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Midnight Skye
08-30-2009, 07:25 PM
So I'm going to start going out on my normal errands dressed en fem to see if I want to head farther that direction. But it just dawned on me I still get ID'd for everything (cold medicine... wine coolers). :o

Does anyone have practical advice on being ID'd when cross dressing? Has anyone had any trouble, or just curious questions and remarks? Up to this realization I didn't have any real worries... suddenly I'm faced with an odd practical issue (go figure!).


Fab Karen
08-30-2009, 07:40 PM
Never had a problem with nightclubs which ask to see ID. It probably wouldn't be a problem to buy alcohol in a store en femme for example, but personally I haven't touched the stuff in almost 16 years so no direct experience. Unless you really look under 21, I doubt they'd hassle you if you have an ID.

08-30-2009, 07:40 PM
If you already have a drivers license, you may be able to apply for non-driving photo ID, and have your picture taken dressed en femme. That way you would have both photos, for any situation.

I have no experience with this though, so its just speculation.

08-30-2009, 07:45 PM
I use my credit card and male ID, when asked, all the time and have never had any problem. That is probably because I am easily read from up close and personal! Even so, you are buying and paying and they will gladly take your money. So, on that account, do not worry. If you decide to get a state ID with your femme pic from your Department of Motor Vehicles, just realize that when you go to renew your license, you femme pic may show up on your drivers license. The computer just searches for the most recent pic on file and uses that.

Annie D
08-30-2009, 08:35 PM
I am way too old to be carded but I did go to the state driver's license bureau to get a state id. I needed my birth certificate and my original driver's license for a picture. My state id has my male name, correct address, DOB, etc but my enfemme picture. I did this because when I shop and use my debit or credit card, they sometimes ask for an id or sometimes they want to see what I look like as a male, so I have a feminine likeness to show them.

Rachel Morley
08-30-2009, 09:14 PM
I agree in a nightclub situation it's not an issue but in your OP you mention errands and so presumably you mean paying with a credit card. (yes UK folks, as far as I am aware, there is no chip and pin on credit cards in the US yet).

A couple of the members of our TG support group the River City Gems (http://www.rivercitygems.org/) have taken to getting a California state ID that has their male name on it but their picture is of them fully en femme. If you are ok with outing yourself when you pay with a credit card then this could be a good option. Me? .... I always pay with cash :D

Marcia Blue
08-30-2009, 11:36 PM
I am by no means passable up close. I have been ID when buying wine. I just had over my drab ID and I am on my way. Not a problem yet, but this has happened only twice.

Tracii G
08-30-2009, 11:41 PM
Never had a problem.

08-30-2009, 11:50 PM
When I need to present ID, like when checking into a hotel or using a credit card for a purchase, if I see the clerk, look quizzically, I just say, "Sorry the likeness is not very good." It breaks the tension and I always get a smile back. Never, ever had a problem.

08-30-2009, 11:53 PM
When I need to present ID, like when checking into a hotel or using a credit card for a purchase, if I see the clerk, look quizzically, I just say, "Sorry the likeness is not very good." It breaks the tension and I always get a smile back. Never, ever had a problem.

Great idea, Holly!

08-31-2009, 12:06 AM
In the few instances where this has come up for me I've tried to treat it just like everything else, namely, that as long as you just act confident and that nothing is out of sorts, then it'll be fine.

08-31-2009, 08:13 AM
When I need to present ID, like when checking into a hotel or using a credit card for a purchase, if I see the clerk, look quizzically, I just say, "Sorry the likeness is not very good." It breaks the tension and I always get a smile back. Never, ever had a problem.

Much like Holly, I spent years handing them my male drivers license. When they got a surprised look on their face, I'd just smile, blink my eyes rapidly trying to look cute, and tell 'em "Yeah I know, I clean up pretty nice huh?" lol

All kidding aside, I used my male ID for years and never once had a problem. The last few months, I've got a state ID in addition to my license, and the ID has my female picture on it. It was really not needed, but I LIKE it. :-)

Midnight Skye
08-31-2009, 09:42 AM
- Giggles - Thank you for the humorous and helpful responses everyone. Guess I shouldn't worry about it much and have a casual way to deal with it. Very glad to hear everyone hasn't had issues with this... for some odd reason I started envisioning cashiers shooing me away since my license and me don't match well... But then again girl with a fake ID wouldn't exactly get one with some funny looking dude on it, would she? lol

08-31-2009, 09:52 AM
When I need to present ID, like when checking into a hotel or using a credit card for a purchase, if I see the clerk, look quizzically, I just say, "Sorry the likeness is not very good." It breaks the tension and I always get a smile back. Never, ever had a problem.


My line, after the puzzled pause is: "New look."

When I replaced my cellphone, the girl looked at me and said "I like your new look!"

I normally use cash or my ATM for purchases. In restaurants and bars I use my femme amex.

Christina Horton
08-31-2009, 10:25 AM
when I get the look after they see my Id and they say something like " what's the occaction" I say " cuz it's Monday " or what ever day it is. Or if they ( look) I say "I am prettyier now eh". They laugh and then I tell them my fem-name and no prob with that. You'll be fine.

Granny Gray
08-31-2009, 05:57 PM
If I must show it, my DL has the old standard ugly pic on it. If I see some kind of a reaction I do a variation of the HOLLY act... I say something about: "Lot of changes since that old photo was made." In TX we can, as in several other states, get a state issued Photo ID. For a Fat Fee of course. I don't bother. A little humor with a surprised look works just fine.

09-01-2009, 06:46 AM
"when I get the look after they see my Id and they say something like " what's the occaction" I say " cuz it's Monday " or what ever day it is..."

Christina, I once did exactly the opposite. I went out to do some errands, CD'd, on Halloween. Whan a saleswoman asked if I was "going trick-or-treating later", I looked puzzled, then said "Oh -- is this Halloween? I completely forgot!"

Daphne Renee
09-30-2009, 05:20 PM
the only time I have been id while out was on halloween at going into a club.. they never even took a 2nd look. I would say unless you appear very young you probably wont have any problems. In any case carrying around other things with your name on it usually solves the problem.

Nikki A.
10-01-2009, 07:45 AM
Never a problem. Gave them the credit card, showed them the DL and was on my way. Confidence and acting natural is the key.

10-01-2009, 08:17 AM
The state ID card is great but not in Mo., well not yet anyhow. Their is hope, they are changing the statues all the time, sure hope it's soon.


PS Everyone is right, a smile, a funny glib comment and your on your way, doing whatever you were going to do.

10-01-2009, 08:35 AM
I can tell you right up to the point of buying smokes and liquor, at least in MA, that I've not had a problem showing my male ID. I go to clubs often enough to say that I'm carded going in every time, and haven't had a problem with that either. Also, and perhaps TxKimberly can reinforce, when I've traveled on flights (via Delta) I've had my male driver's license with a beard on it still, but my passport has me shaved with my hair down and light foundation, and only once on my trips did the person look at me funny when she saw the male ID, to which I just handed over my passport too.. and she gave me the ah-ha response, just smiled and handed everything back and I moved on.

I'll say that, perhaps into the future, if you're going to continue presenting enfemme out in public enough to come nose to nose with members of law enforcement, that you acquire a letter from a therapist/professional acknowledging the uniqueness of your situation (and that you're under consult). It's not a get-out-of-jail free card, but the intention is to stave off unnecessary confusion.

.02$ inserted. :)