View Full Version : Those Whom The Rose Bush Would Destroy

10-20-2009, 03:32 PM
Are first made confident.

Went with wife to the hospital on Monday. Her surgery intake interview. She’s getting a new left knee. After all the show and tell and zillion questions, we were leaving and I hear “Nice purse”, I turned to see a middle aged lady and she’s talking to me. I say “Thank you for the comment about my bag” and she kinda does a double take and says she was just kidding about my carrying my wife’s purse. Wife was carrying hers on her left shoulder and I had mine slung on my right. The lady hadn’t seen DSW’s purse. Wife holds out hers and it quickly become evident I’m carrying my own purse. I go on to talk about mine and how good it’s been for me to not have bulging pockets, I open it to display some of the contents.

By this time the gal is speechless. Lesson here is: be careful who you tease, they just might like it and turn it back on you.

Now, this comes a day after having gone to Lowes for some needed nuts and bolts and a tarp ( 20 X 40 ) to cover my camper trailer, [ the old one had finally gotten too weather worn ] Not a bad deal for $59. Of course I wore a skirt to do that little bit of buying. Getting so that I enjoy going in there with my “work” skirt on. Simple knee length khaki colored number that you probably see quite often being worn by soccer moms doing their grocery shopping or running errands for the kids.

Not a single comment from anybody except to ask if I found everything I was looking for. The nice part I like about Lowes is the lack of use of any gender pronouns. The times I’ve been in Home Depot I get the “sir” thing with the slight hint of a snicker or smirk. Nothing I can actually point out but just a feeling it’s there.

So here I am on Tues morning having had two nice days of confidence and being able to talk to a stranger about my purse, and sorta put her in her place. So today, I have a job up north, but I gotta wait on the customer to call me to let me know where he’s hidden the house key to let myself in. Got about two hours to kill. Grandson has gone off to school and wife is back at hospital for heart stress test in prep for the knee thing. (she ain’t a little lady and her doc wants to be sure of her ticker before they cut her open)

So being alone and the weather is clear and no breeze I figure I’ll put that tarp on the camper. Good chance to practice some real world stuff. Take off jeans and slide on “work” skirt. Need my ladder to put tarp on top, no problem getting it up there. Now to tie it down, I’ve got about a 200 foot length on clothesline that I use to hold it in place through the winter winds and stuff. Tie off one grommet and begin to thread the rope through the next, then the next and so on, being sure to attach it to different parts of the frame. So that I don’t end up with a knotted pile of rope at my feet I walk backwards with the end to make long loops to keep the rope from tangling. Smart move on my part.

Until I backed into my rose bushes. My hands are fine, I was wearing gloves, my legs are a bloody mess and that pair of stockings are now trash, so full of runs and ladders. The skirt has a big grass stain where I landed on my pride.

OVER CONFIDENCE is a killer.

10-20-2009, 04:02 PM
What a prickly situation! :heehee: