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View Full Version : Interesting experience this morning...

09-01-2009, 10:47 AM
Since I am getting ready to move I have been in the process of locating places to rent down there in Ft. Myers, FL.

I received an e-mail in resposne to an ad I listed on a site from a female. My ad said I was a Cder/Transgender individual. She indicated that wasn't a problem. But the problem was she needed to find a place by Sept 1st and I wasn't planning on being down there until mid September at the earliest...so it didn't work out...

We chatted very briefly a couple of times via e-mails and IM....but only about the possibility of renting a place together. I hadn't spoken to her in three or 4 weeks now....

Anyway, she popped up on my IM as being on line...so I IM'd her....and we started chatting....our conversation hit on a number of points including her lifestyle...she's gay/lesbian and she doesn't have any problem at all with my dressing...thinks it's cool even. The conversation then lead to her former line of work, which then lead to where she use to work which lead to "Oh I worked over there as well"...and now it's lead to we might know each other....and that's where it was left since she had to dip out and do some stuff...but we're going to talk later this evening....but there's a good chance that with ehr work and my work in our former life that we've crossed paths...a very good chance....but do we remember each other?? probably not since it was maybe 20-25 years ago, but who knows....but at least we're sharing a "commonality"....anyway, we've already set up a "date" where we're going to go out to eat when I get down there...plus we've exchanged telephone numbers etc....and she's offered to get me around and show me places I need to know down there....

So this is so cool....goign to hopefully have my first friend as a contact and she's OK with Stephanie ...and that as the comercial says..."is priceless"!!!!

Ah life is looking good!!!!

Shelly Preston
09-01-2009, 11:28 AM
That sounds great
Your sure going to have a interesting time but it should be a lot of fun too :)

09-01-2009, 12:45 PM
You could be on to a win win situation there Good Luck

09-01-2009, 08:18 PM
Hi Sherry
Looks like when one door closes another door opens.
Good luck.
.................................................. ......thanks.........ORCHID

09-01-2009, 09:07 PM
We chatted again this evening...she's a big dog lover since I've had as many as 13 at one time I obviously am OK with her as far as dogs go....but we just chatted...would have talked on the phone but she's having problems with it since it just got turned on yesterday...

Anyway, there's a good possibility that we've crossed path before in our former lives (employement)...we'll see when we meet...dinner at the Outback when I get down there....hopefully next week...

09-01-2009, 09:16 PM
Your on a role Sherry kep it going

09-01-2009, 10:09 PM
Remember all as I stated in my first post and you all might have glossed over it... she's gay/lesbian and that's fine with me...friends, friend, FRIENDS....that's all I'm interested in...a buddy type friend...someone who I can go girl shopping with or go have lunch with as Stephanie...or out to the clubs with as two girl out....that type of thing(s)....She did tell me that she's 5'5" tall 120 lbs....auburn hair and brown eyes and freckels...but don't know if she's femme or butch or what???? But either way is OK just if she's femme she'll be more into lipstick and make up, femme clothing and all that girly stuff...wouldn't be cool if she's into guys clothing now would it....

oh lordie just to simplfiy my life would be so nice....

Anyway, we'll see how this works out...be nice to get down there and connect with someone right from the get go....

09-01-2009, 11:08 PM
U sound like a teenage girl getting ready for her first prom!:o

How COOL IS THAT!? U ROCK GIRL!:thumbsup:

Fab Karen
09-02-2009, 04:14 AM
And all because you were honest about yourself.

09-02-2009, 04:47 AM

How cool is that...... A girl friend in Florida with no hang-ups about your crossdressing, and you have not even moved here yet. I have a bunch of lesbian friends. I don't know why :) I think it is because I am very open minded overall and I do prefer the company of women over men. One couple in particular I was thinking of talking about my CDing. They would accept it with open arms.

Roll with it and have fun,


09-03-2009, 01:29 PM
Update on this new person in Fla....

I spoke to her again this morning...seems we have some more things in common...she said she's on disability and I asked her about it this morning. She said she has MS. I don't have MS, but I have one of it's cousin's...Chronic Inflammitory Demylating Polyneuropathy of CIDP which is the chronic version of Guillaim Barre Syndrome which is the acute version of CIDP....so we both have neurological/muscular disorders....

So as we talk it seems we are at least becoming "kindred spirits" of sorts...looking forward to getting down there and then meeting with her...should be interesting...

09-03-2009, 01:57 PM
It's seems like this could be a win-win for you. Keep us posted

09-03-2009, 02:05 PM
Hopefully she'll have some siblings for us to meet and befriend!

09-03-2009, 04:09 PM
Steph. It's great to hear things are starting to look better for your move, I know it's been a "challenge" at best for you lately.

Keep us posted girl.

