View Full Version : A Special Halloween Treat

Tanya C
11-03-2009, 12:37 AM
Recently, my dear wife decided to treat Tanya to an evening out on Halloween for shopping and dinner, and an opportunity for Tanya to be out in the world while dressed. So on the day of the event we both got all dressed up in our favorite outfits and embarked upon a special girl"s night out.

Our first destination was to a local shopping mall where we walked around Nordstroms and Macys checking out some of the newer styles in the women's departments. My wife had been interested in a gorgeous long white skirt and I spotted a black jumpsuit that was to die for. It was really a thrill shopping around while fully dressed and experiencing how it feels to be out in public as Tanya. Well, we decided not to buy anything at that time so we continued on our excursion.

As we walked through the mall we soon encountered a group of young men who were demonstrating women's skin care products. They were busily attempting to entice women to stop and try their products. My wife and I happen to be two of the women they approached, and the fellow who pulled me in seemed to be under the impression that I was a real women for the first few minutes into it. At some point he began to realize the true situation, but to his credit continued on with the demonstration without hesitation. It was very interesting to pass as a real women if only for a short time.

After that, made our way to Starbucks for a couple of lattes. We sat in the middle of the mall sipping our coffees and watching people go by as they watched us. We took a few pictures of each other which seem to be of interest to the people around us, and some folks paid us some nice compliments. I was thoroughly enjoying the experience and my wife seemed to be having a good time as well. It was very touching how my sweet wife would frequently reassure about how cute I looked, and how she made sure to avoid situations that would make me feel uncomfortable. She took real good care of me.

Next, we ventured in to JC Pennys to do a little shopping around. We each bought two pairs of pantihose and a couple items for the house. The people we encountered there were very warm and friendly towards us - I was on cloud nine.

Finally we ended up having a delightful dinner at one of our favorite restaurants where two of the wait staff actually thought at first that we were just two women out having dinner. Again we took some pictures and and just had a very fun time.

Anyway, I just wanted you all to know that I really did have a special halloween night out, and how deeply grateful I am to my lovely wife for the wonderful evening and for wecoming Tanya into our lives. I am truely blessed.

Tanya C

Rebecca Jayne
11-03-2009, 05:49 AM
How wonderful for you Tanya, I prefer that kinda putting to a bar or club more one on one, intimate, fulfilling, and memorable.
Thanks for sharing dear.

11-03-2009, 09:50 AM
I'm so happy for you and your outing was such an enjoyable time.


11-03-2009, 10:02 AM
Very nice, Tanya. It seems your marriage is strong and filled with mutual respect. Enjoy your lives together. :)

11-03-2009, 10:44 AM

You must have a very special wife!

11-03-2009, 10:58 AM
Hi Tanya,
Thank you so much for sharing your very special Halloween experience. I have this feeling that you and your lovely wife will not wait a year to do this again! Hugs

11-03-2009, 11:00 AM
You have two things going for you. First and foremost, A loving and understanding wife. That had to be a fun day out for you both. Two, in your profile picture you look rather convincing as a woman.

Ah, to walk a mile in your shoes..................

11-03-2009, 09:17 PM
Tonya, that sounds like a completely wonderful time! That is a very special wife you have there.

11-03-2009, 10:17 PM
Thanks for sharing and what a wonderful wife you have!