View Full Version : who has it harder men or women?

08-08-2009, 10:58 AM
i don't want to go into the policital debate but since most of us here are not 100% women 100% of the time we live and experience both sides. so i just wanted to see others ideas on the subject.
i vote women
it takes forever to get ready and a pair of jeans one size might fit u great but the same size on another pair is unflattering and so on
plus heels hurt lol

as a guy i get the feeling that all we really need is money but regradless life is simpler

i wish i knew had to add a poll

08-08-2009, 11:03 AM
I find being male a chore, although GG's have loads of problems in day to day activities.

I hate being deemed "masculine" and "butch" when I'm not.
I never have been, and never will be.

I guess, being a woman in a mans body is hard enough, but being a woman in a mans world is worse. Wow, thats a mind mess!
(man to woman in a mans world - why change?).

I have to admit though, I am a TG, not a CD.

08-08-2009, 11:25 AM
Hard question to answer. Depends on whether you are male or female and to what you are specifically refering to. A woman may say their life is harder. The have the house to clean, children to raise, work twice as hard at the office just to prove that they can do they job just as well as a man.

On the other side of the coin, men might say women have it easier. Men have the yard work to do, the house repairs that never seem to end. Get one thing fixed and something else breaks down. Having to work long hours for little pay just to support the family. Do we have enough money to get Jimmy and Susie braces and still be able to pay the morgage??

I know that this is not true for every person. In some households, the "traditional" roles are reveresed. This is just a generalization of what I have heard friends, family, and co-workers say over the years. My point is, and this is just my belief, is that neither sex have it harder then the other. Each individual person (of both sexes) have their own unique challanges in life that they must face and over come. Just because your neighbor's grass is greener, does not necessarily mean that their life is better or easier then yours. :2c:

If forced to choose, I would choose women. They get all the cute clothes and shoes to wear. :D

Alice B
08-08-2009, 11:53 AM
I am quite happy on both sides of the coin. Sure it is less work to present my male side. Often it takes no work at all. Yes, it takes longer and is more work to establish my female side, but for me that is part of the fun. Making the effort to change my look and feel. Putting on the make up, bra, forms, panties or gaff, dress, shoes, wig, etc. Afterwards looking at myself in the mirror as a woman and not a man and enjoying the excitement it causes.

Like many of us there are times I get frustrated when I can't dress and at other times feel rushed do to time restrictions, but that is part of who we are and I'm sure true gg's feel the same frustrations.

08-08-2009, 12:01 PM
Depends on character, I'm pretty sure that it's real easy for some women to be women, and real easy for men to be men. I find it very hard to be a man sometimes, but most of the time it comes naturally meaning that it is very easy.

When I hit the 20 year old mark and I was still a virgin, I grew desperate. Part of my fascination of emulating a woman was because I think that women can get sex more easily. I just wanted sex so badly that I only focused on that aspect of each gender's life and of course I thought females had it easier.

08-08-2009, 12:07 PM
the grass is always greener...........

Christina Horton
08-08-2009, 12:22 PM
I would say Definitely Men, Think about it we have to be strong never cry and walk tall, I mean hell after we have done our makeup and dressed we can't even get to sweaty cuz our makeup could run and our beard shadow will show. Plus we live on both sides of the fenc.......Oh you mean Non-CDs Oh well then I would say women no QUESTION OF THAT. Men have some probs that women don't have but women have 99% of these and then the prob of being a women. We CDs have more probs the other non CD men even if we don't dress at all. But for those of us that do go out we have all (save for a few very fem-probs) that both men and women have. So my :2c: is women, and if you put us into the question then CD's like us.

Joanne f
08-08-2009, 01:02 PM
There is only one person that has it the hardest and that is single parents, until you have experience that you will not understand the meaning of hardship .

Rachel Morley
08-08-2009, 03:48 PM
Who has harder - men or women? Women of course! It's still very much a man's world and we have acknowledge that even as CDers, we still have male privileges. Don't believe me? - click HERE (http://www.slideshare.net/rgiannic/that-is-not-fair-male-privileges) and press play.

08-08-2009, 04:21 PM
You're going to get both answers; but neither sex can really know what it's like for the other for an entire life. We only know what we see, and what we experience. But no one ever got to live both lives to compare.
I think for a lot of us here, being female would solve some of our problems, and we already know how to deal with the rest of them. So it may seem to many of us that being female would be easier, because we don't think that many of the things women complain about are any big deal. But it isn't like that. It's just 'different'. Men and women have different problems in day to day life, problems which it seems the opposite sex doesn't have to deal with. But usually, we conveniently forget about all the 'new' problems that we would have to take care of if we were that sex.

Basically, it's a toss up.

08-08-2009, 04:53 PM
Until men can get pregnant, carry a child, and give birth, my answer will always be that women have it harder.

Gabrielle Hermosa
08-08-2009, 05:30 PM
I'm not sure this question can be properly addressed in general terms. Fact of the matter is women have it easier than men... and men have it easier than women. It just depends on the man or woman in question. Truth be told, some people (regardless of sex) simply have it easy in life because they just do their thing however they choose, and they're happy with it.

Forgive my dodge of the initial question, but I'll say that the ones who have it easiest (man or woman) are probably the ones who pay the least mind to their personal appearance and/or simply look good regardless of how they dress or present themselves.

As for me, it takes HOURS more to fully prepare myself to go out as Gabrielle, than as Gabe. But then again, I'm not a gg and have to work a lot harder at appearing feminine than a gg.

lori m crawford
08-08-2009, 05:46 PM
yes they do an as male or female i thank it is both ways males have ther things to do as females but wen a women goes to get dress up to go out she has a lot more to put on lolo then a male to look her best not ever day life to a male but a women it is or some seem like some women just dont care oney more but it used to be they wonted to be sexy but no more it seem to me we as cd-ts wont to be more a woman then most women this day an age or at less look like one is what i said rong if it is so be it sorry

trannie T
08-08-2009, 06:39 PM
Women are still paid less than men for the same work.
Working women still are expected to be the primary homemaker.

When I go out as a male dressing is easy, shower, shave just the face, panties (I wear them if I am dressing as either gender) pants, socks, shoes and a shirt. As a female I have to shower, shave-face, pits, arms, legs, hands, fingers- panties, bra,
pantihose, foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, eyeliner, blush, skirt, top, wig . . .
it is a royal pain in the a** being a woman but fun.

Veronica Nowakowski
08-08-2009, 07:11 PM
I think it depends greatly on the specific field. For example, when it comes to being around children, women have it much easier. I remember a professor for an education class pointing out that a woman picking up a child who fell and patting them on the back saying "poor baby" will be seen as a positive figure. A man doing the same looks like a pedophile. A woman gets hit on while men have to do the awkward job of going up to them and risk being told to **** off, usually figuratively, just because you're not quite their type. A woman can stay home and tend to the house while the man works, or she can have a career; men are told they should have a career only. In school, growing up, women had it so much easier as they had special programs to make them better at math and science and many teachers would be easy on them, and hell I had a manhater once.

However, women do have it harder in the workplace, generally. They have to go through the miracle of childbirth, if anyone does, which I am very glad I never have to go through in this life. It's easier for men to get ready, though it's not nearly as fun. Men are less likely to be attacked by muggers and the like, which is always good.

08-08-2009, 07:26 PM
Until men can get pregnant, carry a child, and give birth, my answer will always be that women have it harder.

Until men can get pregnant, carry a child, and give birth, my answer will always be that women have it better.

Veronica Nowakowski
08-08-2009, 07:27 PM
someone loves the movie Junior

08-08-2009, 08:45 PM
Guys have it harder, definitively. At least the healthy ones.

Now, women have it more difficult :D

08-09-2009, 08:24 AM
Women are still paid less than men for the same work. Working women still are expected to be the primary homemaker

Not good to perpetuate a fallacy. As far back as 1990 census (as reported in the Wall Street Journal at the time, and there was never any challenge to the accuracy of the statistics quoted from U.S. Gov't sources), college educated women made about the same (actually 101%) as college educated men. People who are serious about a career seem to make approximately the same in the U.S. regardless of sex. The primary difference in salaries is due to the amount of consecutive time on the job. Women who take time off from the workplace will have a lower salary than someone who did not, so taking off a few years for any reason, oh, say, to have kids (a choice, mind you) will affect the salary, and she knows that when she decides to do it. BTW, in my field, at my job level, all the women make more than I and another male friend do. Why? They've been there longer.

Last study showed that single women spend twice the amount of time on housework as single men (in general, men don't decorate much, and have a much higher filth tolerance). The problem arises when we co-habitate, and women expect us to vastly increase the amount of time we spend on housework, because it simply doesn't happen; then, she picks up the slack, and becomes frustrated because 'she's doing all the work' around the house. Women become the 'primary homemaker' indoors because they want the house to be more 'homey' than most guys do, not because we expect them to do it. It mostly becomes just a division of labor, too; when I was married, I did a whole lot of things that my wife would never even consider doing. She 'expected' me to: fix the roof, the plumbing, the electrics, the paving, clean the chimney, chop the wood, start the fires, clean up the ash, sand and finish the floors and carpet the areas that weren't hardwood, paint the house, repair the mortar, trim and several times cut down trees, clean the gutters and clear the ice off the roof, even during storms; shovel the snow and ice, fix the cars, repair the boiler, change the hot water heater, grade the foundation, finish the basement and the attic, etc..
All of which I consider part of making a home.

