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View Full Version : Rockin' The New Shoes

12-24-2009, 01:17 AM
So, I have been a closet dresser for quite some time. I started college this fall, and I'll admit, I thought I had grown out of it. That was until one of my friends and I started joking about the topic and she mentioned that we should go shopping together!

We went, I got the essentials, and we had fun for about a week. Never going outside or anything, but still fun.

Then, there was a lull...Until this week. She had some errands that she needed to run and asked me to go with her. I said "What the hell, I'm not doing anything." So I proceeded to go to my closet to get my shoes when my eyes caught a glimpse of a pair of flats in the back of my closet. I pulled them out and told her that I was going to wear them. She was so supportive!!!

We ran errands, and I was in black flats that had a bow on the toe!!! I felt so pretty!!! I went shopping again today. Picked up some more, um...undergarments lol :D, tomorrow, Christmas Eve, I think I will venture out and try to find some "unisex-looking" women's pants. My roommates are gone all break, and I am going to see just how much of my wardrobe I can change by the time they get back! I don't want to make it obvious, but still want to be wearing women's clothing. I have no desire to become passable. I simply feel more at home in the "other gender's" clothing!

I love this!!!

12-24-2009, 01:53 AM
That's so kool that she was so supportive, lucky lol. Well it sounds like ur already much braver tahn I am, wearing the shoes out :eek:. Well best of luck to ya, and Merry Christmas!

12-24-2009, 07:59 AM
It sounds as if you're having fun and feeling support from your friend; it doesn't get much better than that!

Rianna Humble
12-24-2009, 08:05 AM
Looks like you have found a good friend there. Your idea to change things slowly is definitely the best way to go.

Have fun and enjoy sharing it with your friend. :hugs: