View Full Version : Was curious.

10-23-2009, 12:22 AM
Hello to all ladies, i was just wondering as i don't get to go out dressed all the time as of weather conditions and certain other things, well my point i am getting at is when i am not dressed i hate being in drab, i tossed out all of my male underwear so i have that at least, but i love my leggings and tight denim jeans and when i am out an about in male form i would love to wear them but i don't think i would get away with such thing, any thoughts?

Love Mas xoxox

Misty G
10-23-2009, 06:17 AM
I wear might tight jeans (Skinny Jeans) when in male mode on a regular basis

Karren H
10-23-2009, 06:56 AM
Personally I don't hate male clothes... But I wear what makes me look good no mater what gender's they were designed for.. My happiness is indipendent of my clothing...

10-23-2009, 07:02 AM
The other day I had a sort of fantasy (I'm a writer...my imagination never shuts down) of being out in my car fully "dressed" (makeup, clothes, hair, jewelery, you name it), and of passing a bunch of teenagers in another car. As I passed, they "made" me and started laughing, pointing, etc. Know what I did in my fantasy? I blew them a kiss and gave them a wink.

I dream of one day having that confidence!

I guess I'm trying to say it would be nice to just not care what other people think (as hard as that sounds to me, just being new to all this). You can't change their reactions, only what you do about them.

10-23-2009, 07:36 AM
Guess not. :(
Give folks time to wake up.

Why think about what you might not get away with? Put on your tight denim jeans and see what happens.

I bet you get away with it.

10-23-2009, 08:10 AM
if it will make you feel better than do it i wear girls shoes all the time now and no one says a thing to me and my sleep pants are all girls also and now that we are staying with my mother in law she didnt say a word to me either do what will make you Happy Jerzie

Jennifer in CO
10-23-2009, 08:21 AM
If you've never worn something out, how can you know peoples reaction? For that matter, do you care? I wear fem jeans/slacks and shoes everyday. Most days I wear a fem blouse/top as well. I do my best to make sure they are not "girly" but they are fem and I have never had a "bad" reaction. Oh I've gotten a few looks but never a comment. Its fun to watch sales clerks check which side their blouse or top buttons on...making sure what we're wearing buttons on the same side. With all the styles/designs in mens and womens jeans, some kind of pattern on the back pocket doesn't mean their just girls jeans anymore. So you tight jeans are just that...tight. If they look good on you wear them...


10-23-2009, 06:45 PM
Thank you for your comments, i guess you just don't until you go out. :)

10-23-2009, 08:13 PM
I wear ladies jeans all the time. Most of the time no one notices. If they ask are the ladies jeans (very rare) I simply tell them they are comfortable.

Tina B.
10-23-2009, 08:24 PM
It depends on where you go, some places no one will say a word, other places someone might offer to buy you a pint of Fosters! :drink:

10-23-2009, 09:05 PM
So true hehe. :drink:

10-24-2009, 05:56 AM
I wear skin tight hip hugger jeans when I am out in guy mode all of the time. I have never had any bad comments of looks that I know of.

I have been doing this for a couple of years now. I like it more when in fem mode but I can't dress that way all of the time.

Samantha Kelsey
10-25-2009, 05:47 AM
Courage sweetheart, courage. If you don't try you'll never know.

Teri Jean
10-25-2009, 12:22 PM
For a year before I decided to transition I spent everyday either underdressed or dressed. At work I wore women's jeans, panties, bra with a-cup forms, T-shirt or sweat shirt and although some may have suspected they never said anything. The stud earrings and nails manicured rose eyebrows but again nothing. Try something small and as people get accustom to the change and your comfot level is acquired try some thing else. You will be surprised where it will take you.


10-25-2009, 01:36 PM
I go out in femme clothes almost all the time! No wig and no makeup, just me in my skirt or tight jeans, etc.! No problem! Just be yourself and enjoy life!!

Cheryl T
10-25-2009, 02:35 PM
I've been wearing strictly panties for about 6 years. Same goes for my jeans and slacks...they are all what others would call "women's clothes"...I call them mine. :heehee:

I also wear my Ryka sneakers, Clarks shoes, some feminine t-shirts and of course my earrings (pierced - doubles each ear) all the time. I don't wear a bra unless I'm really dressed and wearing my forms as well, but most everything else I have on would not be considered "male".

No one seems to notice or comment and I don't care if they do.

Josie M
10-25-2009, 02:41 PM
Now that you mention it, I've often wondered if I could just wear leggings instead of my dress socks at work.

I think the most people might notice is that my socks seem to hold up real well.

10-25-2009, 04:51 PM
Have started wearing women's denim shorts and jeans recently and not a word/look from anybody. Yesterday wore the jeans with women's sandals and bright orange toenails...again no reaction. Starting to mix in some lip gloss, some eye shadow to test the waters...:heehee:..but like most have said, people are too busy with their own lives, etc to worry about you if you even remotely blend in.

Annie D
10-25-2009, 10:07 PM
For each of the last three week ends my wife and I have gone out shopping to either a large indoor mall or one of the two "Mills" that we have in DFW. On each of the outings I have worn women's walking shorts and a large t-shirt type top. Additionally, I have worn two small hoop earrings in each ear, light powder make up, eye make up and a light lipstick.

This is a pretty big accomplishment for my wife as she will not go out with me dressed, so I have to be careful to not overdo my feminine type clothing. Before we go out, I always have to ask if what I am wearing is too much and if she doesn't send back to change then I guess we're moving in a direction that we are both comfortable with. Yes, I do get some strange looks when someone notices my make up, but no one has said a word or pointed and laughed.