View Full Version : Photo ID question

06-30-2009, 12:56 PM
I am sure this is been asked before. I was wondering. When you go out to a club dressed and they ask for you photo ID. Do you ever get turned away for not looking like your photo? I was just curious about any dilemmas people have had with there ID not looking like them. I want to go to club soon. I thought a Gay bar would not see it as an issue, but do Straight clubs ever give you a hassle at the door over you not looking like your photo? I know it is kind of a silly question.
Thank you

Joni Marie Cruz
06-30-2009, 01:11 PM
Lord, I just wish someone would card me. What a treat that would be. Sadly, even in full regalia, I look enough like me to be recognized.

To sort of answer your question, I think most of us look enough like our boyselves, even in girlmode, to be recognized if someone looks really closely at our face and at our ID's. The closest I can come to that is when I was in the airport in San Antonio, TX. I had gone thru security (oh, I was in girlmode) with no hassle but went to purchase a couple of things at one of the concessions. The little gal there asked for my ID since I was using my credit card and did a classic double-take. I assured that, yes, the gentleman with the moustache (it was a way old ID) was indeed the lovely and winsome creature she saw standing before her.

Hugs...Joni Mari

06-30-2009, 01:12 PM
ive never heard of a club causing any trouble with that. however i have a friend that works at an adult video store and she said company policy doesnt allow cders in when dressed and not looking like their id.

06-30-2009, 01:17 PM
ive never heard of a club causing any trouble with that. however i have a friend that works at an adult video store and she said company policy doesnt allow cders in when dressed and not looking like their id.

Sounds like discrimination, unless the policy is to not letting ANYONE in unless they look like their ID?

06-30-2009, 01:27 PM
Just go to the lisencing agency and get a current picture for your ID.

06-30-2009, 01:56 PM
I have not been carded in a club but while dressed I used a CCard in a department store and had to produce a photo ID. The guy (kid to me) did not bat an eye and wished me a pleasnt day. Money Talks.

06-30-2009, 06:40 PM
Personally, I'm not bold enough to go to a club, but I created a fake ID that would work for those purposes. Tools: scanner, Adobe Photoshop, and photo-printer. I scanned my drivers license, overlayed my male picture with an appropriate picture en femme, modified the first name, then printed it on heavy photographic paper. In my wallet, behind the picture plastic, it looks perfectly legitimate.

Note: I would not use it if the police stop me. I wouldn't want to go to jail.

Joni Marie Cruz
06-30-2009, 06:48 PM
Hmm. Can you do watermarks like on.... Oh. Never mind.<G>

Hugs...Joni Mari

06-30-2009, 07:10 PM
Personally, I'm not bold enough to go to a club, but I created a fake ID that would work for those purposes. Tools: scanner, Adobe Photoshop, and photo-printer. I scanned my drivers license, overlayed my male picture with an appropriate picture en femme, modified the first name, then printed it on heavy photographic paper. In my wallet, behind the picture plastic, it looks perfectly legitimate.

Note: I would not use it if the police stop me. I wouldn't want to go to jail.

A fake ID huh? I'm not bold enough to do THAT lol. Wow. Normally though, anyone who is asking for your ID will ask you to take it out of your wallet I would think.

What do you use it for? Like shopping and stuff with your credit card?

Oh yeah and going to jail enfemme....YIKES!

Deidra Cowen
06-30-2009, 07:55 PM
Sorry could not resist...pic is of a store clerk IDing me while I was buying beer! You might be able to barely see my ID in his hand.

Anyway its not a silly question! I have gone to a good number of straight bars, some that probably have seen very few Trans folk. Never have had the bouncers or bartenders give me any trouble what so ever. Sure a look or two but you have to expect that, just from the surprise factor. They quickly recover and let me in.

Like you said the gay bars are no worries they are totally used to us. Out at the malls and so forth, again I have had no one refuse me due to my guy ID. Heck they just want to sell stuff. I have to admit however I know in Atlanta the clerks have see us Trans folk before.

So anyway give it a shot. It can be quite an adventure going to a straight bar! Just stay alert and I personally don't recommend fooling the guys. If they hit on ya politely say no thanks...or you can just do like I do and say thanks sweetie but I am a Tranny. (I know some don't like that term but you have to let guys know in langage they understand!)

Joni Marie Cruz
06-30-2009, 07:59 PM
Well jeeze, Diedra, no wonder you got carded. You look about 20, girl.

Hugs...Joni Mari

06-30-2009, 08:00 PM
Personally, I'm not bold enough to go to a club, but I created a fake ID that would work for those purposes.legitimate.

Note: I would not use it if the police stop me. I wouldn't want to go to jail.
Just the possession of that id is probably a bigger crime now after 9/11. I wouldn't get caught dead with a fake ID in my purse!!

I know some local girls in Boston that got turned away from a gay bar because their ID's didn't match their faces. It was probably a bad night for the bouncer and he was taking it out on them. And there are local laws here that prohibit that, doesn't keep it from happening sometimes though.

Deidra Cowen
06-30-2009, 08:11 PM
Well jeeze, Diedra, no wonder you got carded. You look about 20, girl.

Hugs...Joni Mari

Oh lord you are too sweet!!! That made my night, Thanks Joni! :love:

06-30-2009, 08:21 PM
I have the opposite problem. Two of my IDs have fem pictures; my DL and FOID card. My FOID card lists me as being female. I get funny looks when I have to show an ID when I'm in guy mode. One guy thought I was using my wife's license. I just said that I used to have longer hair. Leanne

06-30-2009, 09:54 PM
I have had to use my ID a few times to get into clubs. Most of the time i chuckle while handing it over, as I am explaining to them that i do not look anything like my ID. They usually do a couple of back and forths, then give me great big smile and let me in.
Only time i had any issue, was actually at a well know gay club , that a few friends of mine do shows at. The guy acted like he did not beleive it was me, so i started to pull out my credit cards, bus pass, birth certificate, etc.. Looked him right in the eye and said, " this is MY ID and Cards, I did not Just rob a guy in the parking lot!"
He ended up letting me in, but very apprehensively.

As far as fake ID goes.. i would never recommend it.
I do know one girl here, that simply asked for a credit card with her Femme name. She simply filled in the form that they have for addtional cards for family members, and pow they sent her one. I am pretty sure that is fraud though. Again NOT recommended.

I suppose if one was brave enough, you could get at least one piece of official ID, where you were completely dressed.
NOt sure if I could ever do it though.

Lots of Luv;

Lacey May :)

Kristen Kelly
06-30-2009, 10:21 PM
ive never heard of a club causing any trouble with that. however i have a friend that works at an adult video store and she said company policy doesnt allow cders in when dressed and not looking like their id.

Here in NJ our rights of gender identification is protected, and they would be open to a lawsuit.

Come October when I renew my drivers License I will have my pretty face on it with my own long hair, it won’t have that F box checked yet but that might just be a matter of time.

06-30-2009, 10:27 PM
Done it countless times and never a problem. :)

06-30-2009, 11:02 PM
I was pulled over for speeding once a few years ago.
The officer said that I handed him the wrong ID because it was a female in my picture!

He was pretty embarrassed when I insisted that it was me.
...I was en male in the license as well, and had never cross dressed! Funny.

Now that i can grow facial hair I look quite nice as a male though

07-01-2009, 03:32 AM
Thank you all I love the posts. I want to hear more. Thank you all