View Full Version : Go figure...!?

Leslie Langford
08-22-2009, 12:48 AM
So here I am - I have an appointment with an executive recruiter for a senior management position in their offices in the heart of the financial district. And I'm crossdressing as a male investment banker "wannabe" - dark blue business suit, white shirt, tie, wing-tip shoes, briefcase etc....

And I'm getting more "looks" than I typically do when out en femme. Totally in drab, yet I feel like a fish out of water. Why? Well, it's a hot, humid day and most of the rest of the world is dressed in shorts, capris, camisoles, cut-offs, halter tops, tank tops, golf shirts, muscle shirts, khakis, flip-flops, and sandals, among other things. I'm wearing traditional male attire, "Mad Men" style, and I'm the one perceived as the anomaly - even more so than if I were wearing a skirt, dress, hose, and heels.

Really puts the whole notion of being "passable" as a woman or blending in while at the same time fearing being "outed" into perspective. I'm already being "outed" in this scenario wearing what used to be considered normal, gender-appropriate clothing.

Yet the best thing was - lots of eye contact and smiles from GG's. So I guess many of them also secretly long for the days when men were men and still dressed in a professional and polished way as opposed to the blurring of the genders that we get these days.

Come to think of it - just like us crossdressers, who also wistfully remember the days when women dressed in an elegant, sophisticated, and feminine manner - a way many of us try to emulate in our own dressing styles, and consistent with the mental time warp of the 50's and 60's the "Boomers" among us still inhabit.

As I said, go figure... seems as if we've all lost something along the way to this brave new world of gender equality and overlap :doh::sad:.

08-22-2009, 12:59 AM
I completely agree with you. Much has been lost. Let's hope that much will gained in other areas such as honesty about who we project ourselves to be.

Aaron Zwidling
08-22-2009, 02:35 AM
I love the shape of the dresses from that era, with the fitted waists and full skirts, petticoats underneath of course to add more fullness to the skirt. I'm sure part of the reason that style disappeared is it just isn't that practical for every day wear, especially once you add the heels and pearls. It certainly is nice to look at however.

08-22-2009, 04:06 AM
That's a hoot, .... a guy, dressing as a "guy" in a "guy" world , and feeling odd about it, because "he" isn't looking like everybody else in their casual clothes.

How the world has changed.

08-22-2009, 04:09 AM
They just haven't seen anyone applying for a job in the financial sector for so long they forgot what it looks like.

08-22-2009, 04:26 AM
I never really thought about it before, but you're right. The women miss a man in a suit and tie as much as we miss a woman in a skirt and heels.
We've become a nation of slobs and that's a shame.
The nice thing about us is that we can be our own well dressed woman in a skirt and heels.
I think it's more fun than even watching, don't you?

08-22-2009, 07:35 AM
Maybe you just look damn good in a suit and that's why your getting looks...........

08-22-2009, 07:58 AM
After braving all the looks and the discomfort in the heat I hope the interview goes well and you get the job.
Good Luck:thumbsup:

08-22-2009, 10:07 AM
Please tell me. at least, that you were wearing fem undies.

08-22-2009, 10:23 AM
as a male investment banker "wannabe" - dark blue business suit, white shirt, tie, wing-tip shoes, briefcase etc....

Were you trying to pass but feeling rather conspicuous? It doesn't seem to work!

08-22-2009, 11:57 AM
I don't enjoy the heat aspect of it, but I actually love the feel of getting all dressed up in a nice suit and tie sometimes. Sure, I would also love to get all dressed up in formal women's wear for something sometime, like being a bridesmaid or such, but I also love being a MAN sometimes. I've actually lost a lot of weight in the last few months (40 pounds, pushing for an even 50) so none of my dressier men's clothes really fit me right now, but I look forward to getting a nice suit when I both hit my goal and have some more money.

But your post and the mention of Mad Men reminded me, the thing I always wonder is how did the men working in that era not just be constantly soaked with sweat, considering how many layers they had on and the hats and everything.