View Full Version : A Feel Good Mistake

07-30-2009, 06:23 AM
I got up at my normal time this morning( I have to be to work at 05:30 am ) and dressed in lite blue lace front panties,suntan panty hose,lite blue bra,C forms,denim skirt and white polo top with matching belt.After getting my drab clothes loaded in the truck etc,I then proceeded to work.It's about a 45 minute drive.When pulling into the outskirts of the city I glanced at my gas gauge and noticed I was low.Not close to running out mind you,just low.As I hate getting fuel in the afternoon I pulled into the neighborhood conviencence store.Its very well lite and fairly new.I pulled up to the pump and promptly got out,inserted card and proceeded to pump my gas not realizing I was still dressed en femme.When I did realize it my intial thought was embarressment but then I thought Why?I know a few people saw me one even honked his horn as he was pulling away from his pump.I seem to be getting more comfortable every day thanks to all the support I get from reading other thread telling me/us that we have nothing to be ashamed of.Thank You all.:battingeyelashes:

07-30-2009, 07:17 AM
Just being a lady doing normal stuff. Ain't it great?

07-30-2009, 07:29 AM
WTG Kimmy, the more I get used to being free to dress when I want the better I feel about being out around people. Have a great day.