08-09-2009, 01:24 PM
Male or Female - it doesn't matter.

The hard part is trying to be someone you are not.

08-10-2009, 05:12 AM
Thank you Sometimes Miss for putting to bed these old myths that women get paid less for the same work and women put in more hours of work. There have been plenty of studies which have shown these beliefs to be false but some people want to believe in them because it suits their viewpoints.

And there are plenty of female privileges as well which balance out male privileges.

What is unbalanced is the public's perception of who has it harder which is invariably considered to be women. Not unsurprising after 50 years of unopposed feminist propaganda.

The truth is life is what you make of it mixed in with a dash of luck. Your physical gender does not decide whether you have it hard or easy, it is the decisions you make along the way that will decide that. You are in control of your own fate.

Fab Karen
08-10-2009, 05:19 AM
Neither. You're comparing apples & oranges. Both sides have their crosses to bear so to speak.
And "They have the house to clean, children to raise,"- you must have invented a time machine, and just pop into our time occasionally to use the internet.

And let me repeat for the 100th. time: not all women give birth or want to.

08-10-2009, 05:54 AM
And let me repeat for the 100th. time: not all women give birth or want to.

Thank you. I'm a women who has decided to be childfree and its good to see that some people understand this. I hate to feel that people think I am less of a women because I have decided not to carry children. Point of interest, I work in a Primary school and I actually like children a great deal but I digress.

As for who has it harder, I don't think you can generalize by gender. After all everyone's story is different.

I'm a could your blessing type of a girl, someone who drinks from a cup that is half full. I have issues in my life, but I don't consider it to be hard. I have Chronic Fatique and so I'll never be able to work as much as say another women. Which means I can only do my work part-time and so I'll never make very much money. That in is self is difficult, but I in myself am happy and my life is relativity stress free.

My mother on the other hand, she has lived and lives a hard life. She works a very hard job and deals with death on a daily basis. Often comes home with so much paperwork and has a horrid boss. She deals with all the household details, and is the go to women for all of our family when there are problems afoot. She always has to be strong for everyone, and I've seen her break down and cry a few times from the pressure of it all.
She has lost many children which should have been my brothers and sisters, and I almost killed her when I was born. I try to be there for her, and while I realise I'll never be as strong as my mother, I'll always be there to catch her when she falls.

My father works very hard too, but his "hard life" only really steams from his job. He pretty much comes home and lets mum deal with everything else and spends the evenings in front of the TV drinking, but lets not get into that.

My main point is, that it really depends on the person. I'm sure that there are many men out there who have very hard times, as well as women. All that I know is despite a handful of issues my life is fairly straight forward. One person cannot comment on which gender has had it harder, until they have lived multiple lives in both.

08-10-2009, 05:55 AM
While I can agree that it is more difficult to get dressed and whatnot as a woman - living as a man is much more difficult. No doubt about that.

Renee Demarea
08-10-2009, 10:17 AM
Men have it harder thats why they do not live as long, and women live on, does CD help Longevity ?:tongueout

08-10-2009, 10:58 AM
Women are still paid less than men for the same work.
Working women still are expected to be the primary homemaker.

When I go out as a male dressing is easy, shower, shave just the face, panties (I wear them if I am dressing as either gender) pants, socks, shoes and a shirt. As a female I have to shower, shave-face, pits, arms, legs, hands, fingers- panties, bra,
pantihose, foundation, eye shadow, lipstick, eyeliner, blush, skirt, top, wig . . .
it is a royal pain in the a** being a woman but fun.

I agree with the above; however, this is an age-old question and probably one that really can't be answered categorically and completely. The difficulty lies in what is meant by "harder" and what is included in our comparison. The folktale, "The Fisherman's Wife" offers a very old lesson that is still valid today. It's a sort of "grass is greener" story and ends with each person acknowledging that the other's roles and responsibilities are much harder than they originally thought.
So it goes.

08-10-2009, 11:23 AM
Who has harder - men or women? Women of course! It's still very much a man's world and we have acknowledge that even as CDers, we still have male privileges. Don't believe me? - click HERE (http://www.slideshare.net/rgiannic/that-is-not-fair-male-privileges) and press play.

Very nice and I totally agree.

08-10-2009, 11:31 AM
I think BOTH sexes PREFER that, don't they?:brolleyes:

08-10-2009, 12:50 PM
I think both sexes have different challanges to face, & each person has their own way of dealing with those challanges :)

08-10-2009, 07:25 PM
I think both sexes have different challanges to face, & each person has their own way of dealing with those challanges :)

I agree.

These topics bother me a bit because they "bin" groups of people together with the presumption that they are victims. :2c:

08-10-2009, 08:33 PM
it was a competition...
