View Full Version : How many times have you purged and how did you feel after?

07-29-2009, 11:32 PM
How many times have you purged and how did you feel after doing it?

After starting my habit back in 1990, I think I purged 4 times.

1st 2000 - thought God would bless me if I purged and I sure missed the beautiful stuff I gave away. Gave away some nice 1995 era Jr dresses but I got them back throught thrift shopping. But my size back then was a 12 to 14 as long as I can remember! I once accidently bought a size 8 dress and I couldn't zip it up!

2nd & 3rd purges [2000] minor purges of a few stuff as I couldn't quit crossdressing but tried to quit. So I vacillated... Then I dreamed of accumulating a big gigantic and beautiful skirt suit collection, - and my dream came true!

4th purge [Feb 2009] - could have been a MAJOR DISASTER as I accumulated over 120+ skirt suits / $20,000 worth of stuff. Chicago collection was donated to a cheap $5 thrift but nobody buys there [they're too poor] so I recovered all of my stuff after 12 days... Had a really bad mental episode that crossdressing is cursed by demons... So I quit but I couldn't stop buying and I said to God, - but these size 4 to 6 clothes don't have to be purged as they can fit a beautiful woman my size [ like Britney Spears EXACTLY]. So I got lucky this time not to purge anything and I recovered what was given away.

The only future purges I will do is to sell on ebay outdated or ugly stuff I don't want anymore..

Christina Horton
07-30-2009, 12:27 AM
I am way to smart to purge. And I will never quit CDing . I have never felt guilt associated with CDing. So the purge was not even in my head let alone the guilt that you and allot of others have felt.

Now don't get me wrong , if you have purged I am not saying your stupid just lost in the guilt, fear, or something just an strong . I just have never had a prob with my life that would make me purge.

I will give you some free advice, If you feel the need to purge just put the stuff in boxes and put them out of sight or to a friend , so that WHEN YOU NEED TO DRESS AGAIN your stuff is right there. It will save you tones of $ and give you peace of mind to.

Good luck in loving yourself and please forgive your fem-side and except her fully, You will beeeeeee much happier hun.

07-30-2009, 12:32 AM
I used to purge to feel less guilty--at least a dozen times over the years.

Sara Jean
07-30-2009, 06:16 PM
i havent ever felt the need to purge but about 6 months ago i did lose about 85% of my dresses and tops due to faulty latch on my pickup and i was and still am sick over it

07-30-2009, 06:34 PM
Purging was never my thing, unless she tells me to let go of crap I have been packratting for 25 years.

"Do you really need that mylar balloon from when you were in the hospital when you were 12? A happy memory, is it?"

I've tossed out junk I bought at thrift stores that didn't fit, but nothing I've ever sewn myself, which is 90% of what she wears.

07-30-2009, 06:45 PM
All my purges 'cept for the first one, have all been due to space. I didn't have enough space for all the stuff so I had to dump the stuff i didn't care for anymore.

07-30-2009, 07:12 PM
I don't purge. The quality of my clothing keeps improving.

I feel absolutely no quilt and have no reason to purge.
No rollercoaster here!

All the Best,

Ps - if you enjoy cding and it's not hurting anyone, why do you need to stop? What are you so conflicted about?

07-30-2009, 07:18 PM
I have never felt the need to purge. I have no reason to do it as my wife knows and doesn't bother her. That is what matters.


07-30-2009, 07:38 PM
I have purged 3 times and i felt terrible after i did it.
every time i did i would go out and buy more than what i had before so i quit purging so now i go put everything in closet when i don't feel like dressing it's alot cheaper:D

Jessica Who
07-30-2009, 08:06 PM
I've purged a handful of times, maybe around 7. As I did it, I felt confidence that I would rid myself of my feelings that made me so very confused.

However, only days (and sometimes hours) later I would feel guilty for throwing my stuff away and the urge to dress would come flooding back. Purging anything is always going to have a negative effect, because trashing things doesn't destroy your feelings.

I am glad that I have accepted myself and will never again purge :) :daydreaming::daydreaming::daydreaming:

Jenny Brown
07-30-2009, 08:07 PM
Had a really bad mental episode that crossdressing is cursed by demons
You mean it's not? :eek:

07-30-2009, 08:38 PM
You mean it's not? :eek:

I think it depends on what the hands are doing. :heehee:

CD Susan
07-30-2009, 09:38 PM
First of all let me say that throwing out some things that no longer fit right or that one just does not want or wear anymore is not considered a purge! A purge is getting rid of EVERYTHING with the intention of stopping dressing permanently for whatever reason.

There was a long period in my life when I was not happy about my crossdressing. I wanted to quit doing it and just be a "normal" guy. I tried to quit three separate times and I purged everything each of these three times. I should have been smart enough the 2nd. and 3rd. times to realise that I was not going to be able to quit but I wasn't. I was so determined to quit dressing that I thought that if the clothes were not there the temptation to dress would be gone and I would be able to quit. Of course I was wrong all three times and eventually started buying more clothes after each failed attempt.

That was about 20 years ago and now I have learned to accept who I am and have no desire to ever quit crossdressing. I know fully that this is who I am and I will always be this way. I am content knowing this and would not ever want to change even if I could.

I donate unwanted articles of clothing from time to time but I will never purge my feminine things again! I love being a cd too much to ever do that again.

07-30-2009, 09:54 PM
1. The urge began at age 6
2. experimental practice from age 9 to high school.
3. Adopted an androgynous look in College.
4.Established habits began after college for 7 years straight.
5. Purged in '99 ...."Oh, I'm too intelligent for this nonsense". Burnt a few bridges with a few TG/TS friends of mine.
5. Thoughts never stopped in spite of the purge. felt my own personal character was eroding. Never faced the reality (translation: "denial")
6. Re-embraced it in '08 when economy was looking like it was doomsday, and the world around me was falling apart. My job was a lot of heavy pressure, and needs creative rejuvination, and I felt like I was in a box. Since then, I've had to look deeply at what was really going inside my mind. I feel re-empowered now.

07-30-2009, 09:58 PM
Actually, yes i purged. Before i got married. Twenty years later when my counselor suggested it, (too religious--he thougt it was a sexual addiction). And again when my wife got very insistent 6 months ago. But she let me keep 6 dresses. Plus a couple boxes of stuff. And I rescued a few things from the trash. And then bought a few more dresses.

07-30-2009, 10:14 PM
Zero purges.

Some stuff was discovered by parents and repo'd when I was a teenager, that's about it.

I do periodically give away to thrift shops stuff I haven't touched within the last year or two.

I never felt it was evil, since it was always a part of my nature and no harm was done to any living creature (except the rabbits who tested my makeup :) )

Ok, maybe the sheep missed that wool but that's small change in the Karma department.

07-30-2009, 11:35 PM
everytime i purge i always end up missing the outfits later on

07-31-2009, 08:15 AM
I never felt it was evil, since it was always a part of my nature and no harm was done to any living creature (except the rabbits who tested my makeup)

Hi, dilane! It’s definitely not evil – evil is a human invention, you know…

I’ve never done a wholesale purge, but when I moved to Kansas 7 years ago I trimmed my belongings way down so I could fit everything into a U-Haul truck. I only kept two beautiful skirts, and I built a new collection around them.

Kaitlyn Michele
07-31-2009, 08:31 AM
I never purged...but now i'm transitioning after 35 yrs of avoiding the real issue with my ever increasing crossdressing..

anyway...we should have a purging central....a giant warehouse of clothes...you can purge into it, but once it's gone it's gone....and then when you inevitably want some clothes, you can shop the "Purge Store" at discount prices...that would save us all alot of $$ instead of paying it all to Speigel or jc penney catalogue!!!!

Angie G
07-31-2009, 08:48 AM
I never purged for the want to stop dressing but to keep from being busted. And do wish I had a few of those things back.:hugs:

07-31-2009, 10:17 AM

Once when I was probably 3 or 4; I had mom buy me some "girl shoes" when we were in a store once; a few days later I tossed them out because my brother made me feel ashamed about it and was teasing me in front of his friends. (Lo and behold, this brother eventually grows up to be my sister)

And once about a year ago which was just a couple of things, not exceeding $40 worth of things (twas a small collection), but I threw it out because I didn't want to be keeping secrets from my girlfriend, and somehow thought that this was just the sort of thing I could give up :P

I just started collecting again, and have finally accepted that this is who I am, so I think it is unlikely that I'll purge again in the ideal future. But who knows what the future has in store for any of us.

Samantha B L
07-31-2009, 11:51 AM
I've purged about 7 or 8 times in the past 30 years for mixed reasons. I've decided since the last time never to do it again and that I had nothing to be ashamed about being a CD. I guess I would have to if certain family members were ever to go through my things and I knew about it ahead of time but NOT because I felt guilty about my crossdressing

07-31-2009, 12:08 PM
I had nothing to be ashamed about being a CD.

Yes, everything's much better when you realize you are who you are and make peace with yourself.

CDing is one of the things that makes me special!

All the Best,

07-31-2009, 12:33 PM
i have purged maybe twice in 20 years. the last time was probably over 12 years ago. As i have become completely comfortable with myself and enjoying being me, i have not even thought about it....in fact, just the opposite....how to make me feel more like me.

07-31-2009, 12:43 PM
I hate to admit that I have purged a few times over the years, mostly when I was younger and thought I could beat the urges by getting rid of the clothes. As we all know that doesn't work.

Now that I am older and wiser (?), I have taken the "CDer's" Pledge, to never purge again. Nowadays I only cull to improve the herd.


07-31-2009, 02:15 PM
i purged one time.. and that was all it took for me to realize i was a CD and throwing things away didn't change that..

07-31-2009, 02:47 PM
I have totally perged the idea of purging.

Always Susan
07-31-2009, 02:51 PM
It seems to be about every ten years that I pruge saying I'm not going to dress anymore. Then slowly start to put together outfits until the next pruge. This time I keep the panties and get rid of the guy stuff instead.:battingeyelashes:

07-31-2009, 02:58 PM
A few 3 ~ 5, over the years. It gets exspensive and you realize over the years that some things can never be replaced "ILGWA Panties from TG&Y" they were the best panties ever made. And some old fashion corsets too.

How do you feel "Good" for about 2 days then like "Crap" and you start over!! :sad:

07-31-2009, 03:04 PM
I have many times trying to be ""MYSELF" as others would see me". But, I finally came to grips that I want to be myself the way I see me, and haven't purged in a least 5 years. Not say that I don't need to give some things to Goodwill, to make room for newer things.

Joanne f
07-31-2009, 03:08 PM
Well that is the thing about us poor people we think long and hard before we would do anything drastic like that , so no i have never purged :heehee:

Bev06 GG
07-31-2009, 03:18 PM
Well Kate let me just tell you, if my fella purged and threw all his stuff out I'd be well peed off. Half of his stuff not only cost an arm and a leg, but I actually use it too and no way can I afford to go out and replace it all. I think the only thing I wouldn't mind him throwing out is his collection of shoes cause theyre too big for me, and his wigs which dont actually suit me so I only wear for works dressing up do's. Besides we have now become a part of quite a nice little social group of CDs and we meet regularly so one of us has gotta drag up.
Take care

08-02-2009, 04:22 AM
i had baby doll tees, boyshorts, blonde wigs, tons of makeup, dresses, minions of thongs, miniskirts etc! still wanting it all back!!!

baby beluga
08-02-2009, 06:39 AM
i have never purged because i do not have hangups over relatively meaningless activities.

08-02-2009, 11:09 AM
Many, many times. Up until about 4 years ago, I would go out and buy stuff, and wear it a couple of times and then get scared that I would be found out and then throw it away. Now I am only throwing stuff away when it wears out or stops fitting.

