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09-22-2009, 10:00 PM
OK, I'm coming closer and closer to the big 5-0. And I'm getting worried. I used to go out dressed in my 20's-30's, but I look at myself now and think, there's no way I look presentable. It's the age thing, I think. I think I look more masculine as I got older (the horror!). Any one else feel this way? Any way to compensate? Am I just deluding myself?

09-22-2009, 10:11 PM
I don't feel that way. The older I got the better it was. I just didn't care what any body else thought. And at 62 I don't think I look that bad.

09-22-2009, 10:16 PM
I'm 51 and was told I pass well...and that I look more as 40 than my real age....Amazing what appropriate wig, nails, dress & make-up can do!


Missy Tanya
09-22-2009, 10:18 PM
I just past the big 50, but did it with a bang. I've joined a TG support group, went to 4 of their events. Two other outings, and even another local CD clubs event. Before that only 4 times in 20 years out of the house. Why the big step now?? I couldn't afford a Corvette. lol... Serious, I thought to myself and wife, that if I was going to go out, better get busy. And I'm soo glad I did. Can said that when dressed and out on the town, that I forget all the male s..t that I have to deal with day and day out. There is something about the saying, Letting my hair down. Since I don't have much anymore, wigs and Tanya are doing the partying. And having a ball. Only question is why I waited soo long. But I'm going to make up for lost time. And best thing, all the people say I look 40ehs, thats a big boost in the spirits.

I have been asked many times why I crossdress. Best answer I can come up with, cause it make me feel good, happy and alive. Tanya

Stephanie Miller
09-22-2009, 10:30 PM
To each their own. I'm 56. I guess by your definition go into hidding?

09-22-2009, 10:32 PM
well the older i get i think the better i look at 59 i am getting better all the time:o

09-22-2009, 11:10 PM
I wish I was at the place I am now when I was back in my twenties. Things might have turned out differently. However, although I wish I could dress a lot more I still have a lot of fun!

09-22-2009, 11:43 PM
tend to get YOUNGER, as we get OLDER!:eek:

I'm over 60 now!:D

09-22-2009, 11:48 PM
I would bet (not having seen any pictures) that you, like most men, actually have started to look more female with age. You may feel like you look more masculine (and perhaps you do) but that is not the general direction most men go.

It may be that you are just more disappointed with your appearance as you age. Remember, women age too. Keep up with fashions for your age group, and you will be fine. Your strutting days might be over, but your dressing days certainly shouldn't be.

09-23-2009, 12:00 AM
Hi ladies, to be sincere I feel as Amanda, age is not helping. But exercise, good and healthy food really helps.
My bigger concern is my face aging and beard cover I get more and thicker beard hair each day, I am thinking of getting a face hair removal soon.
Amanda, I know how you feel and you have my sympathy for that.

09-23-2009, 12:08 AM
One more time..."It ain't about passing!"

No, you will no longer be able to carry-off "The Teenybopper/20's something Look." But you CAN look like a fashionable woman of experience. Does anyone think Lauren Hutton looks bad? How about Sally Fields in her Boniva Ads? She's still cute, right? And I could name many, many, thousands of other fashionable, mature women...we see them everyday.

Sorry, the fact that you wouldn't pass as a youngster, is not an excuse for not going out of the house. You better think up a better justification.

Peace and Love, Joanie

09-23-2009, 12:43 AM
I am 49 and yes I am bigger built like a linebacker, but that does not stop me, in fact my adams apple dissappeared now that I am older, just make the best of what you have show off your best asset. For me my best asset is my legs, so I dress so my legs show from the knee's down and that seems to draw peaples eyes away from my worst features, I go out enfemme all the time without any problems. Go for it girl, you can do it.

Barbara Jo
09-23-2009, 01:19 AM
I agree with what has been said. The older we get ther easier it can be to "pass", ect.

As males get older, estrogen levels go up as testosterone levels go down.
In contrast, as females get older, estrogen goes down as testosterone levels go up.

The result is, as men and women reach a certain age their hormone levels are somewhat simular.
This is why older men and woman often have simular apearances as far as masculine vs feminine is concerned.

BTW, my philosophy on getting older has always been, "never fear getting older but, never forget what it's like to be a child. :happy:

renee k
09-23-2009, 01:54 AM
I don't feel that way. The older I got the better it was. I just didn't care what any body else thought. And at 62 I don't think I look that bad.


I totally agree with Glenda, I'll be sixty in a couple of weeks.

09-23-2009, 02:25 AM
OK, I'm coming closer and closer to the big 5-0. And I'm getting worried. I used to go out dressed in my 20's-30's, but I look at myself now and think, there's no way I look presentable. It's the age thing, I think. I think I look more masculine as I got older (the horror!). Any one else feel this way? Any way to compensate? Am I just deluding myself?

I'm nearly 60 and I don't think I've changed that much. I still go out and a bout without a problem.

09-23-2009, 02:42 AM
approaching 60 and when dressed i look more like 45 at worst....don't know why, maybe the make-up and the fine hairpieces, but that's the fact as my mirror sees it! lol

some of the benefits i've found are these: my beard is much less noticeable as it has grayed, my body mass has declined as has my muscle tone and that helps quite a bit, the fashions i wear are less "glam" but fit better and look better than ever before, and i have far more comfort inside my own skin and that's a huge plus.

09-23-2009, 03:21 AM
.......but I look at myself now and think, there's no way I look presentable.......

You can always look presentable, just dress appropiately for the occasion. Passable is not a reality for me, but presentable is, as long as I am just wanting to enjoy my time being dressed and am OK with others knowing I am a crossdresser.

09-23-2009, 04:37 AM
At 51 I think it's a little more difficult to minimize the effects that time has placed on us just as a gg at the same age would find. So I try to emphasize the positives and work around those little annoying age factors.

09-23-2009, 04:39 AM
OK, I'm coming closer and closer to the big 5-0. And I'm getting worried. I used to go out dressed in my 20's-30's, but I look at myself now and think, there's no way I look presentable. It's the age thing, I think. I think I look more masculine as I got older (the horror!). Any one else feel this way? Any way to compensate? Am I just deluding myself?

Amanda, I could have written your original post. I'll be 56 in a few days and sometimes miss being in my 20s and 30s so much.

It's been wonderful to read the replies to your post. We can feel distressed about getting older, how we can't wear certain things any more, how we don't look like young women, but it doesn't help and gets in the way of appreciating who we are today and enjoying life.

Now if I could only apply the good advice that's been posted here to my own life :)

09-23-2009, 04:56 AM
OOOHHH ... I'm gonna be, .... pick a number.

Long gone are the days of the 20 something hottie for me. Felt bad about that when the realization finally hit home. I had a magor incident happen in my life and have come to the conculsion that perhaps I'm not young but I'm not DEAD. With that thought being uppermost, I make myself presentable for my age and go on with life.

There's loads of clothes out there still waiting to be worn and I'll do my part.

I know we hear the phrase "Age is just a number" .... I am so tired of those words. Age is a reality ..... make the best of what you have. Just read that Sophia Lauren turned 75. She's still HOT.

BTW this "young kid" turns 65 at the end of OCTOBER. I'll become a card carrying geezer. Very little grey hair, need bifocals, have dentures, and I'll have my Medicare Card.

Does anybody know which stores give "senior discounts" when buying clothes?

Karren H
09-23-2009, 05:27 AM
Getting old sucks on a multitude of different levels!! Lol. I look at my old ass wrinkly skin and think... "Why bother"....... Maybe your right... Time to retire... But wait.. If Farve can make a comeback??? Hahahahaha.

Norma Desmond
09-23-2009, 05:40 AM
Amanda, everyone, I think, feels a bit unconfortable as the years go by...I'm sure you're being too hard on yourself, we all tend to do that.
And I can assure you A LOT of GGs tend to get more masculine as they get older! :-)
You just have to adapt your makeup/outfits/hairstyle to your changing body...

