View Full Version : I told my mother

Erica K.
11-04-2009, 04:05 PM
At first I thought she was going to rip my face off, but after the initial shock we went to dinner & talked about it. She said she thinks it is weird, I'm a freak and I should get over it. She asked me several time if I was gay, and didn't believe my answer. She kept asking herself where she went wrong. Well that was almost a month ago. She has been selling mary kay for 20 years now, so she knows a tad about makeup. She gave me a mascara tip today (reluctantly) and showed me "the best" eye makeup remover ever (no nasty chemicals). This is big for me because she acted like it never happend up untill halloween weekend. It seems like she is realizing we have way more in common that she thought! She always said she wanted a daughter :)

Sweet Cindy
11-04-2009, 05:31 PM
Hang in there, Erica, sounds like she just needs some time.
Hmm, free Mary Kay samples? Lucky!

11-04-2009, 05:34 PM
That story is nearly the same of what happened to me lol, "where have i gone wrong", "its weird get over it"

11-04-2009, 05:38 PM
yeah, hang in there... I am trying to wait patiently for the right time to tell my wife again.. Dont know about tellin my parents.. that would be really hard to do... And Mary Kay is nice.. My wife is an AVON rep, so I get to steal little samples all the time, though lately I've been forgoing the makeup, and have my moustache back... sigh...

Stephanie Miller
11-04-2009, 05:53 PM
You broke the ice Erica... so it's time to fill in the voids. Your mom comes from a generation of people that really don't have correct, if any, information on the subject of crossdressing. They are filled with nothing but total misconceptions. You can't blame her for her ignorance. People don't go searching for information on it for no reason. Besides until the web their really wasn't a lot on it anyway.
So roll up your sleeves and dig in for an information search.
I don't think it would be wise to search it out and print off a trees worth of paper in order to hand her a stack to read. She will just put it down and not read it. Rather I would tend to say it is better to do the research yourself and break it up into Cliff Notes (that's an old persons term for "study guides" :heehee: ). Then set aside time for you and here to have another "girl to girl" time to go over it. You can read her the bullet points and she can take the stack of paper to read at her leasure. At the very least she will have a little bonding time and understand what it really means to "Erica".

Good luck and keep us posted on your journey.

11-04-2009, 08:52 PM
You broke the ice Erica... so it's time to fill in the voids. Your mom comes from a generation of people that really don't have correct, if any, information on the subject of crossdressing. They are filled with nothing but total misconceptions. You can't blame her for her ignorance. People don't go searching for information on it for no reason. Besides until the web their really wasn't a lot on it anyway.
So roll up your sleeves and dig in for an information search.
I don't think it would be wise to search it out and print off a trees worth of paper in order to hand her a stack to read. She will just put it down and not read it. Rather I would tend to say it is better to do the research yourself and break it up into Cliff Notes (that's an old persons term for "study guides" :heehee: ). Then set aside time for you and here to have another "girl to girl" time to go over it. You can read her the bullet points and she can take the stack of paper to read at her leasure. At the very least she will have a little bonding time and understand what it really means to "Erica".

Good luck and keep us posted on your journey.

Very, very well said, Stephanie...although I haven't came out to really anyone, yet...but I'm pretty sure I'll be following this advice.


11-05-2009, 05:33 AM
Best of luck Erica, would you please share the name of the eyemake remover.



11-05-2009, 09:32 AM
erica: it will be ok, believe me.I told my mother, but the stains in
her favorite girdle years ago gave me away.she knew all the time.she
just didnt know to what extent
hummmmmm mary kay. why cant I get pink melon lipstick anymore:)

Karren H
11-05-2009, 12:42 PM
Why is it you never hear Mom say "where did I go right"? Moms are never happy or satisified... Expectations vs reality.. My mom probably knew... But she was really never happy I went into the coal mines..