View Full Version : One of those daze!

Rebecca Jayne
12-03-2009, 08:24 PM
Ever had one of these

I woke up,,,,surprise
put my panties on inside out felt right?
Check my sleep bra...missing a gorm, laying in the bed, shoulda gotten back into at that point.
Put on a fresh bra and got tangled up in.........
Pants and tee inside out or backwards.......HELP!
Went downstairs to have coffee, spilled 1/2 cup right off
Sat down with the dogs and 1 gives me a 30 minute bath, bra straps slid off shoulders.
Go to put on lipstick, fall on floor separates stick from applicator.
Break a nail..............DAMN, DAMN.DAMN.
Go to restroom, check bra, on backwards, go figure.

Gotta get better from here,

It did.

12-03-2009, 08:26 PM
THAT sounds like a GOOD day to me!:D

Except the coffee part, of course!:sad: