View Full Version : Ok girls I'ts time to get serious

Melissa Ryan
08-02-2005, 08:38 AM
Iv'e read a few threads on some of you wanting to lose weight, well now is the time to all put in, stick together and help each other.
So post some recipes, some tips on how you have beaten the bulge, some exercises and maybe we can work together.
If you are really serious about this I want you to get up now, move to the back of your chair and holding on with one hand, do 10 squats, no more no less, go on I'm waiting right here for you.................Go on.....
Now post the amount of Lbs you want to lose, you don't have to post your weight and we can support each other and give praise where it's due. I read Wendy's post in another thread.....Wendy your'e a legend.......maybe you could help some of us with a few tips.....
I myself want to lose 30lbs and starting from today will make a promise to you that I will put in 100% to achieve that (well maybe 95%). With a little encouragement and a few slaps on the wrist it may be possible.
This is Melissa's SO here Lyn....melissa is one of the lucky ones, she doesn't need to lose weight, she never eats lollies, cakes or dessert (I wish I didn't)
So how about it girls, ready to give it a try........

....................Hugs Lyn..............

08-02-2005, 08:45 AM
Well, its going against Doc's orders, but i'm only 3 kilos from the magical 80kgs.

Have put on a kilo of mass in the last week, so if i cut out the carbohydrates, i'll be slim and trim in a coupla weeks!

Just don't tell my doctor until i hit 80kg's please.


08-02-2005, 08:52 AM
I found that the Weight Watchers diet works for my wife and me. I do the cooking, so that's a help. I don't go to any meetings (Hip hip horray for Margie, she lost .6 lbs, whistle clap YAWN), but have several of their cookbooks. The recipies have changed over the last few years, they used to be very dull, now they have gotten very good! The main thing is cutting down on fat in the diet. They do like pasta, which I do love! That and exersize.

OK, I'm for it, I want to loose 10 lbs!

Is chocolate on the diet?

Katie Ashe
08-02-2005, 09:03 AM
Melissa, I want to lose 25-30 lbs, my problem is it is genetic on my moms side. I weight 185 and want to get back to 160ish... I could use some encouragment :( This starvation diet does well but I can't keep the weight off :loser: . I use to weight 195 and got down to 180, seems so hopeless :cry:

08-02-2005, 09:16 AM
10 squats, okay I'm with you for the 95%. I want to lose 20 lbs at least.

My tip for the day is stravation does not work, try eating 6 small meals per-day instead.

Melissa Ryan
08-02-2005, 09:20 AM
I guess the thing I've heard most is that diets don't work, It's more about life style change, the more you deny yourself the more likely you are to give in.Diet helps but exercise is probably the main thing, for weight and for health.
In Aus we have a heart smart soup, don't know if you've heard of it.
You make up a huge pot of soup with any veggies you like throw in some stock cubes and tomato paste and boil the crap out of it, then every time you feel peckish you can have as much of this as you like, this does not replace meals, It's an added bonus and is really supposed to help the cravings and is good for your heart (providing whatever else you eat is sensible). The other thing that Males in particular need to do is drink more water, a lot of time your body is just crying out for water and this is mistaken for hunger. If you drink a lot more water you will find out that you need a lot less food. You should be aiming at two litres a day, this is also really good for the kidneys.

Emily Ann Brown
08-02-2005, 09:25 AM

I started at 201 and have been maintaining a pretty steady 178-180 and I'm not starving. My trick was to change my eating habits...juice instead of soda, salads etc. at lunch instead of high calorie junk...and increase my exercise level (like up from none). The exercise level has gone back down lately and that is why I'm not at the 170 I want to be. Don't be discouraged....if you are holding and not gaining back you have 95% of dieters beat. Aim for 3 or 4 pound loss and then relax for a week and then try for another 3 or 4. Don't put so much pressure on yourself that you feel like you're in prison. I'm impressed that you have accomplished so much already. I'm in Melissa...8 lbs !!!

Emily Ann

08-02-2005, 09:31 AM
In the last few years, i have had a weight problem and i went to a dietician for the first time early last year. Losing weight is not as simple as it sounds - for lots of reasons.

In my case, I was sent to the Doctors for a range of blood tests that were requested by the dietician. When she reviewed the results, she explained all about things such as 'LSH', 'LSL', metabolic activity and so forth. My cholestrol level was ok and no real risk of diabeties at that point in time.

