View Full Version : about us

09-13-2009, 12:57 AM
why is everything about us ? this affects every body that we know and love we all know how we feel and how it affects us but comming out to a loved one is the tip of the iceburg that person has to carry that around with them forever or confied in someone else and so on . my wife has often said she wishes she could talk to someone about it .she suffers from depression not caused by me crossdressing but i am sure it doesent help she once had to see a counceler through our doctor and told them everthing now i do not like going to the doctors so we have to rember that when we tell anyone that we are putting a great load on there sholders as well

09-13-2009, 02:02 AM
Hi Yvonne. i agree that coming out to some persons may have a negative effect on them. in some cases though, i think that being honest may be best. ex. i came out to my best friend because i felt i was being deceptive to him and felt guilty. he began to wonder where i would disappear to on weekends. (out with my "girlfriends") being a good friend of MANY years, i knew he would understand. maybe a bit bewilderd, he was fine with it and also a bit curious. good friends are just that! i've shown him pics but has yet to see me in person. in time. my mother knows from seeing a group pic from be-all hanging on my wall. had to explain that one. she was great with it. said i must be the daughter she never had. my nextdoor neibhor knows also, as i was busted mowing the lawn with painted nails. everyone was great and had no problem with my "hobby" so just to say, now your friends and enemies have a feel for people who may or may not be excepting. :hugs: KELLYANN

09-13-2009, 02:24 AM
Yvonne, from the get go whether we as partners, parents, friends know or not it does effect out lives, as you said your friend wondered where you went to on weekends, prob wondered as a good friend why he never got to meet those gf's ?

For many who are older we can understand why they chose not to tell loved ones family and friend ...... they thought for many years they were alone in this. perhaps the younger generation are luckier in that they have the internet and television so can learn from an earlier age and that works for CDER s TS and their family and friends ............. information is so widely available that things cannot help but improve for everyone.

If your wife will join up here, we have a great FAB (Female At Birth) section of the forum where she can come chat to us not just about CDING but about all sorts ............. they have cookies in there (unless the mods have eaten them all again :heehee::heehee:)