View Full Version : Went out without really knowing it. (sort of)

10-26-2009, 01:09 PM
I went out last Friday night to a meeting and wore my wig, & new boots. I didn't really mean to - I meant to just wear them to the meeting but of course walking ten blocks in either direction does count as out. The on Saturday I wore the wig and a more casual outfit out, this time further 'out' one might say. I wore some makeup but not too much. 2 people did not recognize me. It wasn't terrible but it is a good way to sort of force myself to get working on the voice and mannerisms. The next step for me is to let go of my masculine self and accept the feminine and act that way without feeling self-conscious.

more later

10-26-2009, 01:16 PM
Hello Rocky Mountain Rachel!
Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy and learn as much as I have here. I think with practice, eventually you will feel the same as Rachel or your masculine self. When I go out now I just feel like me. It ends up bugging my non-accepting wife alot when my female mannerisms show. I think it is just me now.

10-26-2009, 05:31 PM
thank you for the kind words, Charlie.
It's difficult to be yourself after forty years of trying to hide something that I thought was a secret that could never be told. Now, I want everyone to know how wonderful i feel and i find people shy away - the way i used to. The masculine me was always quick to spot anyone different and make a remark under my breath or to my friends. So, I think I react to people giving me a second glance because I assume they are as ignorant and bigoted I was. it's all a little much at times but each time I go out 'en femme' I feel the shame flaking off me. I am going to be such a beautiful woman after I fully come out - it's going to be wonderful!


10-26-2009, 05:38 PM
Rachael: It's official, you've been out. Next time it will have to be on purpose so you can get the thrill that comes with the first time out.

Sandra Dunn
10-26-2009, 09:19 PM
Welcome Rachel, My first time out other then our National Holiday was in Dallas with a group of girls from a group there. The door was ript right off the hinges that night, I had released the "Fairy" Sandra has arrived.

HUGS Sandra

Samantha Girl
10-26-2009, 09:35 PM
Sounds like your on your way Rachel :) You've definitely walked "out" more than I have, GOOD for you! :) Everyone says the same advice, baby steps girl ;)

5 more days until Halloweeeeeeen!!!!! :D