Janet Bern
08-02-2009, 11:25 AM
My advice is to clean out from time to time but NEVER NEVER purge or you will "regret it for the rest of your life".. janet

08-02-2009, 12:12 PM
I wholeheartedly agree with what's been said here. Several years ago, I purged every piece of female clothing I had....corsets, panties, stockings, wig, makeup - absolutely every piece of "evidence" that might have indicated I was a CD. This was back when I had split from my wife. I was moving and I was afraid that the box with my things packed in it would be discovered by accident. It was stupid, really. If I had been thinking clearly, I could probably have have found some way to get it all to my new house. But everything was going into storage for 2 weeks, and I was staying with friends till the new place was available. My state of mind was not conducive to innovative ways to conceal my things. So, I panicked and tossed the lot. :doh::eek:

It's been 6 years since I Dressed. Recently, the urge came over me to start my collection over, so I am. However, I'm moving more slowly than I did back in the beginning. I can't afford the volume and impulse-buying that I was able to back then. However, no more guilt now. I will never purge again.

Jaclyn NM
08-02-2009, 01:40 PM
I can't count the number of times I've purged, but I'm sure those days are behind me, since I came out to my wife. Whenever I did purge, I was almost immediately filled with regret, so hopefully never more.

08-02-2009, 01:41 PM
Did about 2-3 purges. Always felt like throwing away myself, in a way. Now I only throw away what's wprn out or the size doesn't fit anymore. But hate doing it.

08-02-2009, 02:09 PM
I am a little confused, if you enjoy crossdressing why would purge as you call it that as the same as stopping, it isn't like robbing banks it's something that makes you feel good inside, enjoy your self DRESS.

Love Sharon

08-02-2009, 02:36 PM
I am a little confused, if you enjoy crossdressing why would purge as you call it that as the same as stopping, it isn't like robbing banks it's something that makes you feel good inside, enjoy your self DRESS.

Love Sharon
Well, no it's not the same as stopping. Just like someone who swears off drinking because or guilt, CDs have similar experiences that they go through. You throw away the clothes because of guilt, or fear of being caught. I think it generally only happens to men who are in a relationship or marriage, where the wife or girlfriend doesn't know, and the man has a fear that if the clothes etc. are discovered it will mean the end of his marriage/relationship, because he thinks the woman wouldn't understand, and would leave. Sharon, your situation may be that you are able to Dress when you please, or you may have already come out to your wife or girlfriend and others in your family, and your friends. For me though, there was guilt because I knew that my wife simply would not understand, and I knew that friends and relatives wouldn't understand or approve, and it could mean the end of my marriage and my relationship with my relatives. That however, was not the reason that I purged - I outlined my reason for doing it above. But it's still fear that drives us to do it.

08-02-2009, 02:43 PM
I use to purge in my late teens and early twenties.. I now realize I did that out of an illogical guilt..Gee. I wish I could have back some of the beautiful clothes I threw away! Please don't purge.you will only regret it later

08-02-2009, 02:52 PM
One purge-- I got rid of my first dress, hair and shoes one hour after I looked at myself in the mirror. I was horrified. I had thought it would be an easy transformation-- boy was I wrong. So, I checked out a few books to study up on makeup basics and the lights came on, so to speak. I bought a new outfit, new hair, new shoes and never looked back. I'd have to say that my initial purge was not connected with guilt. It was all about the disappointment I felt when I saw my image in the mirror.

08-02-2009, 03:03 PM
I have purged many times over the years, and like Lidia said, each time I felt like I had thrown myself away. My identity was gone each time, and I only found myself again after I began to dress en femme again. It took several years, but I finally accepted the fact that this is who I am...I am Alicia. I may have been born in the body of a male, but my soul is female, and no amount of purging will ever alter that.

Gabrielle Hermosa
08-02-2009, 06:40 PM
How many times have you purged and how did you feel after doing it?

I purged once when I was 12. It was right after getting busted (http://www.mycdlife.com/2009/04/getting-busted-and-learning-to-hate-myself) by my mother while wearing one of my mother's skirts.

All I had (of my own) was a make-shift skirt, which was nothing more than a slightly modified sleeping bag cover. Not even sure if dumping that is considered purging.

How did I feel? Well, I hated myself and wanted to die. Not because I purged, but because getting busted was terribly traumatic and I felt very bad about myself after that. At the time, I thought purging was a step toward being "normal". I was just a confused 12 year old. Not much was lost, although I did feel a bit naked without it (no pun intended).

I set out to purge before getting married, but could not bring myself to do it. I thought getting married would "cure" me at the time, but it took me a long time to accumulate my stash and didn't want to chance being without it if I did not "get better" (note the quotes).

Aside from that, I have never purged.

Unlike many crossdressers, I do not hate this aspect of my life. This is who I am and I love being a crossdresser. It took me a long time to figure out, but I got there. I am not ashamed to be this way. It is not a sickness (http://www.mycdlife.com/2009/06/crossdressing-myth-4-it-is-a-mental-illness), defect or something I need to get over.

I've got issues and quirks, but crossdressing is not one of them.

08-03-2009, 10:48 AM
I purged twice:

The first time as a teen and the second when I started back in the late 90's.

Each time the urge got stronger. Now I just take 3-5 weeks off in the summer so I do not get the purge feeling.

08-03-2009, 12:41 PM
I purged everything before I got married. Back then I didn't have a whole lot. Just a leather skirt and a silk nightgown I had bought in Korea. I also got rid of two issues of Transgendered Tapestry a TG friend had given me.

JoAnne Wheeler
08-03-2009, 12:49 PM
Several - felt devastated - I WILL NEVER PURGE AGAIN - EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!

JoAnne Wheeler

08-03-2009, 07:09 PM
What exactly is purging? I have always understood that it means to get rid of ALL your female clothing, so as to quit being a CD. I did that once, many years ago when I did not have such a big wardrobe as now! I totally quit CD'ing for 5 years. Only started up again because my dear late wife insisted. Sure was fun shopping for Stephanie again!

Now my only problem is storage space. I have 3 bedroom closets and 12 portable closets, 6 in my full basement and 6 in storage. About 1/3rd of a bedroom closet has my male stuff, and everything else is filled with Stephanie's stuff. Do you think maybe I have too much?:heehee:

Veronica Nowakowski
08-03-2009, 07:34 PM
I have yet to purge, though I have had my stuff involuntarily purged when I lived in my parents' house, though they never figured out that's one of the reasons I had it (I was a creative teenager after all, and it wasn't me crossdressed that they ever found). Actually I fished stuff I couldn't stand letting go from the garbage and had to wash it on occasion.

08-03-2009, 07:51 PM
Thankful I've never purged. Who be kicking myself if I did.


08-03-2009, 08:08 PM
OH,the purging... Well, you know when I started to dress, I began slowly. At first I would buy only lingerie An article here, a panty there. I would wear them for awhile and then throw the aricle away. I figure the article served it's purpose and I wanted to have nothing to do with crossdressing when the mood faded.

As time went on, the desires grew, came with more frequencies and stayed longer. So if you look at major purges, I would say, I purged twice in the last ten years. When I did it, I felt great, a load, a secret, this "thing" off my shoulders. I could breathe. Yeah, breathe only to inhale the desire back in my soul. So, the desire would comback.

My last cycle has lasted for three years now and hopefully with the help of my sisters here, purging will be a thing of the past.


08-04-2009, 05:50 AM
if i do purge my wife say she get frist choce of my outfits. some time you have to purge the old out that you dont uss anymore

08-04-2009, 09:50 AM
I purged a couple of times, usually when I moved and thought, new house, new habits, lots of changes. The only thing that changed was the balance on my VISA a few months later when I went back out and bought everything I had just thrown out. Now I just take advantage of my wife's "purging" and have a great collection of her items.

08-04-2009, 09:56 AM
I think about purging constantly but I know if i did i would regret it.

I think of clothes purging in the same context of reducing what i have. some of my older and original CD items i dont wear and dislike and would be rid of them.

08-04-2009, 10:14 AM
I've purged once in my life when I graduated college. I was young and idealistic and I thought I'd start new and free from all my old vices. The urge hit a month later and I figured it's a part of who I am. I'm not too heartbroken over it, though. It was a lot of ill fitting clothes and underwear anyways. Just stuff that I collected when I was too chicken to do real shopping and try stuff on.

08-13-2009, 07:59 PM
I've purged 3 times
in my 20's when I thought I was sick and needed to forget this
in my 30's when the wife didn't know
in my 50's after the wife knew, and was ok with it and bought me clothes, but I thought it was my way of copeing with a rotten marraige
in my 55's wore the girlfriends stuff when she wasn't around, wore it once to haloween with her, I felt so sexy and enjoyed it so much when the drunk guys felt me up as a joke. Never told her I was cd, but after she left, the next girl saw the haloween pics and left abruptly.
I'm married now and have found this place. But don't have a stash or wear hers. Size difference or I probably would.

Still sorting out my thoughts on this, if theres another divorce, will definatly pursue this , maybe meet a couple cd's in my area, and at least experience it enough to decide which way I am, and not just my erotic thoughts.

Really enjoy being here. Wish I'd had a place like this in my 20's

08-13-2009, 08:40 PM
Probably more 'little' purges than I can remember, but then again, I never really had much of a female wardrobe when I was younger. Usually, only a couple panties, maybe a bra or two, one slip, and maybe a dress and/or skirt top combo. But even then it was really depressing afterward, because I knew how difficult it would be to replace it because of my size. Hell, I can't even find a lot of mens clothing that I want because of it.

Carly D.
08-13-2009, 11:55 PM
Purged completely = maybe three to four times.. everytime I purged I thought it would be the last time.. finally when I started to buy my own clothes I would do reasonable purgings.. such as clothes that are out of the ability to be worn and so to this day I still try to only do this..

08-14-2009, 12:27 AM
I did once and felt pretty good about it. Then, a little while later, I realized that that was kind of a silly thing to do.

Penelope Marie
08-14-2009, 12:28 AM
I've purged about maybe 4 times, every time i was sick to my stomach about what i had lost. Last time was in 07. I did so then because i had meet a woman on line from a dating service and she ask me to move in with her, she is in Texas and I in NC. I was sure this was my cure, though i really hated to get rid of my dresses baby dolls and other things i did so because i wanted to prove to myself i am a man. It failed the relationship and my "proving to myself i am a man" the thought still sickens me. i will never purge again. lesson learned. I had pastors and counselors telling me how wrong i was for being me. they have placed a sour taste in my mouth for Church and religion. Really i should have not listened to them. never again. i don't much care if i never have another relationship i have to be me if i am not i am very sad to the point of depression. never again

Pattie O
08-14-2009, 01:33 AM
I have purged many times and I believe (hope) those days are over.The last time I purged (6 months ago)I felt as though I would go mad and quickly retrieved the clothes and now have started to build up a nice selection of clothes that I feel suit my age,style and are comfie.I have decided that purging is silly,a waste of money and time and I just really dont want to do it anymore!
Looking forward to mixing and matching ,colours and styles and experimenting with my feminine side.


08-14-2009, 02:40 AM
I've never really outright purged, as I can't imagine trying to fight who I am. The closest I've probably come to purging was when I moved to Dallas from where I used to live. I used the excuse to clean out my closet a bit. I got rid of some stuff that was horribly out of fashion. I also got ride of some of the ugly and cheap clothes I had acquired growing up because that was all my limited resources could get me at the time. Pretty much everything I threw out deserved it. The only thing I regret throwing out were a pair of thigh high spiked heel boots I got for free with a Fredericks order once. At the time I know my thinking was, "god these are such hooker boots, I'll never wear them in a million years." But now I think to myself, every now and then there's nothing wrong with getting a little ****ted up for fun, and kind of wish I had them.

