View Full Version : Can You Imagine

~Emma D~
08-06-2009, 04:13 PM

I tried 'coming-out' as a teeneager many years ago.
At what turned out to be bad time for me, the only person to give support was my oldest sister, who regrettably passed away some years back.

At the time I wrote her a little poem to try and explain who I was, I think it helped her and she understood to some extent what I was going through.

Funny what you find going through old photos and books in the loft - I found the letter which I gave her all that time back today, as I was putting away a new skirt I had bought.

Its very corny, but the feelings still remain to this day.

This is the poem.

Can You imagine,

'How awful it would be to wake up in the morning and find you have no breasts and have the most hideous of growths down below between your legs

Believe me it is absolutely devastating waking up like that every day of your life.

For almost all my life, I have wanted to express myself as my true self
AS A FEMALE –with everything that goes with it

My need to make myself look like a FEMALE
To act like a FEMALE and appear to the world in all ways as a FEMALE
To appease the attraction within myself to MEN
Who would hopefully treat me as my true self -A WOMAN

Can You Imagine not being who you should be –You don’t want to
It is a Living Nightmare'

Please accepy my apologies if the content offends


08-06-2009, 07:08 PM
very nice sarah

but why can't you do something about it ... your never too old ?

Penelope Marie
08-06-2009, 09:58 PM
That's about how i feel. i have prayed and wished i would got to bed and wake up with a womans body so many times. Still got to male it happen before i get too old or die.