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View Full Version : I think I saw one of us today.

07-19-2009, 10:27 PM
I went to the flea market this morning, and while I was there I spotted one of us. Maybe. Possibly. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure.

Let me explain. She/he was in her 20's wearing girl jeans with long hair held back with a hair band. I wasn't sure if she was a TS or someone into the whole gender queer thing or just a guy playing around with drag. She was using forms of some sort, it kinda stood out.

I give her credit, I wouldn't have the guts to go there dressed. She looked good, and no one gave her any grief from what I saw. Just another person in the crowd.

Part of me wanted to go up and say "good for you", but the other part knew that might come across the wrong way.

Anyway, whoever you are, I salute you for having the courage to express yourself.


07-22-2009, 11:29 PM
Katrina, It wasn't me. I've never been to New Hampshire. But I do like Flea Markets. I like to check and see if they have any really old computer systems or comic books.

If She is anything like me, She would not have felt uncomfortable if you came up and said "hello". I would have ben faltered with your "good for you"comment.
I would have responded with. "No. It is good for you."
I am out there day after day are to "Live" just like other people do. Just like you do.
I are not afraid.
I are not trying to be a martyr.
I stand tall and proud of who I are.
I am not going away.
I will not be confined to darkness.
I will walk in the light.
I try to be beacon of hope, in some small way, and an example, with human flaws, to others. Shedding a little light into the darkness with an extended hand.
Saying to others, "Come out. But only when you are truly ready, face the day and learn to live in the light."

I salute you also, Katrina, for having the courage to express yourself.

Deedee Dupree
07-22-2009, 11:40 PM
Hi Katrina, Where I live I think I spot many of us frequently, often the circumstances don't allow making contact. If I were out and you spotted and approached me with a nice comment I would be delighted to talk with you, a sister.

07-23-2009, 05:37 AM
I wouldnt like someone outing me but maybe say,,,nice pants or I just adore that top you have on would be nice,,, and knowing you are one also without outing me..

Carol A
07-23-2009, 08:07 AM
I have never in all my years of going out had another sister come up to me and say "Hi" or what ever. Now for what ever reason it's always been a GG with a smart remark or a snicker when they outed me. Comes with the life style, me I would never out another sister.:hugs:

07-23-2009, 02:18 PM
I saw one of 'us' about one half an hour ago. Its strange, for years now I've never seen another one of 'us'. Now in less than a month I have seen two sisters. The first one was the best. She was wearing a salmon colored business suit and was really looking nice for her age. I first saw her at a Salvation Army store. I went in to meet her and talk to her but she was speaking to someone else and in a remarkably female type voice. She left to go to another store. I followed . Didn't have the opportunity to say anything to her. She went to another thrift store and this time I didn't follow her in. I drove around a bit and by the time I got back she was already getting to her car. I really wanted to ask her if she'd like to go somewhere and do some talking but I completely lost my nerve.
A little while ago I saw a man in a denim skirt, pink top and shoes wearing a pink hair ribboin in her ponytail. Thing of it was she also had a very full beard. Don't think I could ever go out in public like that. I followed her out of the store but she was gone very quickly.

07-23-2009, 03:16 PM
Maybe you saw Leslie?





07-23-2009, 03:35 PM
A smile would have been really nice (I know). Its all it takes

07-23-2009, 10:40 PM
Nope. Wasn't Leslie.....