View Full Version : I need help

12-09-2009, 01:53 AM
Ok, so i've started dressing more and I've been thinkin about going out. I've walked around very discreetly by myself but I'm afraid to go in a public place. Please tell me if I'm passable and if not, can you give me some suggestions... please be honest, it won't hurt my feelings, actually maybe just a little, lol, but I'd rather have an honest answer. THanks girls!!!

12-09-2009, 02:11 AM
Sorry, sweetie, but I'm about to give you my brutally honest opinion. Your clothes look good. You have a bit of a boyish face, though. It's partly your chin, and it seems most noticeable in the striped shirt picture. I would try darker lipstick to distract, and maybe a different hairstyle than what's in that pic. But you are very cute, and I like your eyes and eyebrows. :)

12-09-2009, 02:21 AM
thank you so much for you reply, I actually have a pretty big underbite :sad: and the only way to fix that is jaw surgery which I'm considering, not just for the girl but the boy as well. Thanks again

12-09-2009, 02:21 AM
i don't agree you would not be out of place walking down any street just don't be too girly

12-09-2009, 03:22 AM
I can't agree about the boyish face thing. I think your face is perfectly femme, it is round and pleasant, you are working a good smile in the pic with the green top. I think you look perfectly passable... the long arms are a clue, but GGs come in all shapes and sizes too.

On the other hand, I wouldn't go out in that skirt unless it was to a place where other girls would be wearing ****tier outfits. It is hard to tell in the pic (it is dark and grainy) but it is sort of on the verge of drag queen-esque? You don't want to do that. I would avoid the frosty lipstick colors unless that is what GGS of your age / race are doing... though it does not look like what I am accustomed to.

Your hair looks good, you have accessorized well. You don't appear to be too tall, even in those FM heels. You have selected a believable breast size for your frame. If I were you I would look at loosing 20ish pounds and concealing my arms. The big issue for you is going to be voice and mannerisms it looks like.

12-09-2009, 03:56 AM
Thank you so much hope, I understand where anne was coming from because of my underbite... Funny you should mention losing 20 pounds, ever since i stopped playing high school sports, i've put on exactly that. because back then i thought that my metabolism would never let me put on weight, and i didnt. but when exercising stopped... the scales went up. Also, I think if anything i would wear jeans and a tshirt and flats just to fly under the radar so to say. Thanks again for the help

Samantha Girl
12-09-2009, 04:13 AM
Definitely go with the more conservative of the outfits if you want to try to pass ;) I think you look pretty passable, plus the jeans are very cute on you :) I see that you've had heels on, fun! :p Anyways, make sure you're confident walking in them if that's what you decide. Practice, practice, practice! :D

12-09-2009, 05:07 AM
Your first pic reminds me of the receptionist at work :P

I dont reckon your face is too boyish, I do agree about being conservitive. You want to blend in, not stand out.

Miss Kara

12-09-2009, 08:26 AM
You look a lot like one of my GG relatives in the first picture. I don't think it's an unrealisric GG look, depends where you are. It would be perfect in Los Angeles, but over the top in some small farm town. :heehee:

I actually have a pretty big underbite :sad: and the only way to fix that is jaw surgery which I'm considering, not just for the girl but the boy as well.
Oh my goodness, you don't need to have jaw surgery. That's pretty drastic, an awful lot to put yourself through for an underbite. You really are very cute. It's not noticeable at all in the first picture so I was trying to figure out what was different between the first and second pictures that would make you look different. All I can think of is your hairstyle and lipstick color, but I could be wrong. It's just an opinion.

12-09-2009, 08:32 AM
Lauren, I hope I don't hurt your feelings by saying this, but if I passed you in the street in that second outfit I probably wouldn't give you a second look. :)

Totally natural, totally believable (if your walk and mannerisms and attitude etc. are all in place as well).

Now, if you passed me in the first outfit, I'd definitely give a second look. Probably a tenth look as well. Skirts, tights and heels do that to me. :)

12-09-2009, 08:33 AM
its how you feel inside that matters and not what others think. If you want to go out then do your best job and run out the door.

Karren H
12-09-2009, 10:24 AM
Jeeezzzzeee......... passing is so over rated!!! Just go.... Who cares what others think..... Wear what you want... Where you want and don't let anyone tell you you can't... Attitude.. Attitude... Attitude!! Ohhh and be sure to smile.. Its all the rage and all the happy girls do!! :)

12-09-2009, 11:22 AM
Smile, be confident, feel feminine so that your body language is feminine and it will feed back into your mind :)

But do smile, be happy, and no one will give you a second look (a negative one, anyway!).


12-09-2009, 11:30 AM
My honest opinion?

I think you would have no problem at all passing in your first outfit. I could give you a second or third look at not think anything different was going on there.

The short skirt is very sexy but if you want to wear it out I suggest you reserve that for a time when other girls are dressed that way. Otherwise you'd stand out more and get much closer scrutiny. You still might even pass then but my opinion is to not attract attention.

12-09-2009, 11:57 AM
Lauren I think the right hand pic looks good, I really can't make out the left one very well. You should have no trouble going out.


12-09-2009, 12:15 PM
You pass me in either oufit (and BTW it doesn't matter what I'm wearing LOL) I'd be taking to out for drinks before you could say no!

You look great :)

12-09-2009, 01:22 PM
Based on the striped shirt picture, I think you definitely pass better than me.

But my passing or not doesn't stop me from going out.

So, for a first time, yes, wear the jeans, etc.

Maybe a looser top with a size larger breasts would make the belly less noticeable.

12-09-2009, 01:53 PM
Your face is so not an issue! Not overly boyish at all, and your chin looks just fine. The hair works well with your face, so don't worry about that either.

And I strongly disagree that a short skirt automatically equals ****ty, especially for your age. That outfit is great for clubbing, even a few other places, although most GGs probably wouldn't wear something quite that short in such a tight-fitting style. On a recent club outing I saw a GG your age wearing a knit dress that was that tight all over, although it was a couple of inches longer, and she really stood out from all the girls in jeans, in a good way. Judging by how often she was dragged out onto the dance floor by all genders, she was definitely a big hit with everyone. I also see young GGs working at the malls wearing similar outfits these days, just maybe not quite that short, but definitely several inches above the knee. But as you said, the jeans are prolly best for everyday casual situations, just cuz that's what all the girls your age (most ages, actually) are wearing.

Like Karren said, get over all your insecurities and go have fun. Nobody's perfect, but you're adorable just like you are. Your look will only get better with experience.

12-09-2009, 02:14 PM
Ok, so let's get this out there... you are fantastic, the first rule is age and situationally appropriate, you don't see girls dressed like the first picture in church do ya? And being a girl is so much more than slipping on a dress and painting your face. It's your presence, your demeanor. The first things I started to realize when I transitioned was that I had to unlearn 49 years of social conditioning, mannerism's, facial language,body language, and the how diferent we TALK as women. And the one best fashion accessory is confidence, you'll see it. I do allready. you will do well. Carol

12-09-2009, 03:17 PM
As long as you dress for the occasion and walk the walk with confidence, I don't see you drawing any negative attention... and I'm not one to sugar-coat. :)

Happy Holidays!

12-09-2009, 03:25 PM
I've lived in NYC so there just wearing something not too outlandish will suprise no one. Where I live now I wouldn't go out. Just measure the temperature of the location and go for the look that feels good. You look nice to me, BTW. Young people can pull it off since ambiguous sexuality is fashionalbe, i.e., skinny jeans etc.

12-09-2009, 10:06 PM
thank you to everyone :)