View Full Version : Gave me a giggle !

09-27-2009, 11:58 AM
I went to Wamart yesterday to pick up my new glasses and ran into my former supervisors wife and daughter who have both seen me quite a few times in my work clothes at various places. I wasnt wearing work clothes, I was dressed in my normal clothes and had done my hair and face as well
Now comes the giggle.....:D
We were pulling into our parking space and they came up to the driver's side and made some small talk about the car...it used to belong to the bosses son who had passed a while back and was very different to them to see it being driven by anyone else.
The windows are dark tinted but they know that if they see my wife, I am almost always there too. They said hi to my wife on the driver's side and also to me through the car without getting a clear view of me. Well, I get out of the passenger side and the bosses wife comes over to say hi, and gets this kind of confused look on her face and asks my wife, "did you leave Dael at home"? My wifes says" no, that's Dael, he just isnt wearing work clothes! Now, I dont hide from anyone really and dont mind anyone knowing but it was a real hoot!

09-27-2009, 12:07 PM
good for you two ............. now what was their reaction to you being revealed as you ?........... this girl wants to know :battingeyelashes:

09-27-2009, 12:09 PM
Haha! The look on their faces must have been priceless. :lol:

09-27-2009, 12:49 PM
Sheila, they were a little stunned to say the least.

Anne, they were quite speechless and seemed a bit self conscious as we followed them into the store!

09-27-2009, 12:54 PM
Sometimes its who is frightened of who? Remember girls

trannie T
09-27-2009, 02:31 PM
I admire your courage and ability to be fully out. It appears that you have a lot of fun going out and have a wonderful accepting wife. Thank you for this entertaining post.

Deborah Jane
09-27-2009, 03:22 PM
Nice one :thumbsup: :lol2:
I'd love to have seen the look on their faces at the sudden realisation when they saw it was you

09-27-2009, 03:34 PM
Debs, it was priceless, last year I scared a young lady off my porch when she asked what I was supposed to be at Halloween. I told her a girl and she said yeah as in duh!.....I told her I'm not really!.. she backed off the porch and wouldnt take her eyes off me:eek:
Trannie, Thank you and, hating to sound like a cliche', my wife is an angel:daydreaming::love: I love her to pieces! I dont know what I would do without her support.

09-27-2009, 03:39 PM
Sounds like alot of fun to me. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall after the four of you seperated.

09-27-2009, 03:51 PM
So would I! They have know me for a while and have NEVER seen me like that!