View Full Version : Loving being gender-blurred

12-15-2009, 06:21 PM
I came to a conclusion the other day. I love being gender-blurred. I love that I enjoy both masculine things and feminine. I love that I can yell at a bad pass in football and then wonder where I could get one of those cute Christmas cheerleaders' outfits.

After I accepted what I am (a year or so ago), and especially more recently as I've been exploring Dianna more and more, I kinda dove into the feminine side, not quite to the exclusion of the masculine, but close. But these past few days I've actually been balancing out a little, I find.

Don't get me wrong...I still love being feminine, dressing feminine--I'd dress 100% of the time if I could--but I'm finding less pink fog lately than there was at the beginning.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing? A diving into the feminine immediately following self-acceptance, and then a gradual balancing out later as the newness wears off?

Or is it just me? Am I even making any sense? LOL Sometimes even I don't know. :)

12-15-2009, 06:48 PM

You seem like a kind of all or nothing type of person so the crossdressing must be especially puzzling I'd try and let things happen slowly and not from one extreme to another. It's surprising to me that all of this has taken such a significant step in the last year where as most of us have felt the desire to dress since, well as long as I can remember anyway. Just be casual with it all and don't take it so seriously. It's just your need to live life to the fullest extent and experience both sides of your person. Not everyone will get this gift/dilemma of trying to understand the male and female in us all.

12-15-2009, 07:08 PM
You do make sense Dianna, balance in life is everything. It is human to want to play with something when its new, as the novelty wears off things tend to revert back to balance. Like my son and a new video game, at first he plays it relentlessly only to slow down a few days later.

12-15-2009, 07:22 PM
One thing about being a woman is the right to tire of your clothing. In your case you jumped into dressing and then you had it. It's passe now and you do it naturally. There may not be as much excitement but we still do it.

12-15-2009, 08:40 PM

You seem like a kind of all or nothing type of person so the crossdressing must be especially puzzling I'd try and let things happen slowly and not from one extreme to another. It's surprising to me that all of this has taken such a significant step in the last year where as most of us have felt the desire to dress since, well as long as I can remember anyway. Just be casual with it all and don't take it so seriously. It's just your need to live life to the fullest extent and experience both sides of your person. Not everyone will get this gift/dilemma of trying to understand the male and female in us all.

Well, sort of, anyway...I'd been dressing since I was a teen, but only just recently came around to realizing that there wasn't something wrong with me. Once I got that thought firmly in my head, the acceptance was easy.

I agree with your assessment, though...I do tend to go to extremes sometimes. I think that's why I was a little surprised to discover that I liked balancing my two halves. :)

And Sherrie, I don't know that I'd say it's passe for me...I still really look forward to dress days! :)

12-15-2009, 09:21 PM
You're making perfect sense to me. I've been kinda indulging in it a lot lately. I bought a new winter hat for an outfit i'm putting together today from kmart for $3.00!! I couldn't believe it, it's perfect. But anyways, on sunday, I'm usually in guy mode not even thinking too much about getting dressed up in nothing but a sports jersey and yelling at the tv (ravens have given me PLENTY to yell about, lol ) On wedsnday I had a spur of the moment decision to get dressed up and take a picture, and have pretty much been thinking nonstop about dressing and coming out since. It'll probably settle in the next couple of days.

Rianna Humble
12-16-2009, 12:55 AM
I came to a conclusion the other day. I love being gender-blurred.

Really love that expression :cheer:

I love that I enjoy both masculine things and feminine. I love that I can yell at a bad pass in football and then wonder where I could get one of those cute Christmas cheerleaders' outfits.

After I accepted what I am (a year or so ago), and especially more recently as I've been exploring Dianna more and more, I kinda dove into the feminine side, not quite to the exclusion of the masculine, but close. But these past few days I've actually been balancing out a little, I find.

Don't get me wrong...I still love being feminine, dressing feminine--I'd dress 100% of the time if I could--but I'm finding less pink fog lately than there was at the beginning.

That's great chicklet, I know the fog was worrying you.

Has anyone else experienced this sort of thing? A diving into the feminine immediately following self-acceptance, and then a gradual balancing out later as the newness wears off?

Who knows if I may go there? At the moment, I seem to be heading in the opposite direction, although Le Rosbif does have a few attributes I still enjoy.

Or is it just me? Am I even making any sense? LOL Sometimes even I don't know. :)

Don't worry hun, you usually do make sense. I'm really glad for you that you are finding that balance. :hugs:

12-16-2009, 01:53 PM
Thanks Rianna! Sometimes I just need a little reassurance that I'm not totally off my tree. :)

12-16-2009, 06:08 PM
I think it comes and goes for all of us. I know that when I repress my fem self or just don't have a chance to dress for a long time the pink fog hits the hardest.

I must a agree that a balance is the right way. Expressing a little bit of both sides means that one side or the other won't drive you crazy.

Just my opinion.

12-17-2009, 12:26 AM
I have experienced the same thing Dianna, I totally understand where you are coming from. For me it is because I tend to go over the top on everything at the beginning, and then gradually reach a balance. Both are kind of nice, the over the top phase is something I enjoy experiencing, but it is nice when things become balanced, normal, and familiar.