Christine Andrews
08-14-2009, 04:00 AM
I have purged a number of times and it is something that I now contemplate from time to time. I struggle with guilt and self-acceptance - just when I think I have accepted myself I slip back into fear and guilt. This drove my purges - the idea that I could stop.

At first after the purge I felt great! More positive than I had in a very long time. I felt so positive - the secrecy and fear was gone and I was happy. This lasted for six weeks after the first purge. I then found my thoughts wandering frequently and I began to feel increasingly frustrated and anxious. I realised that I had tried to escape from part of myself and it caught up with me. This was cured by starting dressing again and tryimng to accept myself.

The positive feelings felt after a purge shortened each successive time and after each purge I felt ill because part of me knew I shouldn't have done it. The fact that I still feel the need to purge does worry me but it is a symtom of my struggle for self-acceptance I believe.

Now I remind myself:
- How I felt after previous purges
- That I truly missed some of the items I disposed of and that I will really miss what I have now
- That I have spent alot of money on what I have and to purge would be to waste it (unless the no longer fit (losing weight at last :D) or they are damaged/worn out)

I truly wish I listened to many of you wise ladies on this forum before I purged because although part ofme wants to deny it - purging is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

Renee Demarea
08-14-2009, 06:32 AM
:thumbsup::hugs:I never have purged but have stopped for 6 months

Crissy Kay
08-14-2009, 08:06 AM
No purging for me either!! Thats one of the advantages of being a fetish cd, as I have very little stuff in the first place!!! I do have one old petticoat thats a nice shade of grey that I should throw out, but I can"t bring myself to do it!!!

08-14-2009, 04:05 PM
I only purged once and that was when I got orders for Vietnam. I didn't like the idea of anyone eventually finding my stuff and figuring out what I had been up to in case something happened to me over there. I had some really neat things. When I came home I went to the place in the woods where I had left every thing and everything was gone.

08-15-2009, 06:54 PM
I don't know how many times I have purged, but luckily I have only had maybe 10 items or less. Every time I purged it was because I didn't want to get caught.

Now I don't have to purge since my supportive wife knows and my skirts and blouses are hung up in my wife's closet and one of my drawers have all of the rest of my pretties.


Sarah V
08-17-2009, 02:06 AM
Twice. Well, that was a stupid thing I just did.:Angry3:

After the second time, and more reading on the subject, I know this was not going to go away, so I set out to enjoy it as much as I could, which has been a slow road but has been picking up speed around when I turned 35 yrs young.

I no longer purge......I just replace (or add):D

08-17-2009, 02:44 AM
I have lost count. However, I haven't purged for about 6 years. I know realise what a waste of money it is. When I have a downer I bung my stuff into bin bags and store in the loft. It never stays there fore more than a few weeks before it comes back down, get ironed and put away properly.

Charla McBee
08-17-2009, 02:46 AM
Hmm, a lot, ashamed, and crappy. Now that this site has made me brave enough to just go out and buy all that I need however, I will never purge again. There's too much money involved this summer in starting over from scratch with everything being entirely my own.

08-18-2009, 10:45 AM
I have had my share of purging over the past 12 years. Maybe 4 times, I too got rid of a lot of nice expensive clothes, outfits, shoes, wigs, accessories.......well, you know what I mean, everything - about $6k worth. My last purge was about 3 years ago and did not take me long - maybe 6 weeks before I started buying clothing again. I know I will do it again, especially during sensitive times, like right now while my wife is grieving over the recent death of her brother - so for that I keep things hidden out of sight and locked up because I know I will submit to guilt and fear - that's just me....I don't like it but I'm sure I will get my strength back someday and learn to be deal with it.

08-18-2009, 03:23 PM
Purged once and regretted it . After you do it once, you'll figure out that it won't go away so just put your clothes somewhere safe cause you'll be looking for them again.