View Full Version : Facial expressions? Skin Olympics LOL

07-25-2005, 07:56 PM
Ok... a comment posted by I think Ava in some forgotten thread a while back has gotten under my skin. It was about a "girly smile" in a photo. I've been looking at all of your pictures (as we all do) and I notice that the ones we all love the best are the ones where whoever is in the picture has a bright, pretty smile! Like Tristen's new avatar - Mona's recent pic - Ava's outing pics... a bunch more that are skipping my mind right now. But you all know what I mean.

I don't smile. I have a frowny face. I try to smile but it looks stupid and unnatural. When I partake a bit too much and someone sees me smiling they comment that I have a "nice smile when I use it" but - I can't seem to smile in a "girly" way... do any of you practice girly smiles, too? Tips?

My other question is this... I have a "distinguished" forehead ;) Like Jack Nicholson. Looks pretty good in drab mode but - I've noticed so few GG's have pronounced forehead wrinkles! I can make my forehead "relax" but it takes concentration! When I try to make a pretty face it feels like the skin Olympics! Like I'm contorting my face for Guinness World Records or something... I can do it but - ARGH! How do you girls with the pretty smiles get such lovely facial expressions?


07-25-2005, 07:59 PM
Smiling is a lot easier with a bit of pink lipstick on Stephanie!

Even if it takes practice, it's worth it. I heard somewhere that you use less muscles in your face to smile than you do to frown. It can also change your mood sometimes just to toss on a smile.


07-25-2005, 08:15 PM
I think I smile more in girl mode since I'm much happier...and I know what you mean...people generally look better with a smile on their face.

07-25-2005, 08:18 PM
I've just always been that frowny kid... ya know? I've heard all the crap about smiling being easier - problem is, years of frowny-face have made me frumpy looking :(

I once saw a story on the news about smiling school for certain Asians, whose culture had taught them not to show emotion... I secretly wanted to go!

07-25-2005, 08:32 PM
I know what you mean. When I first started high school, I smiled alot and some jacka** guys who were juniors or seniors commented on it and made me very self conscious. I don't think I smiled much for several years after. It wasn't until sometime after college that I started to smile again and it really changed my perspective on things, but it was not an easy change for me.

07-25-2005, 08:35 PM
Looking over some pics I took recently I noticed that my smile is crooked. One side of my mouth goes higher than the other and it looks awful. I guess I need to practice too.

By the way Katrina, you seem to have done well in practicing. That's a nice smile on your avatar.


Rachel Morley
07-25-2005, 09:02 PM
I have noticed also that there is a warmth in pictures when the subject is smiling. However, for me, I am also a kind of "frowning type person" but I am trying hard not to be..... :D

In fact Marla has suggested to me that I should smile more when we go out en femme because it will help put others at ease. I guess I should be smiling like crazy (especially when we go out) because I do feel so happy and contented.

I think I need to let my face show what I feel inside.

07-25-2005, 09:03 PM
A crooked smile can be sexy if you own it ;)

My nose is crooked - hit in the head with a bat as a kid (play). It's the one truly vain thing I'd do if I won the lottery... get it fixed. No one notices till I tell them but it really affects my face - I've tried straightening it in photoshop and it makes a huge difference :( Think I feel ugly a lot.

07-25-2005, 09:04 PM
Angel! The new pic is great :bunny: you can really see something new in you! I'm so happy for you lately - I hope I'm right in feeling so!

07-25-2005, 09:07 PM
I never smile..thats me......soooooo ...whatever ..however you choose too see yourself to others I think is OK...... I agree Stephanie I have a geeky smile too ..seems unatural ...even tho i have been told ..too that i have a nice smile ...Oh god I have posted soooooo many pics ...you might find 1 or 2 with a smirk ..eeeek:)and no its not snowing in pic ...or DANDRUFF nawww its a wig .....low light ya thats it :rolleyes:

07-25-2005, 09:22 PM
Sherlyn, babe, lighten up, take a tip from Miss Pinchy!
Sooner or later somebody's going to make you laugh and then you'll feel better!

