View Full Version : V.A. Appointment

10-28-2009, 09:16 AM
As a veteran getting V.A. medications, I am required to have at least one appointment a year with a V.A. doctor. Every year I have blood drawn for labs about a week before my appointment. Last year I told the doctor that I am transgendered. She was very nice as we talked about it.
My next appointment at the V.A. hospital is next week. I'm going to go en fem. Now I can usually pass OK but most users of the V.A. system are men. And a lot of them are quite macho; especially the younger guys. My biggest problem is the waiting room. That is where the boys have nothing to do but to check out the lady in the room. I never have trouble with other women but men make me nervous.
I don't really have a question; just wish me luck. I could chicken out and go in drab but my feminine side tells me that I need to do this. Leanne

10-28-2009, 10:30 AM
Maybe the true spirit of camaraderie will show while you are there. Those men have many of the same life experiences you had. They saw the horrors, the long deployments, how you always could count on your buddy. It would be nice if they would carry that through to civilian life and respect you for who you are. Maybe they can look at you and say "that is why I defended this country, so people could be free to live their own lives". Well it is a nice thought anyway. Understand they all have their quirks and inner demons too. It may not show on the outside, the alcoholism, the drug abuse, the PTSS and myriad of other things. But we were trained to keep our buddies back. To be there for each other. They may not like what they see, but then they should hold a mirror. And if they are true to the cause, they will soon realize that we are all in the same leaky boat.

Good luck with your journey. We served for the right to be who we are, now we should be able to reap those rewards.

10-28-2009, 10:57 AM
Do what your heart tells you. If you don't do it you'll never know how would have been received. How about bringing a friend with you. I have found out whenever with a companion I don't get harassed.

Good luck hun.

10-28-2009, 02:27 PM
as a current service member what was said above is the best advice that could be given. oh and i support the buddy system. you should defiantly bring a friend.


Teri Jean
10-28-2009, 03:15 PM
Leanne and Lori, I have your six covered and if they get to roudy I will B***h slap them silly. LOL But seriously when I came out the veterans on a whole were supportive. Hold your head high and if the question is asked remember "you are a vet". Good luck girl and let us know how it went.


Alice Torn
10-28-2009, 03:37 PM
You got more guts than me! Only with a friend, would i go to the VA dressed. I may have seen another tg there once. Yes, the waiting areas would be tense for me, too. I had to help break up a fight, two older vets, in line, waiting for meds! I am uneasy in the waiting area, in drab, let alone being dolled up! I know alone, i would be hit on, aand jeered, by some rough guys.

Teri Jean
10-28-2009, 03:42 PM
Personally Louise if I was hit on my response would be not thank you dear, your virginity is safe with me.


Laura Evans
10-28-2009, 10:14 PM
I'm a retired vet also and get my care at the VA. The majority of patrons are male but remember we have female vets also and I see many at my facility. Be confident and behave like you have the right to be there that is the most important advice I could give you, going with a friend is good advice too. Good luck.

Semper Fi

10-28-2009, 10:33 PM
Best of luck to you!

I'm sure it will be fine, most of us Veterans, are more or less a microcosm of the general population.. If I survived the military being a tree hugging liberal commie, I'm sure there are more than a few open minded veterans out there... Besides statistically speaking if there are ten other men in the waiting room, odds are one of them is also a CD... maybe you'll give them the courage they need by seeing you there...:)

10-28-2009, 10:45 PM
Darling let me share an observation from this year's Southern Comfort Conference. They asked the Vets to stand during the banquet. Almost one in five of us in attendance stood.

This means that even though you are the only one with the courage and intergrity and to sit in that waiting room in a skirt there is a good chance that there will be several others wishing they were as brave as you and in your pumps:daydreaming:

I like the idea about you taking a friend. I would be more than happy to go with you if you were closer. Good luck and god bless.

