View Full Version : would you dress if....

08-02-2005, 09:03 PM
just a question to anyone here. many people here when dressed and made up look very pretty and want to be the most convincing female they can be ( there are some here that look better than some real woman i know:) ). i myself can't pass because of my physical appearance.

my question is this: if it was acceptable in society for men to wear all the lovely dresses and lingerie and things, would there still be a need to be " a total woman"?

i realize that you would want to keep in good shape to make the clothes pretty.
i know for me i would love to be able to just go out in pretty dresses and things. it would, i agree, show a softer side of me and things like that. i wear the clothes because i like the softness and because the clothes are prettier.

please tell me what you think.

08-02-2005, 09:11 PM
For me, yes, I would still be dressing under those conditions. Dresses are a lot more comfortable for me. And I also love lingerie --- I feel perfectly comfortable wearing a bra, slip, panties & mostly a girdle. And it would certainly be more pleasant tp be able to be out in public without woryying about being "read". And given my medical problems (some of which I fimd hard to believe...), life would be a lot more tolerable if it was OK to dress all the time.

Stephanie Brooks
08-02-2005, 09:12 PM
Sure there'd be a need.

I'm part Scottish, and could justify wearing a kilt at special events today. It would still however be a man's piece of clothing. I'd rather embelish the ensemble with a slip, cami, bra, silky blouse, nylons, and either some cute flats or pumps. I'd still do the dirk, but the rest would need to be femme.

08-02-2005, 09:14 PM
I know I certainly would still dress. I feel more normal when I'm dressed up. The comfort level, on a mental and physical side of things, is so much greater than when I'm in "normal" drab. It isn't a matter of making sure people know that I'm doing something different. It just flows naturaly for me :-)

08-02-2005, 09:16 PM
The answer is yes I would enjoy dressing in pretty clothes, especially dresses and I would certainly welcome the opportunity to do it out in public if it was more accepted. Since it is not I will remain in the closet!


08-02-2005, 09:16 PM
For me the answer would have to be yes, I would still need to be a total woman because I feel I am that already in mind if not in body. Saying that though, I do know a few cd's that would love to be able to go outside into the big wide world just wearing a nice simple dress or skirt without the need to feel the need to 'hide' under a wig and make-up.

08-02-2005, 09:33 PM
Yes, even if it was a "normal" thing to see men in women's clothes I'd still be wearing them. I have a strong feminine side and crossdressing is my conduit that helps me connect with my feminine side.

Stephanie - Ya know, you could just wear some dance ghillies with your kilt for some moderately feminine footwear. And take a purse with you but tell everyone it's your sporran! :)

08-02-2005, 09:40 PM
I know I would definitely still dress. I would love to be able to go out in whatever I wanted. I personally do not really want to be a woman, I just enjoy feminine clothing. That's one of my holdups for going "out". I don't really want to go out as someone else, I want to look beautiful just being me. For me it doesn't really feel like dressing up, I just wear what I like, and usually that is women's clothes.

Tristen Cox
08-02-2005, 09:56 PM
my question is this: if it was acceptable in society for men to wear all the lovely dresses and lingerie and things, would there still be a need to be " a total woman"?
This has been asked here many times before and my answer remains the same: Yes

08-02-2005, 10:28 PM
I would certainly still dress.
As for the "total woman" thing...
Well sometimes when I dress (at home) I do the whole wig and make-up thing. Othr times, I'd just as soon noit be bothered. I expect if it were perfectly acceptable either way, I'd do the same. I'd go out dressed en femme quite often, sometimes w/ wig, make-up etc, and sometimes not.

Phoebe Reece
08-02-2005, 10:58 PM
Those of us that go out dressed to mainstream places (restaurants, shopping malls, museums, theaters, etc.) are actually doing our bit towards making it acceptable for men to be out in public in femme things. I am more often than not "read" as a crossdresser, but as long as I carry myself with confidence and am appropriately dressed, no one seems to have a problem with it. I feel there is too much emphasis on "passing" (where one wants to fool everyone into thinking you are a genuine female) by many crossdressers and as a result they are scared to death of failing to pull it off rather than just enjoying being out. Some of the best opportunities to educate the public come up when someone's curiosity gets the best of them and they come up to you and ask why you are dressed the way you are.

08-03-2005, 06:10 AM
Yes i would still dress as a girl cause thats what I am inside, it makes me feel more content then in drab boy clothes and Iv been doing it since I was 10 yrs old,thanks to my five sisters, real sisters that is. I have never worn boys underwear, oh the thought makes me gag :D but I wont let it upset me Ill just be as happy as can be in my mini skirts and skorts
hugs,kisses,luv GEEGEE2

Wendy me
08-03-2005, 06:30 AM
i don't realy look at it as wearing woman's clouthes .. but more as my clouthes....and yes i would wear my fem things all the time.......think of me in drabs this is how i feel
....like i am wearing a 3 peice wool suit on a 100 degree day ....quite uncomfatbale.....

08-03-2005, 09:24 AM

Kisses, April

Jamie M
08-03-2005, 09:27 AM
A future where men can where what they want when they want ?Just looked that up in Webster's and it came up with "Utopia" ;)

08-03-2005, 12:01 PM
All I want is to dress as I want and be alowed to go out if I want. At times I need the full works, as near gg as I can get but other times just to pull on a nice skirt, but it would not work for me if one day you could buy a man's skirt or a kilt.

