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View Full Version : came out to my son

07-24-2009, 04:11 PM
Well how did this all start? I never intended to out myself today but something inside me snapped. Last night my wife and I were having a girls night. I have always wanted long nails, so my wife and I did my nails. Then this morning we had to go to take care of some business. So we went down to were she has a small market stall. While we were down there working one the ladies down there commented about my nails. She knows my wife and I pretty well. So her and I were outside having a cigarette, and she seen my nails and said WTF? I started to make some lame ass excuse like I was trying to grow my nails out and my wife said these would keep me from bitting them. Ya right, So I stopped my self and said Truth be known I am a Crossdresser!!!!! She again said Wtf. But then said nothing else. She was very nice the rest of the morning. And she seemed to just blow it off. So now I entered A dangerous place in my mind. Once I get a taste of something I really want, I want it all or nothing. So after my wife and I came home I did some thinking and I said to heck with all this hiding not being happy B.S.. So we called our son into our room, and sat him down. We then proceeded to tell him, and he being who he is took it in great stride and then asked, "Why are you telling me this"? So we told him that a lot of people are going to be finding this out in the very near present and he might hear people talking bad about me. He really just did not care. He has always marched to be beat of his own drum anyway. So now only the rest of the family remains. I have just reached this point where I no longer really care what anyone thinks. I just want to be me. So now I am waiting for people to either stay my friends or go by the wayside. I think I am going to enjoy watching peoples reactions. I look at it this way; I am still just as much of the man I was before. I still retain everything that I am, I just now get to spread my other wing, and finally be free. I know not everyone will agree with this, but I am sick of not being as I should be. I can not and will not stay hidden. I now only have to just be. As events unfold I shall keep you all apprised. Take care and thank all of you. If it were not for you all I would not had been able to get this far:love:...

07-24-2009, 04:29 PM
It is better to light one candle than to trip in your heels and curse the darkness. Yay! another convert. You're walking on sunshine and don't it feel good?

I think we need an old town camp meeting so we can raise the consciousness of more of our sisters! Conversion therapy!

Congrats on your "birthday"

Joni Marie Cruz
07-24-2009, 04:38 PM
Hi Bethany-

Good for you and good for your son, and good for your friend, as well. You don't mention how old your son is, or perhaps I missed it, but my son was 18 when I finally came out to him, he's 21 now. When we first sat down I asked him if he knew what the words transgender or crossdresser meant. He just looked at me and said, "Duh, it's all over the internet." meaning my history of Yahoo groups and internet sites like, well, like this one. Anyway, he was pretty blase about it but asked that I not dress at home in case his friends dropped by and that he really, no offense, didn't want to see it himself. Of course I respected his wishes. Oh, he no longer lives at home, he's in college in Portland and we're in Seattle.<G>

Nice to be out, isn't it? You go, girl.

Hugs...Joni Mari

07-24-2009, 05:13 PM
Joni my son is thirteen btw. and I thank you and Lorileah for the support:)...

07-24-2009, 05:20 PM
Good for you Bethany! And kudos to your wife and son! :thumbsup: I'm happy for you, and keep up the attitude:)

07-24-2009, 05:35 PM
Good luck, Betthany. Your son sounds like a well-grounded young man--you both must have done something right.

07-24-2009, 06:22 PM

I just went through a bout of coming out to everyone of importance to me. They didn't -expect- it from me, but none of them seemed especially surprised. I haven't lost anyone yet. And see my recent posting about inquiring about coming out at work.

07-24-2009, 06:39 PM
I had told my 15 year old niece and then shortly afterwards my son accidentally walked in on me while I was dressed. And the thing I've noticed is than this young generation doesn't care or worries about these things like our generation did.

So congratulations, it is addictive coming out to people. I find it liberating...


