PM
wow how can people not notice that your fingernails are painted, especially if its a bold color?? I am 100% sure that if I wore pretty much any nail polish to work, people would notice lol.

Hi KimberlyJo...I am with you here, in the conservative accounting office that I work in, even clear polish would be noticed and NOT be appreciated. So the bottle of clear polish I got a couple weeks ago remains unopened and unused. :( I hope sometime soon I will have enough time in private to try it soon though. I have never had nail polish on and am DYING to try it.....SO..

Maybe I will try it for an hour or two after my GF goes to bed tonight before I do (she is not keen on seeing me wear cosmetics, but is fine with it if I do when she is asleep and doesn't have to see it). It would only be for and hour or two then i would have to take it off...but for someone who has never tried any polish at all would it be worth it?? :daydreaming:


CD Susan
07-01-2009, 03:04 AM
I keep my nails well manicured and quite long (1/4" past my fingertips) and wear nail polish all the time. My favorite color is called "Peach Glow" by Love my Nails. No one has ever commented on this and I doubt that very many people have even noticed. People are so wrapped up in thier own lives that they do not notice things like fingernails or pierced ears on others. I do not work so doing this in the workplace is not an issue with me. I just love wearing nail polish and will never quit wearing it because other people might not approve of it. If someone else does not like it then that is thier problem and not mine.

07-01-2009, 06:55 AM
I've had my toes painted for a couple of weeks now and during the warm afternoons I wear sandals constantly. I've been shopping in groceries and convenience stores. I've not gotten a comment or glance. Honestly, I have had no indication that anyone has noticed.
Truly, I worry more being caught up in a sidewalk chat with one of the immediate neighbors than being discovered by strangers in the market.

07-01-2009, 09:20 PM
most people won't notice nail polish because so many people have their head shoved so far up their you know where you almost have to hit them in the head with a 2x4 to get their attention.

Teri Jean
07-01-2009, 09:48 PM
Lori, you rock girl. Your nails look great and the whole idea of the "W" word is so apalling concept. Oh well. What I did for my nails was to get them gelled. That was three weeks ago and was in on Tuesday for a filling and reshaping. I'll do a full post about the day.

Huggs Keli

07-01-2009, 09:52 PM
Looks good Lori. Can't even tell there's anything there. :)