View Full Version : Do you think about crossdressing all the time?

11-08-2009, 02:50 PM
I do. But i can't. I'm well known locally.

11-08-2009, 02:53 PM
I do think about it all time but can't, but I am dressing all this week 24/7 and loveing it.

pernille d
11-08-2009, 02:56 PM
think about it all the time too

+ with my work i get to work with lots of women in loverly clothing , so i cant help but think about it as i think that is something i would like to wear .

11-08-2009, 03:00 PM
No, I am not well-known for thinking, I just do it (dress) all the time...

Just how big is McMinnville and are you the Mayor there?

11-08-2009, 03:06 PM
I think about it constantly and find my planning my next chance to dress. My wife knows but doesn't participate and doesn't want to see. I only get the chance when I take a day off and no one is going to be home. It seems the longer between opportunities to dress the more I think about it. I'll be traveling soon and am looking forward to the opportunity to dress and find myself planning the trip several times a day

11-08-2009, 03:13 PM
Only when I'm sleeping do I NOT think about it. ( get about 6 hrs a night) ... lemme see, there's 24 hrs. in a day, right? ... OK OK I got it 24 take away 6, uh er carry the 1 ... 14 apples take away 6 ... ratz gotta go to the fridge and get the apples, .... be right back.....

Sorry got distracted by a nice advertisement for some really cute shoes, now where was I? ... Oh yeah how many hours a day do I think about CDing.

LOTS of hours.

Cheryl T
11-08-2009, 03:16 PM
No...I think about not dressing in those ugly male clothes...:daydreaming:

11-08-2009, 03:24 PM
when my mind idles I will have to say yes,,i think of the fem clothes,,, but when busy I sometimes think of something diffent,,that is until I see a cute pair of jeans or blouse,,then back to thinking of fem clothes for 1 more hour till I get distracted for another 5 minutes

11-08-2009, 03:42 PM
I think about it constantly and find my planning my next chance to dress. My wife knows but doesn't participate and doesn't want to see. I only get the chance when I take a day off and no one is going to be home. It seems the longer between opportunities to dress the more I think about it. I'll be traveling soon and am looking forward to the opportunity to dress and find myself planning the trip several times a day
Yes, I am too keen to be 24 x 7 but it is not possible here in India so I wait to have my family off the home & c.d with different inner as well as outer outfitts with different styles of make up & fem accesories. I love c.d.ing but in a private,secret,safe,loanly,friendly place so I am in search of a c.d. friend here .

11-08-2009, 03:47 PM
Not all the time, but pretty darned often...especially lately it seems. Autumn does that to ya...

11-08-2009, 03:59 PM
I think about it, not all the time as I partially dress when I'm at home.
Since I live by myself, I half dress at home in a bra, panties, and femme clothes, but no makeup.
On weekends, I'm dolling up and going out.


11-08-2009, 04:05 PM
That's one of the plusses of having a job that requires lots of travel...it must be very frustrating if you're stuck in a small town where everybody knows your every move

11-08-2009, 04:16 PM
All the time giggle :heehee: even dream about some night's. but as many of us know

nosey nebiour's+small town+widely known+family door's away from me=copout i know :sad: but when im ready ill take amber with under my drab and strip off at a rest stop on the interstate and it will be shopping hooooo :daydreaming:

Alicia Grey
11-08-2009, 04:18 PM
How often do I think about crossdressing? I would say, more than any other activities that I engage in lately. I would classify it as an obsession.

Now if I can channel this obsession into loosing weight so I can fit into some really nice outfits, that would be great.

Kimberly Marie Kelly
11-08-2009, 09:30 PM
One of the plus's of being Transsexual and in transition. I dress as a women 24/7 at this point. So if I wore mens clothes I'd be crossdressing, now I dress as me. Kimberly :battingeyelashes:

11-08-2009, 09:33 PM
I do but can't but I do go half way and wear womens jeans, nail polish, panties, and mascara. That doesn't count my earings.

Bikini Babe Claire
11-08-2009, 09:56 PM
I think about it allot,Some times I think about it when im dressed:heehee:

11-08-2009, 10:01 PM
I used to when I was real stressed, however lately I am in my dormant period where I do not think about it nor do I feel like dressing.

I do plan on dressing to go to a party or two during the holidays and usually the week before I think about dressing almost daily.

Wendy Green
11-08-2009, 10:29 PM
Yep, pretty much all the time. I dream about it too but it's different usually.
It's like normal for a guy to choose between a skirt or pants in my dreams.
If only...

11-08-2009, 10:34 PM
I've been in a pink fog for about a year now and it is all I think about.

Bonnie Lawrence
11-08-2009, 10:37 PM
When I am in male mode, I think about dressing all the time and simultaneously think about being a woman. Since I have an accepting wife, I dress at least partially at home most evenings. When I'm dressed en femme either fully or partially, it just seems so natural to be wearing women's clothing that I don't think about it once I'm involved in everyday activities.

Incidentally, having worked in a mostly female work setting, I have noticed how much women talk about clothing, almost daily complimenting one another about one item or another. Being CD/TG certainly has made me appreciate why women focus on what they wear.

Love this forum,


11-08-2009, 10:46 PM
Every girl I pass I look at their outfit and think of myself in it. Every store I enter I shop in my mind for myself. I can't dress all the time but have advanced in my confidence of underdressing. So I think I qualify as thinking about it all the time...hugs.

11-09-2009, 12:52 AM
Just how big is McMinnville and are you the Mayor there?[/B]

Careful Tamara, you probably just scared The Hell out of our "newbie!" I don't think that town is very big.

But, all of us can't do you much harm Hon....you see, we don't live there in McMinnville!

Peace and Love, Joanie

Pattie O
11-09-2009, 01:00 AM

11-09-2009, 01:20 AM
Intresting question. Do i think about it all the time. or do i think about dressing all the time? You say you are well known so you can't which implies you mean you can't dress all the time. ergo, you can think about it all the time..and you're not alone sister. :hugs:

11-09-2009, 02:29 AM
Only when I have to because I really can't stand to think about it, almost as much as I hate to do it 99.9% of the time.

But as much as I try to avoid thinking about and deff doing it there are just some days that I have to go out and face the world in male clothes. :D

11-09-2009, 03:05 AM
I think about it way to much i wish it would go away. The more i think about it the less i dress.

bridget jones
11-09-2009, 03:42 AM
sure I always think about it but can't always dress.I do however find a way to wear my panties,love my panties.

11-09-2009, 03:53 AM
Do you think about crossdressing all the time?

One reason why I’m here is to keep thinking about crossdressing all the time. It doesn’t take much, but just reading the posts and being among my friends helps to keep my mind occupied. I suppose I am thinking about crossdressing constantly, at least subconsciously, because I’m usually wondering about when to dress, what to wear, and how wonderful I’ll feel when I’m in my feminine finery. Thoughts about crossdressing invade my dreams, my fantasies, and even the artwork I make, so even when my favorite activity isn’t in the foreground, it’s at least in the background influencing all things, affecting decision-making, reactions, my overall comportment, and life in general…

victoria's secret
11-09-2009, 04:16 AM
We all have our busy lives and yes thoughts of dressing up does consume us sometimes, especially when we see a great pair of shoes our co-worker has on. You just want to go up to her and say "those are beautiful, can I try them on" "where did you get them" ....oh-wait- I am a size 11 and the stright male co-worker you've come to know and love. To your question. The women inside is there always, speaking to us subconsciously...."Hey your hair is not working today' or "oh yea its working." Or when you have 5 or 6 shirts or pants on your bed and nothing seems to work. She does'nt want to go to work in those pants and button up shirt with a tie! She wants the heels, the dress, the purse, the jewelry and on and on. Don't get in the way, she is working towards her goal of complete and total domination. So in closing, get out of the way, slip into those heels and clothes cause she's had a long day and can't stop thinking about "GETTING DRESSED!!!" :daydreaming:

11-09-2009, 06:04 AM
I think about cross dressing way too much. It seems like it is always on my mind. The worst/best time is early morning laying bed. The thought of putting on a bra races through my mind a daily basis, so much so, I wish it would go away.

11-09-2009, 06:23 AM
All the time, except when I am sleeping, And that isn't all that often.

11-09-2009, 06:26 AM
No, not ALL the time. Sometimes I'm here :heehee: or sleeping.

jenna cd
11-09-2009, 06:38 AM
wenever my mind is unoccupied with sumthing else I think about it, so prob 75% of the time hehe

11-09-2009, 08:25 AM
Don't think about it just do it every day giggles

JoAnne Wheeler
11-09-2009, 08:31 AM
Yes - I think about it almost 24/7

JoAnne Wheeler

Dawn Marie
11-09-2009, 08:42 PM
Only when I breathe. I just can't seem to get it out of my head. There are just too many distractions toward that thought. Every time I see a woman or a young girl I always check out what she is wearing, what accessaries are with it, how she carries herself, and can't help to think,"How would I look in that outfit or dress."