As it happened, my metabolism was converting carbohydrate energy directly to fat reserves in the body, which is why i wasn't losing weight. The solution? Don't eat foods with carbohydrates - Noooooooo! Pastas, rices, breads, cerals(sp?) and any other hi energy foods were off the menu!

The dietician determined that the right food groups for me were basically protein rich such as fish, chicken, yougurts, etc... I had to keep my fat intake down, but they all say that!

I guess my point is, if you want to seriously lose weight permanently, go see a dietican who can provide you wit the correct diet options to suit you body's particular circumstances.


PS: Don't do the starvation thing like i did, even for a short time! It does have adverse consequences for the body & brain and i'm still getting over it. I wasn't eating because of serious emotional issues i was having at the time and wasn't aware of the (temporary?) damage i was doing to my own health.

08-02-2005, 10:18 AM
Gastric bypass surgery worked for me, but that is a little ratical. But I have heard very good results from Weight Watchers. It's not a fad thing, but a lifestyle change. It has worked for some of the people I work with. Some have lost 50 to 80 lbs. Oh, I lost 160 lbs. in a year. But I had other things wrong with me, as I was at 325 and went to 175, now at 179. Good luck girls.

liz lesbow
08-02-2005, 12:04 PM
Im in for 30 pounds, does anyone know how to put in a chart so we can all log in and put in our weights. then we can see each other lose it all. maybe that will be a help and fun to watch. I follow my moms body shape so I really need to lose it. I wnat to be in a 14 or 16 dress by years end for vacation.

Angela Burke
08-02-2005, 12:12 PM

It's easy girl !

Don't overeat!

Exercise daily!

No it's not easy at all.

But it's great having to buy a smaller skirt size!

Love Angela XX

08-02-2005, 02:56 PM
I actually want to lose somewhere between 30 and 50 pounds myself.... I'm scared. Hold me.

08-02-2005, 03:00 PM
healthy or not I just quit eating except for one meal a day...the only thing I can't seem to get rid of is this belly......mabe I could just wear maternity clothes and claim I'm pregnant????

08-02-2005, 03:05 PM

It's easy girl !

Don't overeat!

Exercise daily!

No it's not easy at all.

But it's great having to buy a smaller skirt size!

Love Angela XX
Actually it almost is that easy. In April, I started eating smaller portions of more healthful foods, cut out the cheeseburgers and fries, substituted home made smoothies (fresh fruit, juice and yogurt) for ice cream and no big dessert two hours before bed.

My activity level was already moderate and I didn't change that at all. Within 6-8 weeks, I dropped 20 pounds... down to 183 from 203.

Tristen Cox
08-02-2005, 03:08 PM
I actually want to lose somewhere between 30 and 50 pounds myself.... I'm scared. Hold me.
Aww there there :hugs:

Ashley in Virginia
08-02-2005, 03:11 PM
I have lost 15 pounds in the last month just by getting back to work. I hope to lose 15 more and get back to 125 before the end of september. I dressed the other day and couldn't fit into some of my smaller clothes :( So I have alot of work to do. But it sould be easy to sweat off those pounds at work.

Wendy me
08-02-2005, 05:26 PM
ok i am in too i have been doing real good but i need to get to a size 8 i am a 9 now but that last drop down is a killer right now i am a wapping 158 pounds and i would love to lose a nouther 10 to 15 pounds...sailds healthey food smaller amounts ....long walks....i might even exizise if i have to....

08-02-2005, 06:41 PM
I for one have gotten to a whopping 250 lbs! at one time! I recently saw that pic! and thought omg! that was then! At that time even though I was not concerned about my wieght! Still today I am not concerned! I believe if you want to lose it girls! ~ just do it! I did aim for attainable goals! just by going to say to myself! ok I'll at least stay away from sugars and fats! I started there by cutting down my intake of junk foods and especially fast foods! Now I am 157lbs and I have lost nearly a 100lbs! I do workout everyday and love the rush I get most times! It not only helps you lose the wieght but also beat stress! and feel good about not only your outside appearance but your inside too! START SMALL ATTAINABLE GOALS! it works if you want it too! Take care of you have fun and stay sexi! plus hey if you can find someone to do this with makes it twice as nice! :cheer: "You Can Do It!!!!" :clap: my love and hands down to those with even the littlest steps! :dance: hey dancing is fun too! much love Eileenxoxo

