View Full Version : That feeling when something clicks

09-06-2009, 11:50 PM
Had a realization this weekend. I have had a moustache all along. Due to some miscommunication with my wife, I always kept it thinking it was her wish that I kept it and I choose not to push her past any comfort levels. This was not a problem to me.

Well, this weekend I found it wasn't entirely true. So I took all of 5 minutes in removing it and a strange feeling came over me. I only play with make-up occasionally because it was always hard to be satisfied with the final look. This time I went right to it and even though it was a sub-par job, it felt good instead of a plastered mess (with a caterpillar in the middle).

We talked for a while and subjects like going out and a makeover came up and it felt more like a reality instead of what "others do".

I am still a slow mover by personality, so I won't be jumping right out and conquering the world, but it is strange how just shaving that thing off changed my outlook and probably my confidence. So now I am on :c9: or maybe just feeling a little of the pink fog again.

Anyone else have that one particular event that really changed their outlook?

09-07-2009, 12:22 AM
I had a goatee for years and years. After coming out to my wife, she suggested that I shave it. So I shaved it off in a heartbeat, and legs too. We both like it much better this way.

Christina Horton
09-07-2009, 12:35 AM
I have always had a beard since I was 18. My mom said it suit my face and the odd time , in a whim I would shave it off for only a week or so then grow it back. She would offend say "oh why did you shave you look way to young" YOUNG is that a prob??? When I was ready to start dressing I shaved and put my wig I had just bought and look very silly. When I have my first makeover at my Uncles home with my cousins I looked better but the makeup was "sub-par" to. When I had a makeover at MAC I looked in the mirror and (sans wig) almost chickened out but once that wig went on WOW I felt mush better and that was My turning point and have never looked back. I do my owe makeup and go out when ever I want to. I hope you can do that some day, But only when your ready. It can take everyone different time to get to the same place but only if we want to. Have fun anticipating the first time out. You will remember it always hun. :D

09-07-2009, 01:02 AM
I had a beard and moustache for over 20 years. I grew it before or was not aware of my femine urges so much. I shaved it off after i lost my job and a friend suggested i needed to shave it and I would have a better chance at getting another job. I grew thebeard in the first place because i felt i look too young and maybe femminie, but strange as it might sound not that is what I want. Life does change. Now I want to be as femnine as possible. I shave my moustache offin Hawaii when my girlfiriend and now my wife dress me up in ligurie. I just felt so much like me and who I should have been for a long time

Angie G
09-07-2009, 04:32 AM
The day we were taking about how girls can wear skirts and my jeans were so hot. And when we got home she handed my one of her skirts.:hugs:

Teri Jean
09-07-2009, 06:50 AM
My late wife kinda liked the beard but also liked the shaved face and finally said I should shave it off as it made me look older than I was. I'm glad I did and never looked back.


09-07-2009, 08:55 AM
I had a mini goatee and thought my S.O. liked it and I later found out she did not! That happened after I messed up a trim and I just shaved it all off. From that point Victoria was born.

Marcia Blue
09-07-2009, 10:12 AM
I too had facial hair. I thought my wife loved my full beard. She my have in the early years, but it was turning gray at an alarming rate. I trimmed it close for the summer this year. Most of the beard disappeared because the color was so light. Soo....I shaved the whole thing off. She wasn't displeased that it was gone and did comment it made me look younger with it gone. I was excited that I could wear full make-up. I have not been able to for over 25 years. No longer was I confined to lipstick and eye cosmetics.

09-07-2009, 10:19 AM
I think she'd be just as happy If I shaved it off. But I've had it for almost 40 years without a break, and it sometimes is my anchor in the real--drab--world of employment and social life. So I'll just continue on as a part-time girl wearing a man's face, for now...

Kathi Lake
09-07-2009, 11:39 AM
Hi Sue!

Congrats on finally losing the face-weasel! I think you'll find your options are much more open to you now - makeup-wise.

Isn't it strange how our perceptions ("But I thought that you wanted it") can, in time, turn into reality? :)

Who knows, maybe now I'll see you sauntering around the streets of Utah, head held high and looking fabulous!


09-07-2009, 11:55 AM
I too had facial hair.--- but it was turning gray at an alarming rate. I trimmed it close for the summer this year. Most of the beard disappeared because the color was so light.

I think I look much older, and HOMELIER, without facial hair! :doh:
Coloring facial hair is a snap these days, Marcia!:D

The color lasts for weeks! And I'm amazed how much younger I look! My real hair has just started to grey a bit. So, I don't think it looks too rediculous!:brolleyes:

09-07-2009, 12:04 PM
Maybe I have no business posting a reply to this thread (I'm a genetic woman - not fussy for the GG label)....

I will never forget the day I asked my BF to try on one of my skirts. He was shocked that it fit. I was shocked that he looked better than I did in it:eek:

I think that was a turning point but one of many little ones that have led us off the beaten track...

Sounds like you're already aware of the side affects of the pink fog, so you go gurl!!!!

09-07-2009, 02:19 PM
But I've had it for almost 40 years without a break, and it sometimes is my anchor in the real--drab--world of employment and social life.

I had mine for 30 years (with a couple of short breaks thanks to the military). So you never know. . .

Hi Sue!

Congrats on finally losing the face-weasel! I think you'll find your options are much more open to you now - makeup-wise.

Just looking in the mirror is a big change. Since my few attempts never looked right, it was always hard to separate my lack of skill versus the extra I was seeing.

Isn't it strange how our perceptions ("But I thought that you wanted it") can, in time, turn into reality? :)

That could be a thread all by itself. That is one reason why I keep the communication going and old "boundaries" can always be brought back up.

Who knows, maybe now I'll see you sauntering around the streets of Utah, head held high and looking fabulous!

I'll go with the "seeing me on the streets" part (or the mountains). The rest I will work on.

I will never forget the day I asked my BF to try on one of my skirts. He was shocked that it fit. I was shocked that he looked better than I did in it:eek:

Never a problem having a GG reply. We need all the insight we can get. Good for you on the skirt!

09-07-2009, 05:42 PM
I changed my appearance a lot. Not related to CD but..

Right now I have a beard, short but a full beard, most of my youth I had a mustache, but I shaved it all many times along my life. For some reason, the change makes me unrecognizable or nobody notices it (or people never pay attention to me...).

Once I shaved right before going to the library to meet with a study group. One of them was a friend of many years, we hanged out a lot with our respective gf, I spent time at his house, he did at mine, etc. He sat just in front of me, opened a book and kept checking around from time to time looking for me. I kept staring at him thinking that he was just pulling my leg. No, he was avoiding my eyes because he thought I was a creepy stranger.
My gf at that time couldn't recognize me across the street, and we're talking about someone who spent a lot of time with me in close proximity... maybe that was the problem. And her reaction at close range was of horror.

I was worried my kids couldn't recognize me the first time I shaved after they were born. My oldest daughter was 3 years old at that time. One of my friends had had that experience and his son told him that he wasn't his dad. I joked that the kid knew something that my friend didn't, he spent all day at the office and the kid stayed at home... it was funny at that time but all of a sudden I was facing (pun intended) the same problem. The funny thing was that they didn't even reacted. My wife had to tell them that I was different. Which prompted my daughter to touch my face and then slap it (playfully). Which prompted my son, 2 yo at that time, to join the fun. Which prompted my daughter to double the frequency to quadruple the fun...

Anyway, the point is that it doesn't seem to be a middle. Changes in facial hair are going to produce huge reactions or not reactions at all.