07-25-2005, 09:28 PM
I am lightened up ...lol.... I just never smile..and i always feel great in girly mode ...

07-25-2005, 09:34 PM
I understand. I understand.

07-25-2005, 10:29 PM
Yes its good to smile---In fem mode, I usually do what many women do and smile with my mouth closed---I think it looks better---and also makes me look a lot less recognizable---as my "toothy smile" in male mode is quite similar in female mode too.

But also something else goes on with me---My face is and always HAS been very mobile---I used to exxagerate my expressions for amusement as a kid---some of it still remains with me.---There also seems to be a BIG subconcious psychological element in facial muscle tension ---Those of us who are big into character disguises might notice that. It seems the clothing and makeup causes muscular tension changes beneath the skin---and drastically can change one's appearence----
I think that this was one of Lon Chaney's secrets. As is with many character actors---i dont think it is deliberate--that "aura" of the costume causes the muscles to contract in various ways.

In MY case---I noticed my skin is sorta wrinkly and buldges in spots , especially in my male mode Im 56--But I have taken pictures (some here) where not only is my face different, but the entire texture of my skin appears different--even quite smooth in fem mode. Compare my avitar and profile shots to my character shots in other places in this forum.---I even amaze myself :D

Tristen Cox
07-26-2005, 01:34 AM
Stephanie naturally my mouth is way too wide to look remotely female in appearance. I 'have' to be looking down to avoid the big chin showing. Also I can not smile with my mouth spread naturaly wide. I look freakish even with the best make up. If I could change below the nose to nice narrow pouting lips it would be awesome. Most of the time I delete 99% of any face shots. Even with practice there's no hiding what I am. People here like me to smile so I smile. I feel best giving that little smirk with the ends of my lips curved up but not opening my mouth. The second I do, my eye's look too narrow and it throws my whole face off. It's not easy to create the illusion, especially when I would like something more substantial than an illusion. I see now why those who get face surgery find more self confidence. If I could change my face in that way, I would be a lot closer to going out en fem.

07-26-2005, 03:53 AM
Stephanie, I will not smile in a photo, in boy or girl mode and if I can, actually try to look away from the camera, I am not camera shy and would love loads more pictures of Gemma, The Reason: I have both my front teeth missing and this being a crossdressing site and not a horror fans site or even a paradise for dentist's site, I flatly refuse to show you the gaping hole between my lips, with that said, I am waiting for a plate to be fitted in a few weeks, if all goes well maybe we can have a vote on a before and after picture, but I will leave that up to you lot, I thankyou x x

Angela Burke
07-26-2005, 04:12 AM
I've always had the "smile" problem.

I just can't do it !

But when I laugh I approach the "broken ribs" stage.

Love Angela XX

Jeanette H
07-26-2005, 04:58 AM
I don't smile much in my pictures, either, though often that's because I'm busy trying to capture the right "look" - usually I have a mirror placed on the other side of the camera, and I always hope the photo will match the reflection. (And sometimes it does, but how rarely....) But I don't think I look good when grinning broadly or laughing, because I have a very visible natural space between my two front teeth. Some primitive peoples actually consider this a sign of masculine virility and prowess in battle. Great, but not really what I'm aiming for...

07-26-2005, 09:19 AM
Without a doubt, everyone here looks better when they smile, even Tristen :flirt: . I used to think I didn't look good smiling, then one day at the drivers license place, the guy told me to think of a tax return, and I broke up! Good picture! Perhaps the difference is that when we take pictures of ourselves, we are so worried about looking good, blouse wrinkled? hair OK? bra not showing? that we miss the most important thing, our smile! Too bad we can't have someone else take pictures of us in a "natural" setting. Every time I have seen pictures of some of us girls on a "night out" and someone else has taken a picture, everyone looks great!