08-02-2005, 06:44 PM
I for one have gotten to a whopping 250 lbs! at one time! I recently saw that pic! and thought omg! that was then! At that time even though I was not concerned about my wieght! Still today I am not concerned! I believe if you want to lose it girls! ~ just do it! I did aim for attainable goals! just by going to say to myself! ok I'll at least stay away from sugars and fats! I started there by cutting down my intake of junk foods and especially fast foods! Now I am 157lbs and I have lost nearly a 100lbs! I do workout everyday and love the rush I get most times! It not only helps you lose the wieght but also beat stress! and feel good about not only your outside appearance but your inside too! START SMALL ATTAINABLE GOALS! it works if you want it too! Take care of you have fun and stay sexi! plus hey if you can find someone to do this with makes it twice as nice! :cheer: "You Can Do It!!!!" :clap: my love and hands down to those with even the littlest steps! :dance: hey dancing is fun too! much love Eileenxoxo

ps Melissa girl! are you dashing this girl? mio? or are you running on indian time? lol love n hugs Eileen

Brianna Kylee
08-02-2005, 08:53 PM
i just want to loose these love handles i've got since i've been home from school. Last week i actually cut all soda from my diet, and in fact, i've only been drinking water, and skim milk. Now i just have to be a little more active...

08-02-2005, 08:59 PM
We have been attending a program at church called First Place. It is a support group with accountability in nine areas. It focuses on lifestyle changes and stresses eating balance healthy meals combined with regular exercise. I have lost ninety pounds and my wife has lost 35.

The web address is www.Firstplace.org

08-02-2005, 09:05 PM
I knew a guy who lost over a hundred pounds with a diet he designed himself...

Eat as much as you want of only things you can eat with chopsticks (he wasn't Asian btw) and never eat more than one food item at a time.

He actually did lose over a hundred pounds on this diet... kinda strange though.

Val Tan
08-03-2005, 01:00 AM
i have one method...

reprogram your brain. yes. from young, we are all 'programed' to eat three (or more) meals a day. over time, it becomes a habit. wake up in the morning, have breakfast. come 12pm, you have lunch. at 7, you have dinner. but have you actually stopped and think if you were really hungry? sometimes its just this gut feeling that we must have our lunch.

this is more for those office-worker types, of course, since you sit at your desk all day. if your work involves physical activity, of course you will need to eat.

next is to eat less. easier said than done? well, for one thing, eat slowly. take your time. i remember there was this article that said that your stomach needs some time to tell your brain that it is full, so if you gobble down your food, you will overeat. start by cutting down on your portions. the keyword is portions. you can still eat that steak, or that fatty, oily piece of meat, but eat lesser than you normally would.

cut down on carbohydrates. i think the atkins diet is too extreme in that it doesnt allow carbs. go ahead and have your carbs, but have less of it. a recent article (sorry i can't remember exactly, so i can't provide a link) said that eating more protein is actually better than eating carbs, cos protein makes you fuller, so you will end up eating less.

i feel the above method requires a lot of willpower. there were times when i felt hungry, especially during lunch (since i skipped lunch). but somehow, after a few hours, say about 3pm, the hunger pangs disappear. and i'll survive till dinner. also, as time goes by, you will get used to the smaller portions, and in future, you will feel full despite eating a smaller portion than before.

of course, what worked (and works) for me, may not work for you. exercise caution. if you get gastric easily, don't skip your meals. you don't want to end up in a hospital :)

ps. with the above method, i can actually eat all the unhealthy food i want, including 'bad' stuff like chicken skin, fatty pork. i can go for eat-all-you-can buffets once every fortnightly, eat my fill, and not gain weight.

pps. the weight loss is not very obvious. it takes a very long time to actually see a loss, but you will be able to maintain that :)

hope this was useful for anybody :)

08-03-2005, 01:34 AM
:thumbsup: for Val Tan !!!

There is this saying... Moderation is the key to life! It works for me and I really don't deny myself much of anything... just in "moderation".

The eating slowly thing is very healthy... and you WILL lose weight! I read this article that said you should chew each mouthful 40 times before swallowing. :eek: That is really hard to do... at first... but you get used to it fairly quickly. I've cut down to about 20 times, now, but I automatically chew slower now. Even "chew" what you are drinking a few times instead of gulping.

And... walk more!!! Walk everywhere! Just start walking!!!!!!!!!! Great for "right brain" activity, health... and burning calories.

Oh! Warning! Don't lose toooooo much weight. Been there... done that... not good!!! :o

08-03-2005, 02:57 AM

Before I re-started dressing I dropped 10kgs - and I'm afraid its just hard work. I walked for 45mins BEFORE breakfast and 30mins BEFORE lunch and avoided using the car for short trips, cut out fast foods, butter, white bread. Ate more steamed rice and chicken or fish dishes, wholemeal, oat bran, fruit and vegetables and drank more water.

I lost the weight in about 5/6 months which included the Christmas/New Year period...but then as someone said its not what you eat from Christmas to New Year that stacks on the weight - its what you eat from New Year to Christmas.

Now I just keep to a basic regime of walking and watching what I eat and my weight has remained stable at around 64kgs since [about 4 years]. I guess I could still firm up a bit around the middle but I'll wait until Spring ;)

Fiona xx

Wendy me
08-03-2005, 06:44 AM
this is bad i am like doing so good on loseing waight and eatting good thn last night i set down watching tv and eat like 12 oreo cookies ...omg i join the group and start eatting like a pigy.....

Melissa Ryan
08-03-2005, 08:12 AM
Wow Girls this is really great, lots of advice, some of those things may work for some of you, and others will keep trying. Me I'm a tryer, go great for a while then it all becomes too hard. Where does willpower come from I need a hugh dose. I was going great today until I picked up my friends son from school, he hops in the car with a hugh box of chocolates he's selling for the school,we had to sit in the car for 25 minutes till his mum got home, did we go for a walk, did we get out and play ball, NO we sat and ate chocolate. I'm trying to move a bit more, every morning when I wake up I do 10 sit ups 10 leg lifts before I get out of bed. Then I stand up and do 10 x 2 side bends, 10 squats. Then as I go upstairs I go two steps up, one down, two up, (unless I'm really in need of the loo). If you have stairs at home make every trip twice, If you sit at the computer a lot then put a tin of something either side of your chair and now and then lean sideways and pick it up and down a few times. If your'e watching tv then exercise every Ad break, bend, stretch keep supple.
I don't know how a graph can be set up, It would be great to have one, If we all had our names and an amount we wanted to lose I think seeing it on a graph and wanting to keep up with everyone else would be a great incentive.
Any way girls keep going, It doesn't matter if you slip up, just don't give up, everything takes time, and when I'm 104 and have a gorgeous figure you will all be jelous. Hugs......Lyn.......... Melissa Ryans SO

08-04-2005, 09:26 PM
Ok, here's my 2 cents:
* atkins doesn't work.. helped me lose 30 pounds before my wedding, then I gained it all back and then some.. there's a reason why that company is filing for bankruptcy right now
* weight watchers - Can work if you're really strict about counting points. I loosely follow it (eat foods low in calories/high fiber), use splenda to sweeten when possible, avoid soda when possible, avoid aspartame at all costs.
* gastric bypass - although this helps people, I don't believe in it. all your basically doing is forcing yourself to follow a really strict diet (no fatty foods, no soda, no sugar, protein first during meal, tons of water intake, vitamins galore).. If you followed all that you wouldn't need surgery, plus if you ever wanted to indulge once in a while, you couldn't. I've seen a new improved version where they tie it rather than staple (so it's reversable) and now they have an implantable shocking system by remote (where you basically push a button to trick yourself into feeling full).

I might even buy a pair of extra white mens athletic shoes (since there's no way I'd find womens athletic shoes in my size) and buy some pink or purple dye to make them more femminine :)

Here's what I discovered 2nite.. You know the old trick where they say you should watch yourself eat in front of a mirror so you realize how much you eat? well I decided to see myself as a woman working out realizing how fat I was.. that's right, I put on a sports bra, some spandex shorts, and a wig, and hopped on the treadmill that I haven't touched in like 3-4 months. Not only did I workout 25% longer, but it felt great (feeling femme, picturing in my head looking gorgeous after all my hard work, picturing all the beautiful dresses I could fit into). I think if I did this everyday I could really start to see some results.

08-04-2005, 10:39 PM
Up to my mid-thirties, I had always weighed around 185lbs. and I was always in very good shape. When I hit 38 I was in a sedentary job and a bad place in my life and I got way out of shape and ballooned up to 250lbs. by age 40. As of now (age 43) I'm at 195lbs., have 10% body fat and am in the best shape ever. How did I do it?

*Work out at the gym 4 times a week.
*2 diet cokes for breakfast, 2 for lunch and a steak for dinner.
*1 Cuban cigar and 2 glasses of 15yr.old Scotch before bed. :D

Beats the shit out of the "Grapefruit Diet."

Melissa Ryan
08-05-2005, 04:00 AM
Can't afford the gym, have to do it at home by myself.
Diet coke is o.k but for brekky!!!!!!!......I need my toast.......
Steak for tea Hmmmmm I'm vegitarian
Cigars love the smell....
Don't drink alchhol.....sorry
What a boring S**t I am

................Hugs Lyn.................

P.S. You look absolutly fantasic from behind, very cute......Carson.....

08-05-2005, 04:36 AM
I'm with you girls... in spirit. I've dissapointed myself over and over in terms of losing my extra pounds. So I can't commit to anything.

I'll hang on to this thread and pray for inspiration.
I need all the help I can get.

If it wasn't for my girdles...lol


08-23-2005, 07:42 AM
I'm catching up with this thread a little late but for the record: I lost 5 kilos (about 11 lbs) over 6 weeks last year - 77 kgs to 72kgs (@156 lbs) (I'd previous lost 4) by not eating meat or sweets and not drinking alcohol. At the same time I only did toning exercises for half an hour each morning. I have since kept of most of that weight (in fact, my waist has got a little smaller). My best weight is 10 and a half stone (@147 lbs), when I was 18 (I repeated that later too). For people with our advantage, its basically to do with intake - we metabolize faster than GGs.

08-23-2005, 08:56 AM
But a girls gotta brag (and share) I have lost 15 lbs (6.8kgs) in the last month! I still have 10 lbs (4.55kgs) to lose for my goal weight. Here is what I am doing, and it's really not that hard...

Moderation (dirty word I know) I cut soda's WAY back. From 4 or 5 20oz bottles a DAY to 1 or 2 a week. (seriously... mmmmm Mountain Dew :drool: ) I drink way more water, but substituted gatorade so I could have something tasty. I think it's about 150 cals for 24 ounces of yummy which is way better than a soda. Also plan TIME to eat. You should most definalty eat. 6 small meals a day keeps your motabolism going which is what keeps the weight off It causes your body to "know" it will be getting more calories, so it does not "hold" on to them by converting them to :eek: fat. If you eat 6 or the normal 3 meals a day, make time as I have said. It takes 15mins for the message "I'm full" to go from stomach to brain. That is the easy way to not over eat. (I am lazy so I make it easy for myslef)

I would be lying if I said starvation wasn't there at all. I lived of a few crackers for two days (LOTS of water cuts temptation, but more importantly makes it a TINY bit safer) to allow my stomach to shrink.

The thing about starvation is that yes it works but it is very dangours, you feel like crap, and eventually you will eat again and it screws up your motabolism. (see above) That is why the weight just piles back on after starving. So why put yourself through all that for a very dangous temporary loss. Again yes I did kinda do it for 2 days but I was fully prepared to eat if I started feeling weak.

I tend to be pretty messy and lazy at times, so for me doing some serious cleaning around the house was a considerable jump in activity. I also do various forms of push-ups and different stomach excersises (mostly) everyday. It only takes about 10 minutes and don't worry about "bulking up" it is more so a toning regime than "bulking up" because you just use your body weight. What I do follows:

3 sets of push-ups. This is timed not by number and if you have to go to your knees (you really should be pushing yourself to that point for best results anyway)

I each for "style" push-up for one minute.

In general to do a "proper" push-up your back makes a straight line pretty close to parrallel with the ground. And keep your bottom in line! As you go down do it slowly (looking for resistance both directions) You have gone down far enough when your back breaks the plane with your shoulders.

First I do "dimonds" (they are a girls best friend after all!)
A dimand push-up is where you are in the normal push up position, but your hands are touching and your index fingers and thumb form a "dimond" hence the name! Very hard and I really do very view till my knees are on the ground which reduces the wieght on your arms and lets you keep pushing for the minute as that is very important.

take about 20 - 30 sec rest...

Then I do what many would recognize as your standard push-up. Same deal, just keep pushing even if you have to "cheat" with your knees on the ground!

take about 20 - 30 sec rest...

Then wide arms. As the namers of these were not all that creative it's pretty easy, but this is where you place your hands a bit farther out then your last set was... :rolleyes:

Then for abs I rotate between crunches, bicycle kicks and flutter kicks (those sound pretty, seem easy but you WILL feel it) Again resistance forward and back should be a main goal. It's not a contest to see how many you can do, but with all these you SHOULD be able to do more and more the longer you do it.

crunches are a lot like sit ups only you go about half way up. Somedays I do all three excersises mentioned above for abs, but most days it's 3 variations on the crunches.

Standard crunches: like a sit-up only half way up. Feet flat on the ground, I put my arms across my chest, but some say behind your head is better...At any rate the key is to go slow, resistance both directions, again IMPORTANT. I generally hold at the top for a 2 or 3 count, but there are different schools of thought on this too...

The 2nd & 3rd varitons are the same style only focusing on the sides (read "love handels") Often called "Rocky's" after the Sly Stallion movie character. Same postition as above only rest on foot/ankle on the other knee. I put my hands behind my head for these as the goal is to have your opposite elbow touch the knee of the leg that is elevated.

If I am not doing "Rocky's" that day my first of the last two sets for abs are generally the bicycle kicks. You lay on your back with you hands behind you head. Put your legs in the air and use the same motion you would use of you were pedeling a bike. Again the goal is the time, not the number so take 'em slow to get the most out of it.

The third thing I (regulary) do is the "Flutter Kick". Lying down put your hands palm to the ground under your bottom. The key for these (and bicycle kicks by the way) is that your feet NEVER touch the ground for the minute you are doing them! With your legs straight out, make like you are swimming. Or as the left leg goes up, the right is going down ect... again the total number you do is secondary to keeping your cute little tootsie's off the ground!

I do the same 1 minute of burn, 20 - 30 sec rest in between, though I take a good 2 mins in between arms and abs. Waiting 30 secs or a little more is not cheating (depending on your level of fitness anyway) but the goal here is to KEEP the heart rate up so go when your ready, not when you neccisarly WANT to!!!!!!!!!

It's important to mention that I am in no way a nutritionist or anything like that, but I have read/talked to many people, both qualifed through education and/or experiances, to come to those views, and this workout. It works for me. I can't give you any place to go where i got this from as I got it from somebody and cannot remember where it was. I do know that this is not exactly what was on the sheet as I lost it some time ago, but it does work for me! Bottom line is seek guidance from a professional fitness trainer or the like if you are really interested in reshaping your body, because I luv all you gals and don't want to be the reason you get hurt!!!!!!!!!

I am editing because I forgot to mention that I do that work-out in 10 mins or less, for free and at home!! Talk about no excuses!

Ashley in Virginia
08-23-2005, 02:23 PM
Ok, here's my 2 cents:
* atkins doesn't work.. helped me lose 30 pounds before my wedding, then I gained it all back and then some.. there's a reason why that company is filing for bankruptcy right now

I disagree. You said yourself you lost 30 pounds. The problem is when you get to your target weight and have to work the carbs back in. Some people (and I dont know the specifics of your situation and I am not going to say you did anything wrong) Go right back to eating like they did before they began dieting. That will kill weight loss dead. You have to ease the carbs back in and even so you can never really go back to old eating habits. Once you start dieting, you can never really quit. Monitoring what you eat is key in the end.

Amanda Leigh
08-23-2005, 04:06 PM
I've lost weight...but it seems to keep finding me...... :lol: :bonk:

08-23-2005, 06:49 PM
Before I even start, I will say up front that I have a fast metbolism and this might not apply to many. I have found that dropping down to one meal a day has worked wonders for me. I am not going to lie and say that it is easy. I was not really intending to lose weight, merely stop it from growing. Genetics is kind of working against me in that in a family of 5 males, 3 are over 250 and 2 are over 200. I have always been the little runt of the family (at about 145). In fact I stayed that weight for 10 years (I am 26 - so from 16 until now) And then one day, I stepped on the scale and it read 165. I started eating less and now am at 135 (at 5'10"). I do stay pretty active and if that was too low, I would know it for sure but I feel great! (I don't want to come across as bragging, but I am somewhat proud of my accomplishment)

08-25-2005, 08:23 AM
Love it!

I've lost weight...but it seems to keep finding me...... :lol: :bonk:

08-25-2005, 08:25 AM
If you feel great (and appear to be and are healthy) you've got a lot to brag about - the rest of us read with envy.

now am at 135 (at 5'10"). I do stay pretty active and if that was too low, I would know it for sure but I feel great! (I don't want to come across as bragging, but I am somewhat proud of my accomplishment)

08-25-2005, 09:10 PM
Hi Girls!
Here's what I've been doing for the last 12 or so years to stay at 160 pounds:

Drink only Skim Milk, Orange Juice or Water during meals.
Drink lots of water during the day!
Stay away from ALL FAST FOOD PLACES!!!
Workout on a "Nordictrack" ski execiser for 50 mins. every other day.

You want to really get a good sweat going?? Try one of those ski machines!!
I guarantee you will lose all the weight you want!

Dawn :)

Karren H
08-26-2005, 09:36 PM
Iv'e read a few threads on some of you wanting to lose weight, well now is the time to all put in, stick together and help each other.
So post some recipes, some tips on how you have beaten the bulge, some exercises and maybe we can work together.
If you are really serious about this I want you to get up now, move to the back of your chair and holding on with one hand, do 10 squats, no more no less, go on I'm waiting right here for you.................Go on.....
Now post the amount of Lbs you want to lose, you don't have to post your weight and we can support each other and give praise where it's due. I read Wendy's post in another thread.....Wendy your'e a legend.......maybe you could help some of us with a few tips.....
I myself want to lose 30lbs and starting from today will make a promise to you that I will put in 100% to achieve that (well maybe 95%). With a little encouragement and a few slaps on the wrist it may be possible.
This is Melissa's SO here Lyn....melissa is one of the lucky ones, she doesn't need to lose weight, she never eats lollies, cakes or dessert (I wish I didn't)
So how about it girls, ready to give it a try........

....................Hugs Lyn..............


I lost 47 pounds last year. Went from 220 lbs to 173 in 9 months. The secret, playing ice hockey twice a week!!! After the first few games after a 30 year layoff, I noticed that I was loosing 2 pounds a game!! So I decided that I could do something to make myself healther and Karren slimmer. Started practcing portion control. One portion per meal and NO eating after dinner. The weight started falling off! It's still hard to believe. Went from pant sizes 38 to 32. Went from a dress size 18 to a 10 - 12! When I got to 173, my wife finally said that I had to stop loosing because I looked too thin.. So here I am, in shape for getting older!! and Karren is loving it! So quite eating bonbons all day and get out the skates girls!! I'll meet you at the rink!!!! Now Hockey is expensive but roller skating is cheap and I made a slide board for $10! you can practice dryland skatting with polish and some wool socks. Gets those legs looking wonderful!!!!

Photos don't lie!!!


Luv Karren

08-26-2005, 10:24 PM
Photos don't lie!!!


Luv Karren

Karren - I saw your photos and you in the "drab to drag" section and you are just amazing. For a 49 year old man you sure look like a 30 year old stunning beauty in some of your drag pics! Sometimes I think you would be better off as a woman! You are beautiful, and you do a great job with your makeup! You especially do your lips very well! How do you do your lips?

By the way, what is your height?

I myself lost 65lbs in two years by biking. Occasional overeating, but not excessive - and my metabolism burned off my overeating. Went from a size 16 to 6! Just drank diet sodas, ate a light breakfast, and ate a good lunch and dinner. Biked 4966 miles ever since I started in 2003.

08-26-2005, 10:32 PM
I need to lose some weight i am over weight by at least 40 lbs
got to slim down

Karren H
08-27-2005, 01:56 PM
Karren - I saw your photos and you in the "drab to drag" section and you are just amazing. For a 49 year old man you sure look like a 30 year old stunning beauty in some of your drag pics! Sometimes I think you would be better off as a woman! You are beautiful, and you do a great job with your makeup! You especially do your lips very well! How do you do your lips?

By the way, what is your height?

I myself lost 65lbs in two years by biking. Occasional overeating, but not excessive - and my metabolism burned off my overeating. Went from a size 16 to 6! Just drank diet sodas, ate a light breakfast, and ate a good lunch and dinner. Biked 4966 miles ever since I started in 2003.


Thank you soo much! You are too sweet. I'm 5 foort 11 inches tall. The only thing I do to my lips is use L'oreal lipstick. I do enjoy practicing makeup, every day. Bought a few books, plenty of websites, and ovservations, trial and error, and did I mention, Practice!!! hehehe BTW, I lied about my age (girls can do that!), actuall, I am 4 years older than Karren!!! And congratulations on the 65 pounds, bet you feel and look better!!!

Luv Karren

08-27-2005, 07:17 PM
I guess that i have been lucky in a way, Just on 12 months ago i hopped on a set of scales that footballers get weighed on. (Gotta be accurate)
I weighed a staggering 105kg :eek: , got called a few things, a mate hopped on them next and he was 112kg. (paybacks are a bitch you know) :cool:

Forward to now, i've lost just on 25kg (give or take a few) and feel great, Even went for a run yesterday and wasn't blowing.

