View Full Version : The Train

10-19-2009, 08:33 AM
Hi Girls
I,m spending a few days dressed and going to Philly from Central Jersey on Amtrack to meet a friend. Has anyone taken the train and will I need ID? I'M wearing Jeans and heels so I will be casually dressed. Had my nails done yesterday and just finished my hair and makeup. Never done the Train. I think it should full of buisness people, this should be fun has anyone done the Train?

Angie G
10-19-2009, 08:42 AM
Haven't been on a train in years. Relax and enjoy your trip girl.:hugs:

10-19-2009, 08:43 AM
I've ridden the train plenty of times but never dressed. I do know that you are required to show a picture ID before boarding.

Karren H
10-19-2009, 09:21 AM
Yeah. You need an ID. Trains and planes have always concerned me because if something goes drastically wrong, there is no easy escape...
one of these days I'm going to give riding the subway enfemme a shot.....

Good luck and let's see some action photos on the train!! :)

NV Susan
10-19-2009, 10:12 AM
Hi Marla,
Check out this Amtrak web page,http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?c=am2Copy&pagename=Amtrak%2Fam2Copy%2FHot_Deals_Page&cid=1080080554204
You can answer all your questions here. Have a wonderful trip, wish I could ride along too!!!
I love riding trains, especially steam trains out here in the west.
LOL Susan

10-19-2009, 10:14 AM
ID is required, however they don't check every single person on the train. They will spot check, maybe 1 out of every 10 they will ask for an ID. If they do check on board, the name on the ID should obviously match the name on the ticket, so keep that in mind if you use ID in your fem persona. If you buy the tickets in person the agent will always ask for ID, so consider reserving online and picking up the tickets from a machine with a credit card.

10-19-2009, 11:30 AM
ID needed on the train?

Amtrak yes
NJ Transit/SEPTA no

10-19-2009, 11:40 AM
Yeah. You need an ID. Trains and planes have always concerned me because if something goes drastically wrong, there is no easy escape...
one of these days I'm going to give riding the subway enfemme a shot.....

Good luck and let's see some action photos on the train!! :)

I've done Boston subways without a hitch. I don't know if I'd be comfortable with the CT/NY Metro though, not quiet yet. When you're an easy 'tell' I often just find meeting eyes with the people staring and just putting your best smile forward as much as possible to be the best ice breaker.

Be safe as always!

10-19-2009, 03:28 PM
Yay, I'm doing on Friday but have done it before. We don't need ID in UK.

Its like everything else; be brash, be bold, be open and honest and nothing will go wrong. Strut your stuff!

....... And buy a girlie magazine before you get on,

Oh, and make sure you have a mirror in purse so you can top up your make-up before leaving.

Have fun, I will, :) and we ought to compare notes next week.

10-19-2009, 03:44 PM
As a train buff myself and who knows the Northeast Corridor very well,you do need ID on aboard Amtrak but they always ask. You could reserve online and then picked up the ticket at a machine,but you have to use a credit card and then the conductor will ask for ID if he reads the ticket and sees it was paid with a card. If you feel uncomfortable about getting IDed, you could use NJ Transit and the SEPTA R7 or you could take the Riverline to the Walter Rand stop in Camden and then get the PATCO Hi Speed Line to Philly with no problem.


10-19-2009, 06:03 PM
one of these days I'm going to give riding the subway enfemme a shot.....

Between Steel Plaza and Gateway Center with a stop at Wood Street!

Only people in Pittsburgh will understand this as our subway, aka the T, is essential only a subway for these 3 stops

Meet you at South Hills Village!



Fab Karen
10-19-2009, 06:30 PM
I haven't ridden the train en femme, but as regards ID, only ever had to show it for purchasing ticket, pre-boarding I think they just look at your ticket. And on the train they come along and check your ticket to make sure you've paid. Their little restrooms ( with locking door ) have a sink & mirror.

10-19-2009, 06:44 PM
I rode the Amtrak last year from Plattsburg to Albany enfemme with my wife. I had no problems, the conductor didn't even look twice. You do show your ID sometimes, but they didn't ask for mine, just the ticket while onboard.

The train moves quite a bit so unless you are going to sit the whole time, use either low heels or flats.

10-19-2009, 07:40 PM
Last month I took an Amtrak train to Chicago. When I purchased the ticket online I had to choose my sex and requested prefix to my name. So I chose female and Ms.
When I picked up my ticket the lady at the counter asked to see my I.D. Luckily, my given name is unisex and my drivers license photo is enfem. She looked at the I.D., looked at me, smiled and then gave me my ticket. Printed on the ticket was my Ms prefix and a number beginning with the letter F.
I don't know what would have happened if I had a butch name and guy photo. The train car was much like the interior of an airliner but with more room and bigger windows. It seemed strange to not have a seat belt. That made more sense later as we sat stopped on a side track for 30 minutes waiting for another train to pass. It seems that roads have been two lanes or more for over 100 years. Leanne

10-19-2009, 10:08 PM
I have ridden the BART train (train in the suburbs and subway (undeground) in Oakland and San Francisco) a few times. No problems at all. I want to ride Amtrak from the SF area to Reno, Seattle or southern California. That is on my bucket lst neat the top.

