View Full Version : Has anyone tried Female Voice Video's, or Surgery?

07-05-2009, 10:01 PM
I see many products, such as books, videos, and training techniques for training to have a more female like voice. Has anyone purchased any of these products, and if so, has any of them worked better then the other. Let me also know if some are just a waste of my money.

Does anyone have any advice for me and other girls as to how best we can get that female voice down. I know practice does help, but does anyone know some tips you can give me.

Also, has anyone had surgery to change your voice, and if so, how has it worked for you. Tell me where you had it done and how much was it.

07-06-2009, 12:05 AM
I aquired a copy of a video and other voice training that is gearedfor transgender girls. it seams ok i havent had much time to practice.

Nicole Erin
07-06-2009, 12:11 AM
Melanie Anne Phillips has some "Develop a female voice" tape, and the advice is good, but there is a lot of rambling in it and the audio quality is crap.

there are a lot of things on youtube about it but once again, a lot of rambling...

[Why is it that some TS tend to ramble so much?]

I know nothing of voice surgery except it is not necessary...

NOW basically you can develop one, it will not happen overnight but it is possible. Here is what I do/did for my semi-passable voice -

OK, so you know about falsetto. And gargling, and hocking a loogie, anyways basically you get a feeel for the various voice muscles, and here is what to do - try to clinch all the lower throat muscles so you are using just the top part of the voice, you may have to experiment with how much you open it from the top.

Yes it takes practice and it can be frustrating, but listen, there are some girls who had seriously manly voices who sound good en femme.

07-06-2009, 12:14 AM
Hi Michelle,

I have a friend that is taking hormones. She found a voice teacher (for singers), explained her situation and has gone to her for training. It was the voice teachers first experience with a TS and apparently has been very accepting. My friend was worried about interfacing with some of the ypunger children that are also clients, but that has not been a problem so far. She also says that teacher helps, but it does take constant practice and discipline to avoid falling back into her male voice. Good luck.

07-06-2009, 01:56 PM
I saw a TG on youtube who explained it very well, and gave some ways to work on changing your voice. Try it, and it's free. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaxxEyZBgR4

He has a whole lot of videos on there. They're all very good. His user I.D. is candiFla

Joni Marie Cruz
07-06-2009, 03:22 PM
I saw a TG on youtube who explained it very well, and gave some ways to work on changing your voice. Try it, and it's free. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaxxEyZBgR4

He has a whole lot of videos on there. They're all very good. His user I.D. is candiFla

Thanks for the link, Lexi. I'll be sure to check out her voice video and any others that she has. She looks pretty cute, doesn't she? Right now I'm having some weird issue with the audio on my computer. It'll be interesting to see what sort of advice she has on her video as well as her other posts.

Speaking for myself, I think "the voice" is the hardest thing there is. Things like makeup, clothes, gestures, mannerisms, walking, and so on can be gotten down with lots and lots of observation and practice, not that it's easy at all, but the voice requires a whole lot more. I have been practicing for ages with only moderate success. My wife says I sound like Bea Arthur with a bad cold. I'm sure she means that in a nice way.

The only advice I can offer, fwiw, is to remember that women typically use more of their voice range than men do. Their speech is more melodic and has more intonation in it than men's usually does, men tend to be monotonous in the literal meaning of the word. When a woman wants to emphasize something in normal speech she raises the pitch of her voice a little or sometimes a lot. When men want to emphasize something they just talk louder or more emphatically. Not that women can't yell to get their point across. Been there, heard that!

Typically women use about a half an octave range when they're talking. The first two notes of Somewhere Over the Rainbow are a full octave jump, so if you can even get halfway there, you have enough range to at least sound more feminine when you talk.

Looking forward to what other girls have to say, I can certainly use all the help I can get. Good luck, Michelle.

HUgs...Joni Mari

07-07-2009, 10:36 PM
So far you have given me a place to start, I will check out some of the youtube videos. But I guess the best way is just to keep practicing. My voice is very deep and low.

I will keep you posted on my progress, Thanks again for all your tips.