I feel very strongly about my sisters that I have served with and wish I could give each and every one of you a big hug. :yrtw:

10-29-2009, 02:45 PM
Thanks girls,
Unfortunately I don't have a friend to go with me. Now I do take care of my 87 year old neighbor but it would be quite a chore to get her into the hospital with her walker and then up on the third floor. And all of the commotion would cause more of the guys to stare. I'll be OK alone. I do have one question though for Teri Jean. Wouldn't you worry about breaking a nail if you slapped someone silly? Hugs, Leanne

amanda w
10-29-2009, 03:31 PM
yes i am a vet allso and go to the hospital about ones a mouth and i am dressed about 80% of the time. I have been hit on 3 times one it was a GG she had seen me befor and
knew I was CD and loved it. I am 100% disabled and all the men try to help men its great Semper FI

Teri Jean
10-29-2009, 03:58 PM
Yes it would make me a little more mad than it should. But I JUST HAD THEM DONE!!!!! LOL

Oh well Jenna loves me and she thinks it is great to sit and talk while she is fixing my most recent oooooooops. Who knew a hammer could do so much damage. LOL

Semper Fi Amanda. I'm Navy but an associate member of the MCL.


10-29-2009, 04:29 PM
Hi Leanne,
I'm going to be forward and ask what state are you in. You can PM me if you are more confortable. A vet also.


Melinda G
10-29-2009, 09:25 PM
I also get healthcare at the VA. I always go as a male. Why look for trouble? I'm not looking to prove anything to anyone. Discretion is the better part of valor!

10-29-2009, 09:30 PM
Good luck Leanne, a pretty bold move. I use TRICARE in my home own and wouldn't go in girl mode. (Go Army!)

10-29-2009, 10:40 PM
What kind of trouble could you get into? It is not illegal to be a CD and if you are not active military there should be no problem.

I also get healthcare at the VA. I always go as a male. Why look for trouble? I'm not looking to prove anything to anyone. Discretion is the better part of valor!

Melinda G
10-29-2009, 11:33 PM
I'm always puzzled why some of you can't just enjoy your crossdressing for what it is, without flaunting it, and always pushing the limits. Do you have the right to wear womens clothes? Of course you do. You also have the right to walk out in front of a truck, but common sense tells most of us not to!

10-30-2009, 12:20 AM
discretion is very over-rated, and will get no-one anywhere... Good luck at the appointment, and I'm sad to hear you don't have someone to go with... If I was nearby I'd love to go with you!:hugs:

Melinda G
10-30-2009, 12:25 AM
Hmmm. Well, if it's not a good idea to go alone, then maybe it's not a good idea period!

10-30-2009, 05:08 PM
Wouldn't you worry about breaking a nail if you slapped someone silly? Hugs, Leanne

I would hit them again just for causing me to break a nail. :devil::devil:

As others who have posted I am also a disabled vet. I however have not came out to the VA or my counselor. may disablities are mental related but my crossdressing hasn't caused a problem. So I may not tell until it starts.

Good luck, Leanne. Let us know what happens.



Alice Torn
10-30-2009, 05:28 PM
Kymmie, Ditto here. I did tell my lady psychiatrist about my cding, a few times, and at my height, would not go dressed, to VA, or other clinics. I am mentally disabled, too.

10-30-2009, 06:15 PM
good luck, just be your fem self and all will go great for you.

10-31-2009, 06:40 AM
This reply is mostly for Melinda. I agree with what you say regarding CDs. But I am more than a CD and a little less than a TS. I just call myself transgendered. When I have my VA appointment I will discuss this situation with my female doctor in the woman's clinic. I want her to understand that I want to go on HRT and I need her to watch my progress via lab reports. The problem is that the waiting room for the "pink" clinic is shared by men with appointments at the other clinics. I probably should have posted this thread in the transsexual forum. Thanks everyone for your kind words. Leanne

trannie T
11-01-2009, 06:41 PM
I can think of no really good reason not to go dressed. You may attract a little attention to yourself, big deal. People may stare at you, big deal. You may be the best dressed outpatient in the hospital, cool.