10-19-2009, 10:37 PM
Yep, from NYC to DC on the old Metroliner, before 9/11 so security was looser, it was fun! And like Allie I ride BART in and out of San Francisco all the time, no hassles whotsoever...

Phoebe Reece
10-19-2009, 11:00 PM
I've ridden MARTA trains around Atlanta more times than I can count. I've never had any problems, although a few times I've gotten some curious looks from some very bored looking passengers.
Here's a pic from about a year ago, waiting for a train at the Peachtree Center station.

10-20-2009, 11:23 AM
It's so you don't hijack it and take it to Afghanistan.

No, it's to supposed to stop another 7/7 in London....or Madrid from happening.
I actually *have* seen a few folks en femme on a NJ Transit train throughout the years, and everyone minds their own business, but I highly recommend NOT picking a night when there's a hockey game at Madison Square Garden...because that's Penn station...especially when it's a Rangers/Devils game because the train is loaded with drunken & angry Blue shirts and red shirts with no shortage of fists-a-flying in the car...and the law is nowhere to be found.....but only then. The rest of the time it's pretty civilized.

10-20-2009, 08:44 PM
I actually *have* seen a few folks en femme on a NJ Transit train throughout the years, and everyone minds their own business, but I highly recommend NOT picking a night when there's a hockey game at Madison Square Garden...because that's Penn station...especially when it's a Rangers/Devils game because the train is loaded with drunken & angry Blue shirts and red shirts with no shortage of fists-a-flying in the car...and the law is nowhere to be found.....but only then. The rest of the time it's pretty civilized.

After a rock concert at the Garden is just as bad, maybe worse. Usually those situations are limited to very late at night.

10-21-2009, 01:32 AM
Any reason why you are taking Amtrak??? Take the local train. I can't remember the last time I took the NE corrridor to Philly, but I believe that it's a direct trip. If not, the connection couldn't be that bad. the BIG difference is the price. And NJ transit does NOT check ID. Also, I took Amtrak last year from Newark airport to Philly (33rd st?) and didn't get checked. In fact, I didn't see anyone checked. I WAS dressed...

10-21-2009, 07:24 AM
Well I have to tell everyone I had a great trip To Philly. First of all I left from Metropark station Bought my ticket, showed my male ID no problem. I deided to splurge and go Buisness class. As I excpected ther were lots of buisness travelers. I got on the train got a window seat and an older man came on and sat next to me. He smiled and and said hello I nodded and we left the station. I spent most of the time reading a book had a cup of coffee. Used the rest room and arrived in Philly. My freind picked me up at the Station. He was there for a convention so I had some time to myself during the day . I of course did some shopping and waited for him to come back to the Hotel. I was ready to go out for dinner when he got back. I had very nice Black dress and felt so femme.We ate and went to a club on the 1st night and had roomservice and hung out in the Room the 2nd night. In the morning he left early I took my time getting dressed I wore Jeans again and a sweater as it was a little chilly on the train.I took a cab to the train and came home. The trip was great I was not asked for ID and I would do it again in a heartbeat

10-21-2009, 07:52 AM
I'm glad you had a great trip.

10-21-2009, 08:11 AM
It sure sounds like you had a wonderful time. Always travel by train.

10-21-2009, 12:26 PM
I've ridden MARTA trains around Atlanta more times than I can count.

I was nervous doing that in drab! :D

10-21-2009, 04:46 PM

Glad you had a wonderful time in Philly and didn't get IDed once. Whenever I take Amtrak, I almost always get IDed. Probably because I'm in guy mode.


10-21-2009, 05:43 PM
I am glad that you will have good memories of something that not very many members have done.
I am not sure about the getting on the train for the first time... I suppose yours may have been a "good frightener". Mine was, especially when the train started to move. No way out.....but I enjoyed it and still do.

Is the next step for you a distance bus ?


10-21-2009, 10:37 PM
Glad to know you had a good experience . Myself done couple of times from NYC to metropark in NJT and never had any issues .

Will try Amtrack coming days ... Thanks for your thread ..

10-21-2009, 10:56 PM
Marla, thanks for the encouragement!:hugs:

At least Amtrak doesn't have the mass of drunken hockey fans that at NJT does. I've taken Metropark to Baltimore quite often....though as my boring self....maybe next time I'll stir up up a bit .

10-22-2009, 10:55 PM
Marla and all...

I would suggest staying away from Philly for the next week and a half or so, as the city is notorious for unruly sports fans. With the Phillies making it to the World Series it's going to be bedlam there, especially on the trains at night after the games. And those in Philly know what a disaster the trains were on the day of their victory parade last year --- everything was totally overcrowded and the system could not handle the influx of people.

I don't think being amongst hundreds of thousands of drunken sports fans is conducive to a CD slipping through under the radar. If you have to go there at least wear a red dress so you fit in! :)
