View Full Version : Comeing back from a purge

11-07-2009, 09:58 AM
Hi I am new to this form and I am very glad to have found Crossdressers.com. I am now starting back to crossdressing after a purge several months ago. Have now bought a few outfits and will soon go out to buy some makeup. I guess that part of my purging has to do with not having anyone to share my feelings with. I have posted on several threads and it is a great felling to let out some thoughts and feelings, I wish something like this form was around years ago. Some of my posts were comented on and it gave me a lift in my spirits and I am hopeing to possibly make some friends here. Many of the things I have read here are the feelings I have gone through and I am gratefull for the help it will give me. Looking forward to having a great time here.

11-07-2009, 10:49 AM
The dreaded Purge. Why do we do this so often, when we know deep inside that all we are doing is purging the money from our bank account?

No one can purge the urge, can they?

11-07-2009, 12:51 PM
From now on don't purge just storage, I found that out I save money that way. Welcome back!

LeAnne Marie
11-07-2009, 01:14 PM
I used to purge quite a bit. I started just putting everything in the attic when I felt the urge. Not only saves money but you don't throw away things you like but can't get anymore.

11-07-2009, 02:05 PM
Oh Honey, the first thing you need to realize is that you aren't alone in this. we've all been where you are now, and while where I am now my seem light years away from you... I WAS where you are now. Next thing, if you are going to purge... don't. Take a break sure, but you'll save a lot of grief and money if you just put stuff away, not throw out. Put you're stuff in storage, send it to yourself by way of timbuctoo or something if you need a break. So, next thing. If this makes you happy, then screw that bad guilt stuff, there's nothing wrong with you, then go ahead and give yourself permission to be happy this way. Cause honey, no one will ever do this, only you can. Cheers. Carol

11-07-2009, 02:12 PM
I am 47 now (don't tell anybody!), and I have not purged for 15-20 years. Why not? The purges just became ridiculously frequent. It was more logical to keep my items. And then I started loving my things. From theatrical accessories they had turned into my own belongings, part of me. Today I dress seldom, but I have a wardrobe, locked, full of things that belong to myself, and nobody else. I try to reasonably give my things out to younger people who might need them, but there are a few things that are part of me. I just know that I might need those things some day, so why burn them?

Karren H
11-07-2009, 05:22 PM
Hang around long enough and we can dash those spirits as fast as we can uplift them! :D

11-08-2009, 04:15 AM
Been there, done that. Resolved nothing and ended up being costly in the long.

11-08-2009, 05:08 AM
The good news is that you will have fresh make-up.

JoAnne Wheeler
11-09-2009, 02:36 PM
The Awful Purge -> most of us have done it at one time or another, in fact

some of us have done it several times. It DOES NOT WORK if you think that

your Purging will get rid of CDing - it won't. All it will do, as you are finding

out, will result in wardrobe binging - I am in a pink fog wardrobe buying binge

which has been going on for two years ! Very expensive !

You have my sympathy.

JoAnne Wheeler