09-23-2009, 06:37 AM
I'm 49, and when I dress, it seems to shave years off. I dress as if I'm a mid 30 something, and I feel like it , so I guess that is a little bit of a mental state adjustment.

María José
09-23-2009, 06:41 AM
I´m 52 and I love the way I look!

09-23-2009, 06:48 AM
I think all of you look fabulous!

Nicole Brown
09-23-2009, 06:52 AM
Hi Amanda,

I just turned 63 last week and have been told by many friends and acquaintances that I don't look a day over 50. To me, age doesn't matter, I am here to enjoy my life and make the most out of it.

I venture out more now than I ever did in my 20s and 30s. I believe that with age comes confidence and a what the hell attitude. Earlier in life, I worried about the consequences of being seen in public as Nicole. Now, the public can either accept me or ignore me, it's up to them.

I may no longer have the look of youth, but I certainly have the look of a mature, self assured woman. One last thought, let us not complain about our age or of getting older, there is really only one alternative...


09-23-2009, 07:49 AM
Hi Amanda
I Will turn 67 yrs. old in a couple months I have been dressing
for over sixty years it just keeps getting better.
I know I cant pass as a twenty or thirty year old young lady anymore
but I can pull off a late fourty or fifty something mature lady.
Enjoy every day like it could be your last so don't look back.
A good wig and the right makeup can do wonders for you.
.................................................. ...................thanks...............ORCHID

09-23-2009, 07:54 AM
To each their own. I'm 56. I guess by your definition go into hidding?

Hi Steph
Was that a misprint you said you were 56 did you mean to say 36???
.................................................. .....thanks ..........ORCHID

09-23-2009, 08:34 AM
Stephanie, Sherry, Lucy, Vivian, Renee, Joni, Karen, - you all look soooo good and the rest too. Steph, you are a knock out. Wish I could approach your look.

09-23-2009, 08:43 AM
For me (who will turn 50 in December 2009) I find that my crossdressing has evolved. By this I mean I seem to be wearing more age appropriate clothing. In my 20's and 30's I would wear more revealing clothes perhaps bordering on "****ty" if you will.

I think one thing that has happened to me is that I am more comfortable buying clothing at various stores and my selection of the types of clothing has expanded. Of course having a few fun clothes to wear is also a blast so I do have a playful attire also.

One thing that has changed over the years is that where crossdressing may have been more of a sexual thing with me it is now more of a feeling of wanting to be more female and feel feminine.

Hugs - maggie

09-23-2009, 10:21 AM
I think I'm just angry cause I see the young, pretty women and I can't be one, and I can't pretend I'm one anymore. It's like a kid in a candy store who doesn't have enough for the Wonka Bar.

09-23-2009, 10:43 AM
I think I'm just angry cause I see the young, pretty women and I can't be one, and I can't pretend I'm one anymore. It's like a kid in a candy store who doesn't have enough for the Wonka Bar.

*deep sigh* Me neither!

But, I say embrace your age and the way you look. Who's sexier, people like Sheila Hancock, Judy Dench, Helen Mirren or... erm... Paris Hilton? Some things just get better with age and a confident, friendly, smiley approach and a zest for life is much more attractive than classical good looks, anorexia and a youthful pout.


Laura Evans
09-23-2009, 12:16 PM
I'm 61, look great and I am going out more now than I have ever done before.

09-23-2009, 12:42 PM
Ha, I have to laugh because now you know how us GGs feel! We ALL get older and face it, everything sags, wrinkles, spots, and the hair shifts to where you don't want it. Welcome to being a girl! We compensate by realizing we are special people and it's not all about the package but what's inside that counts. So many CDers focus on the outside, but really, being a woman is so much more than that.

Alice B
09-23-2009, 01:31 PM
I'm 67 and soon will be 68. As Karren says "getting old sucks", but reaction to age is a mental thing. You may not be able to dress like a 20 year old, but you can still dress and be sexy in clothing closer to your age. Just determine what your best assets are and dress to highlight them. For me and I think many others here the joy is in the dressing itself and what others think is not important in the long run. It is for your enjoyment, not some one else's. :hugs:

Carol A
09-23-2009, 02:30 PM
Old what kind of a word is that?, ladies I am 70 going on 71 and I still strut my stuff.

09-23-2009, 02:43 PM
It is for your enjoyment, not some one else's.

That's a very healthy attitude! :)

09-23-2009, 02:56 PM
Welcome to being a girl!

Somehow, that makes me feel better! Thanks.

09-23-2009, 03:08 PM
As I have gotten older my urge to be " Arlene " has increased, and I think that I look better now as a woman than I would have twenty years ago. But twenty years ago I rarely dressed enfemme, and my makup skills were nil. I'll be 62 in January. :hugs:

09-23-2009, 04:55 PM
OMG..............so many of you my age and older and look great! You have inspired me!

Ronni Seymour
09-23-2009, 04:59 PM
As many others have already said, just dress age appropriate. There are many youthful styles of clothing for mature women. Just begin to think in those terms, not as a 30 year old. Besides, as we men age, if we want to present a younger look, or at least a healthy look, most of us need to do some work too. Our chest falls in our stomach, we get hunched over, balding head, etc. So, as they say, "age happens".:battingeyelashes:

09-23-2009, 05:17 PM
Gee, you children all do look pretty good. I am 77, on my way to 78 and still think I look pretty good enfemme. As most of you know, I do not try to pass now that my late wife is no longer around to do my makeup and fix my wig. But I still dress when I feel like it, get manicures and pedicures, and go almost anywhere I want to dressed. You are only as old as YOU think you are, and I do not feel, or think, like 77.

I came home from the hospital Tuesday, after prostate surgery, and the nurses at the hospital were amazed at how young I looked! And at how fast I recovered. Take care of yourselves, and think young!!!!:daydreaming: It really does work! BTW, I still have my NATURAL 40 B's!!

Melanie R
09-23-2009, 05:33 PM
I am 70 years young and have been told many times that as Melanie I look like I am younger than 50. My wife is 76 years young and can easily pass for age 50. We remain young in our appearance because of our living today with joy and peace in our hearts and minds. Photo below shows Melanie and Peggy on a recent Dignity cruise.

09-23-2009, 05:46 PM
Getting old sucks on a multitude of different levels!! Lol. I look at my old ass wrinkly skin and think... "Why bother"....... Maybe your right... Time to retire... But wait.. If Farve can make a comeback??? Hahahahaha.

Not to mention Fleury with the Flames...

Deidra Cowen
09-23-2009, 06:14 PM
Ya gotta dial it down sweetie! The older you get go for looks more in tune with your age.

Personally I am close to 50. I think I do ok but I will confess there has been some slippage even in just the past few years. Its harder and harder to pull off the sexy 30 something I liked to do!

20s and 30s...heck yeah its amazing how good CDs and Tgirls can look. I get jealous up at Le Buzz sometimes when I see some 20 something CD! :Angry3:

But all is not lost, we can still work it baby! ...and manage to get a good look going on. Maybe not super glammy model girl. But hey being a older sexy cougar can be a hoot too.

09-23-2009, 06:48 PM
At 57 I can relate with you. I have worked outside for over forty years. The sum has taken it's toll. I still haven't stopped going out to malls or other places. I think I gave up caring what others think.

09-23-2009, 08:10 PM
Old what kind of a word is that?, ladies I am 70 going on 71 and I still strut my stuff.

Hi Carol
At 70 looks like your still kicking A$$ and taking names.
When your having this much fun don't let age get in the way.
I am not looking back I am going forward full speed ahead
.................................................. ...............thanks......ORCHID

trannie T
09-23-2009, 11:34 PM
I'm 62 and enjoy going out more than ever. I no longer look like a guy in a dress, I look like an old guy in a dress.

09-24-2009, 12:14 AM
Getting older is what it is. Why worry about what you can't change. I try to embrace all the positive things in my life, and have found that self esteem, good diet, and a well rounded fitness routine, really works for me. I'm 60 and feel great!!:D

09-24-2009, 12:28 AM
The way I look at it is if you like what you see then live with it! If you don't like it then change it! But if you enjoy dressing keep it up and have fun

Jodi M
09-24-2009, 01:02 AM
I am approaching 60 and although I am rather passable enfemme,I find myself being increasingly less concerned about what others see. I'm just a feminine person enjoying a day out and about as far as I am conerned. By the way older mature ladies rock! No one trips my trigger like Helen Mirren!

joanne anderson
09-24-2009, 03:49 AM
I very much agree with Emily01 about looking much younger when enfemme. I was at a transgender meet last week and a couple of young new members who I had not met, commented how young I looked and would not believe them when I told them my age.
Did'nt some one say " age is a thing of the mind " or something like that.
Go for it girl, your only young twice.


09-24-2009, 07:01 AM
Im 71 and enjoy dressing. What age do I look?

09-24-2009, 11:28 PM
...One thing that has changed over the years is that where crossdressing may have been more of a sexual thing with me it is now more of a feeling of wanting to be more female and feel feminine...

Amen, sister! And when I dress my (75%) gender I feel years younger. I should get an Rx from my doctor to take to the shops.

:clap: Lallie

09-25-2009, 03:09 PM
Yet another wonderful thread. I can really identify with this one. I am 62 and just now getting very curious about cross dressing. I is very encouraging to see some many my age and old cross dressing successfully.



Carol A
09-26-2009, 08:37 AM

Hon for 71 you look great, now I know I'm not the only who is young and spry:battingeyelashes:

Linda St. John
09-26-2009, 01:14 PM
Well...getting old certainly is a bummer ..most of you seem to think that being over 50 ; I shouldn't be wearing black PVC mini skirts and 6" high heels then ? LOL:D

Leslie Langford
09-28-2009, 02:26 PM
...because not only do we have a far better sense of who we are compared to when we were younger, we also tend to care less and less about what others may think in the event that we get "read". Whether it's the "grumpy old man" syndrome kicking in or we are simply becoming as sassy and as irreverent as the "Golden Girls" on television used to be is hard to say, but it is incredibly liberating!

Age has its other benefits as well, and not only do we tend to shrink a bit as we get older (I've lost about 3/4"), but our feet also get a bit smaller on average (down from a Size 10 to a Size 9 for me), which brings most of us closer to the size range of the average GG's and thereby enhances our passability. Our beards also get increasingly gray or white as we get older, making the dreaded "blue shadow" a thing of the past, and I now find myself able to get away with minimal make up if I want to. Of course, that also means that we must become more aware of those areas of our bodies that get MORE hair with age such as our noses, ears, and eyebrows, and to keep these trimmed at all times

I'm also going to go out on a limb here and perhaps draw the unfettered ire of some of the GG's on this forum:heehee:, but as aging males, it's a known fact that we also don't need to worry about cellulite, sagging breasts, "bat-wings", bunions, and hammer toes the way they do.

And just like many other CD's here have discovered, "Leslie" looks a good 5 -10 years younger that her male counterpart when she is all dressed up and made up. Whether or not it's the stylish clothes together with the make up or the mere fact that "she" just radiates that much more happiness and contentment in girl mode is hard to say, but dressing up just seems to melt away the years along with the day-to-day stress.

09-28-2009, 02:41 PM
Well, I have to tell you, I am over 80 and have been told I don't look a day over 60. I still wear five-inch heels on occasion and usually pass with no problem. I agree with what others have said. The older we get the easier it can be to "pass".
I didn't dress for years and when I did start again, I couldn't believe how much more feminine I looked at an older age.
Just go for it and don't worry what anyone thinks. At my age, I don't.