Only problem is that a lot of my clothes are too big now, and my feet have shrunk as well so a few pairs of my shoes are too big now as well.

What has been the secret to my success? I started a new job a while ago, and being physical work, jumping in and out of the back of the truck, has helped heaps, and without really noticing my meals have cut down by nearly half.

08-27-2005, 07:26 PM
I'm taking a Nutrition class in college right now. Two words keep popping up everytime when we are talking about weight.

Healthy Diet and Physical Activity/Exercise

Key thing they stress is your intake equals your energy expenditure.

Karren H
08-28-2005, 10:46 PM
I'm taking a Nutrition class in college right now. Two words keep popping up everytime when we are talking about weight.

Healthy Diet and Physical Activity/Exercise

Key thing they stress is your intake equals your energy expenditure.

And they are so right, Amy. Just got back from ice hockey. Skated for about 80 minutes, hard! Drank 20 oz of water, and 20 ez of diet coke. Still lost a net 2 pounds. No snacks after and the weight stays off!!! Do that twice a week and eat sensably!!! BTW, we stink!! lost 0 - 6 but win or loose, Karren still wins!! Hehehe

So get out there and exersize, girls!!!!! See you at the rink!!

Luv Karren

08-28-2005, 11:34 PM
And everyone wants to know how I did it...

Less food, more exercise....there is no other way! Find an exercise you like (swimming, running, roller blading, bicycling, etc) and make that an obsession.

Then eat the best tasting food you can imagine, but only less. I've gone to restaurants and only had dessert and coffee! Or just chicken wings and a beer! Your stomach will shrink, and if you drink a big glass of water before each meal, you will eat less! I also make two meals just small snacks (with all the water/club soda/selzter in the world), and one meal of fabulous food, just much less of it.

And the exercise has incredible side benefits :):):).

have fun, exercise, and eat the best food you can find, just less! dropped 10 pounds a month for three months, one more month to go!

Lyn Ryan
08-29-2005, 02:25 AM
There's nothing I can add too any of these posts, some of the advice is fantastic, just wish I could follow it. Love my chocolate way way to much......But I am trying to exercise a lot more, so will see how we go. Any of you die hard, love your food, stuck in a rut girls having any luck??????
I'd like to say I'd lost a few kilos since I started, but I would be lying not only to you but myself as well.

Take care and don't give up......Hugs Lyn......

08-30-2005, 09:11 AM
I'm down about 3 lbs. Need to get at it before winter sets in.

08-30-2005, 01:49 PM
I started back up on weight watchers this past Monday, I hope to lost 15lbs. The last time I was on it I lost over 30lbs but soon after I went back to my regular eating habits.

08-30-2005, 08:25 PM
Hi All: May I share with U my experience. I am a firefighter and have to stay in shape as a condition of employment, not to mention to stay healthy. That is real motivation like no other. As we get older (54yo) its harder to stay motivated IE weight down and conditioned and fit. My friend who is a Tbred jockey by trade had this great diet for me, many jocks use to keep down to riding weight.
1)Breakfast: At 0dark30hrs lots of carbs, cerials breads and eggs/meats
2)Lunch: At or around noon pasta, breads and meat or fish avoid heavy fat
3)Snack: At or about 3pm fruit
4)Supper: At or around 6pm LEAN MEAT AND ANY GREEN VEGETABLE no
carbs at all, but eat all the green veggies U want cause there R no snacks
after dinner!
The hardest part of this for me was no snacks after dinner, but if U can live with a diet soda or nothing at all the weight will fall off. Its kind of a modified Atkins. And as so many othrs have pointed out U gotta get some serious excercise somewhere. I really enjoy my bike, and I use a stairmaster with a TV and or a CD player as well. The big bonus besides keeping the weight off, is U probably won't be on meds for high blood pressure or cholesterol. Also less likely to develope diabetes. Remember.... A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and if U struggle thru a workout its a victory and any workout is better than no workout!

08-30-2005, 08:36 PM
Hi everyone.

At the time this tread began, i was still losing weight without trying due to emotional stress. I had dropped 15 kilos in six weeks and the continued rapid loss of weight was beginning to be of medical concern.

So i started eating again (mostly carbohydrates which are fattening for me) and eventually i stopped the weight loss. I got down to 82 kilos and now i'm up to 84kg.

My focus was to STOP the RAPID DECLINE in my weight and actually manage further losses. Now that i've done that, i want to get down to 80 kilos by planning and management rather than uncontrolled decent.

So i'll get back to ewes in a few weeks with an update.
