View Full Version : First time out !

08-01-2004, 03:09 PM
Hi girls, just wanted to share my first time out with you all, what a feeling!!
Went to see my aunt today, nothing unusual, about that exept, for some strange reason i took a denim mini, a lycra rose print top and some lip gloss.
I stayed most of the evening with my aunt, then left just before sunset, driving home in the car, I suddenly rememberred about the skirt and top, so the next quiet spot, i stopped the car quickly changed in to Eliane, added some lip gloss in the mirror, then continued to drive home, it felt amazing, it is my first time out of the house!!

As I was driving back, all I could think of, was the place i could change into my drabs again, but before I knew it I was nearly home, with all the street lights on, I was unsure about making it from the car to the house, so for some reason I turned into the street that led to the car park for the local park, I had my dog with me, and thought, " what the hell" so i parked the car, got out, opened the rear door for doggy, there I was, standing there wearing male trainers ( sneakers) a denim mini skirt , a rose printed lycra top ( with two socks pushed into it) and not a sole in sight, so I continued to walk the same way I usually do ( but swing thise hips more), on one peticular path, through the street lighting in the distance, I could see two people sat on a park bench, I made a small detour to avoid them, then a guy on a cycle came passed me, was my walk right? to late now!! Then as I walked around a corner in the hedge row, to my horror, there was a small group of about6-8 people, heading my way !! ahhhhhh! I kept telling myself " be natural, be cool, keep swinging those forearms" they all pasted me, and did notice a thing, mind you it was dark by then.
Then two minutes later, Ahhhhhhh!! a car parked nexted to mine!! with three men sat in it!!!
Now I was petrified!!! could I do it? " calm down" I kept saying to myself, I managed to get doggy in the car and then myself, without being clocked by the three men in the car next to me!!

After all this excitment, I'd forgot the reason why I went to the park in the first place, and in less than 5 minutes I was parking my car near my house, I sat there for a monent, thinking " If my neighbours see me the cats out of the bag, what the hell, go for it!" I then got out, let doggy out, locked the car and walk down to the steps leading to my house.

That is my first time out, it felt wonderful, I am looking forward now to many more outings, but I really must get myself a wig first!

hope you enjoyed reading, thanx for letting me share it with you girls,

hugs n stuff


08-01-2004, 04:45 PM
Hi Miss Elaine: Great story, thanks for sharing...good luck next time and keep us posted on your progress

08-01-2004, 04:51 PM
WOW! Thanx for sharing Elaine! No wig, foundation, makeup? That sure took some guts, gf!

08-01-2004, 04:54 PM
You know, Elaine, it is such a thrill. I was driving and visiting shops last night abd I was high. Every place I went I seem to get bolder and bolder. IT was better than any feeling I can explain. I really got to be careful though. Jodi is one bold girl.

Keep going out,


08-01-2004, 07:12 PM
Good for you, girl ! Next time with wig & makeup, dressed to the 9's. Too bad you are so far away from me, we could go out for a night on the town.... :) :)

08-01-2004, 09:31 PM
Thank you girls, for the support.
Your right, no nice shoes, no make-up, no stockings ( legs are shaven!) no wig, no forms, just skirt and top.
All the other gg's I'd seen that day all had denim skirts on, so why couldn't I??
may go out again tonite!!

love Elaine

08-02-2004, 08:58 AM
Hi Elaine,

Go for it girl (another trip out). Don't get too ambitious, small steps. I don't try to walk like a girl, all I do is take smaller steps (often because I have a long skirt that restricts them anyway) and I walk slower, but I don't try to swing hips or anything. If you watch GG's, some swing hips, others don't. Take some time out to sit in the precict and watch the girls go by, see how they dress, walk etc (I often sit in the window of Starbucks in Taunton watching the world go by).


08-02-2004, 09:51 AM
That's a great story. Scary and exciting at the same time, isn't it? Good job on your first outing. Hey the good news is that it gets easier every time you do it! Good luck!

Sarah Cummings
08-02-2004, 10:07 AM
Elaine, Please don't missunderstand this response and NO disrespect intended. I very much understand wanting to go out while dressed and I love doing that myself when I can. BUT, you are a big DUMMY! Sweetheart, you need to understand that as much as we have a free country and that there are no laws (that I know of) that deprive you of your right to dress femininely. You have to bear in mind that there ARE REAL DANGEROUS people out there that will do great bodilly harm to you if they see you. They woudn't give a second thought to bashing you, or even killing you. Honey, I respect you greatly for the way you want to lead your life, but this IS an extemely dangerous world we live in today and when you walk somewhere, it doesn't even have to be nightime anymore. You litterally have to look over your shoulders all the time. Honey, it's just not safe to be going dressed in any fashion, much less going out dressed femininely with no make up, wig, etc, where you can be inststantly distinguished, chances are ok SOMETIMES. But that one COULD have gotten you killed. I've heard too many times of GAY basshings. You may not even be bi, you could be totally straight and dressed, BUT, DO THEY KNOW THAT? Please, sweetheart use some commonsense and be more safety concious if you go out again. I don't want to see here on the forum that one of our sisters had been killed while dressed and out about. Take care of yourself and be X-tra carefull honey. Love Sarah XOXOXOXO Feel the passion!