Elsa Larson
07-24-2009, 06:46 PM
My 3 teens are away for the week, returning July 28. I think they've figured out why dad sometimes shaves his legs & chest and sometimes wears toenail polish. But we've never had "the talk".
When they ask what I did while they were gone, I'll sing a few bars of The Lumberjack Song. I'm sure my son (age 15) will understand immediately.
Two years ago, I think he was telling me that he knew when he asked me which restroom transvestites use.
When I jokingly suggested I should find a boyfriend, he said I should find one who dresses as a French maid and does housework.

07-24-2009, 06:51 PM
Tracy addictive and liberating fits what is happening to me today. My Father-in-law now knows. He lives with my wife and I. And my sister-in-law now knows also. She is totally cool with it. She is a lesbian so I pretty much knew she would be cool with it. The Father-in-law is as well. The weird thing is Until today I had absolutely no intentions of coming out I have always been so far in the closet it isn't even funny. But I am soooo Glad to be free.

07-24-2009, 07:42 PM
In felt a lot better when I "came clean" with several friends. My GF knew long before we got together through the mutual friend who introduced us long distance over the phone. I was in Texas and she was in SoCal. We chatted long distance for a year before I pulled up stakes and drove out here. Now her daughter lives with us (unfortunately) but has no probs with me en femme.

We also joined an MCC church here but as a straight couple supportive of the LGBT human rights movement. Everyone accepted me as a straight guy with no GBor T personality traits until one halloween when I just had to dress and then "confess" that I really diod like dressing -frequently. Confession is good for the soul for sure.

I certainly don't look any where near as attarctive as most here but I am comfortable.

I hope your success in opening up will be copied by many others here who are keeping that "other wing" tightly tucked away.

BTW I think any teen boy who thinks of the term "French Maid" may well have more knowledge of our world than most teen boys. IMHO.

07-24-2009, 08:31 PM
The Father-in-law is as well. The weird thing is Until today I had absolutely no intentions of coming out I have always been so far in the closet it isn't even funny. But I am soooo Glad to be free.

I don't find it "weird" at all. For most people it takes a lot of internal processing, not even necessarily at the conscious level, before the get to the point where being you even to those you are most directly connected to (and thus whose reactions you are most sensitive to) becomes more important than the safety of the closet. But eventually some of us get to the point of telling ourselves, "I have met the enemy, and he is us." -- that is, of telling ourselves that the CD or TG or TS person isn't a separate person or something that can be put away like a toy, and what keeps us in hiding is our fears. When the need to be you exceeds the excuse the fears keep coming up with, your mind changes, and telling those in your immediate environment becomes a matter of "when" and "how" instead of "if only I dared".

Kayla Shadows
07-24-2009, 09:13 PM
Wow,big step.Congrats :) Im glad to hear that people have taken it well..I live alone and my things are everywhere these days.Its only time until somebody stops in.I havnt been feeling good and keeping to myself for a little while now.What led up to it is also what led me to not really care.I feel so gone inside and couldnt care less is somebody finds out.

CD Susan
07-24-2009, 09:40 PM
Congratulations Bethany! I am so happy for you. Coming out to others can be a scary and very difficult decision to make but it sounds like it is going well for you. I experienced this same feeling of being free a little over a year ago and I know how great a feeling it is.

Fab Karen
07-25-2009, 05:53 AM
That's great. Nothing like the fresh air of freedom.

07-26-2009, 09:06 AM
Just a little update for everyone. Now my whole family knows, those that I have not told face to face has found out through the family RTD's (that stands for run tell dat). Anyhow the last person I have to tell will be told today. The last person is the most important to me, Mom. The only reason I have not told her yet is she has a lot on her plate. Wish me luck, I really hope this goes well.

Well I just got back from my Moms. Things did not go as well as I had hoped,but they were not as bad as they could have been either. She handled things o.k. I guess but brought up a lot of bad feelings from her childhood that she did not and does not wish to engage. I am still persevering though and if anything else goes on I'll be sure to update again.