Francine Nice
11-09-2009, 08:47 PM
Yes. I am passionate and constantly thinking about dressing up even though I can't dress often. Talking about dressing is my 2nd passion.:):)

Karren H
11-09-2009, 09:03 PM
I don't even know I do it any more because it's just a part of me...... like every other thought is crossdressing related....

11-10-2009, 04:17 PM
No, I am not well-known for thinking, I just do it (dress) all the time...

Just how big is McMinnville and are you the Mayor there?

poking my nose in.... I think it's Silverton, Oregon that has a CD mayor.
McMinnville isn't very large at all but it's just outside the Portland Metro area. Lots of oppurtunity and acceptance just a short drive away.

11-10-2009, 05:45 PM
Great question Claire. When you love something or someone you think about it or them a lot. I have to admit I don't think about it 24/7. It has become more like breathing to me. Its just natural. I find that I have to think more about being male anymore than female. Its hard anymore going out with the guys. I just have the overwhelming urge to start up a conversation about the heels that the girl at the next table is wearing.

I can't think about it 24/7 because I have started to dedicated some of that grey matter to weighing the pros and cons of transitioning.

Marissa Mae
11-10-2009, 05:46 PM
I think about dressing all of the time... it's behind every thought, every plan, each second of my day. Can I squeeze it in tonight after work? Will the house be empty enough for me to go out for a couple of hours on Friday night? I just got paid, what do I need at the mall? :devil:

On a serious note, it is really a burden at times b/c my gf has to face the monster(ous urge), and she gets tired of hearing it. As much as I love to dress, I sometimes wish I could have a reprieve from it, you know? Just a month of not thinking about it 24/7, so I could clear the air and think about other things with as much intensity.

Every girl I pass I look at their outfit and think of myself in it. Every store I enter I shop in my mind for myself. I can't dress all the time but have advanced in my confidence of underdressing. So I think I qualify as thinking about it all the time...hugs.

Oh my you have hit the nail on the head. EVERYWHERE I go there is always that one woman who wears just a delectable, ravashing outfit, and I get the tingly, butterflies in the stomach jealous urge to wear what she is :doh: Most of the time it is a beautiful Asian girl wearing tights with knee high boots, short dress, long hair, perfect makeup :daydreaming: And most of the time my gf is right there next to me, so it's tough, yeah...

11-10-2009, 05:52 PM
I think about it quite a bit. Any time I'm in a department store, I can't help but look at the women's clothes as I walk by, and if I'm by myself I'll almost always go to the racks and sift through to see what they have. I go through phases, where for a year or so I can't get enough of it, then I chill out on it and don't think about it much for a while. Right now I'm definitely thinking about it every day and how great it feels to be wearing a bustier with garters, thigh highs, stilettos and a sexy dress over it all...not to mention my Triple D breastforms and my Betty Page wig.... Goodness I'm getting turned on right now just thinking about it...

One thing I'd love to experience at some point is going shopping while dressed up. I've gone in public dressed up, but only walking through a casino where I didn't have to talk to anyone...must admit to being terrified of having to talk to someone while dressed up...I don't think I can do a good feminine voice.... It's nice to fantasize about it, though!

11-10-2009, 05:59 PM
There is no one thing that I think about all the time. My life is a motion from one intense activity to another, for the most part, and these activities take all of my concious thought and attention.

But, having said that, Tina finds her way into almost everything that is not deeply professional or musical. Just dressing is almost always part Tina, and if not at least the decision-making had to be done as to whether Tina is going to be part of the finished product (panties, girl jeans, top, etc). There is always the nails (clear matte finish that must be taken care of to not be ratty!), the eyebrows, the toner and moisturizer, the hand lotion, and the cuticle oil.

And aren't we all constantly watching the differences between women and men, watching how women move, listening to their speech patterns, how they dress, their makeup....

Maybe when I've gotten completely comfortable with brining Tina into the world I'll do less of this because I'll have become comfortable with it, but except for the activities which are completely attention-intensive, this bi-genderism is truly always there!


11-10-2009, 06:18 PM
I can't wait to go shoe shopping tonight with a friend. I will post pics soon. It really has taken up my whole day