View Full Version : Gay Pride Contest of all Colorado

Krystal Lee
08-01-2005, 04:07 PM
Saturday night in Denver at the Executive Towers hotel was the show for Mr. Ms. and Miss gay pride. What a fun night it was. Things were conducted like a beauty pageant and was the first time I have been to a function of this kind. I am sure other places have similar orginizations but the activity level in Denver astounds me. Could be to much seclusion in Wyoming :duh:

Was midnight before everything was over and some of us went to Charlie's, a gay bar accepting of us transgendered souls, and we partied on till closing.
A note if you go to Denver just because it's after 7:00pm on a weekend you will get a parking ticket for not feeding the meter. :mad: Happened, but I will move on.

Then nine of us went out to breakfast,eight gurls and one gg, we all had a wonderfull time chatting and solving the worlds problems.
We need transgendered people in charge and a lot of our problems would go away. Can you imagine even thinking of going to war with important stuff like putting on your makeup or doing your nails on the itenerary! :no:

What a wonderfull weekend it was, shopping and making new friends, both are high on my list of things to do. :D Hope you all had a good weekend and got to go OUT. Hugs Krystal.

Tristen Cox
08-01-2005, 04:14 PM
Kewl sounds fun, nice new avatar :cool:

08-01-2005, 07:44 PM
I always heard that colorado was the least accepting state of transgendered, yet it's the number one state that performs sex change operations? true or not?

Sweet Susan
08-02-2005, 02:09 AM
Trinidad, Colorado is the center of the universe for sex change operations. It is located in southeastern Colorado, just 22 miles from Raton, New Mexico. Great place to visit, unless you're a wife..............

Krystal Lee
08-02-2005, 01:42 PM
Kewl sounds fun, nice new avatar :cool:
Thanks Tristen, without your help I would still be lost with the picture thing and it still seem daunting :eek: but at least I got some up. Hugs Krystal.