08-03-2005, 12:20 PM
absolutely correct. I agree completely. I would, do, and will always dress. it would simply be so much nicer if it were acceptable to the world!!!

08-03-2005, 12:29 PM
my question is this: if it was acceptable in society for men to wear all the lovely dresses and lingerie and things, would there still be a need to be " a total woman"?

The answer to this question (for me) is a resounding YES. I have hidden my true self for the last 30+ years and since my 2nd wife expelled me 2 years ago I spent more and more time analysing where I was, where I was going, what I wanted from life, could I make the change - not only in the big wide world, but at work too (should I change jobs when I change my gender or stay in the same job).

I eventually made the decision that it was time to live life for ME, not living as was expected of me.

I changed gender 7 months ago now and I'm happier than I've ever been.

Just to go off the subject and clarify where I'm saying about changing gender, I read an interesting booklet about my SRS op yesterday that my surgeon gave me a couple of weeks ago, and in the back it has a list of terms used in the booklet. The definition of GENDER is 'How a person percieves, presents themselves and wishes to be treated. In most people, their sex is the same as their gender; a person is considered transsexual when this is not true'. The definition of SEX is 'The physical (genitals, hair growth etc) sex of a person'.

I'm sure I'll get some comments on these gender/sex definitions :) .


08-03-2005, 07:54 PM
I enjoy the softness, the shape how they make me look and feel and the colors. Womans cloths are much more sensous then mens. I would love to be able to wear a skirt or ssoft soft shorts with my legs being shaved. I nice top that accents mu shape is also very comfortable to wear. I enjoy the image I can make in the may styles of cloths that woman can choice from. it is so exciting to shop and imaging how the may ouyfits would look. As a cross dresser who has been dressing for over 40 years and one who has been out to his wife for over three it is a wonderful road I am traveling on. I only wish i had told my wife earlier and begun to experience this adventure at a youngerage.

I think I am babaling but womans cloths are much interesting then mans and more fun.
Hugs PD

08-03-2005, 10:20 PM
First I think most can adapt their physical attributes and transform to close to being a realistic female through trial and error, practice, being smart about what you wear and not too ambitious about wanting to look like Shania Twain. Admittedly if you’re 7 feet tall and look like Ernest Borgnine you’ve got less chance – y'know if you don’t have socks then you can’t pull them up.

There are real women of different shapes and levels of attractiveness or unattractiveness but possibly that’s not what this thread is about.

I do feel out of step when I read most of the responses here – and I wonder whether those who respond ‘yes’, with absolute certainty, are being a bit glib.

But then I’m not interested in some future gender utopia where masculine men cavort around in pseudo female clothes. I don’t have a need to dress per se – my need is to go out dressed and present as a woman even in my own limited way. However I also like to look as attractive as I can be and I very much enjoy that aspect of dressing but I’m sure it is secondary to presenting as a female. Even so, before I re-started dressing a few years ago I was tormented a bit by – would I be able to transform to a standard that matched the remnants of my old self. After all I had an image of my past self which was well fixed in my mind - and had probably been embellished over the years? And had I not achieved that image quite quickly I don’t think I’d be dressing now – I wasn’t willing to accept that 'failure'. I don’t think I’m any great beauty and certainly not in the league many of the other gorgeous girls around, but I do feel I look pretty good – and its me.

I have even thought at times - would I still want to dress if I was badly disfigured in some way - in a car accident or by fire? And I'm 100% sure I wouldn't. My TG self esteem is closely linked to my female self image so I would just stop - because to continue would only result in greater frustration and unnecessary anxiety.

I think I’ve just said ‘No’ to dressing under whatever circumstances....but I've said 'Yes' to your question 'would there still be a need to be 'a total woman'.....

Fiona xx

08-03-2005, 11:27 PM
The answer is yes I would enjoy dressing in pretty clothes, I feel more normal when I'm dressed up. The comfort level is there I fell comfortable wearing a bra, panties I ware them all the time ( not a work)

Melissa Ryan
08-03-2005, 11:42 PM
I love wearing MY clothes! I would definately wear them all the time! It would just be making life easier. I dont" dress up " to go against society, I do it because I like it.


08-04-2005, 05:58 AM
It would make life so much more easier. I would not need men's clothes anymore. That would mean alot more storage space, and more clothes. :) I don't do the makeup or wig thing now. So i would definitly love it.

08-04-2005, 08:09 AM
my question is this: if it was acceptable in society for men to wear all the lovely dresses and lingerie and things, would there still be a need to be " a total woman"?
If it was 'normal' for men to wear 'womens' clothes, i would be quite content to wear them as just everyday things without makeup, wigs, etc..

I don't try to 'be' a woman as such, but there are times when i do like to emulate them by getting into the full ensemble and trying my best to appear, act , and be accepted as a real lady would be. But those are just special moments.

But for your scenario, i would be happy to just be a guy that wore what was socially acceptable - all clothing really when you think about it.


Katie Ashe
08-04-2005, 12:48 PM
If it was acceptable in society for men to wear all the lovely dresses and lingerie and things, would there still be a need to be " a total woman"?Dispite being Androgyne in every dang test I take... Yes. I feel more comfortable dresses, As posted in other threads, it's more apart of whom we are, not what we are tring to be. Some dress as a artist statement. Some feel they were born the wrong gender... Anyway you look at it... We are striving to be comfortable with ourselfs. Changing the rules doesn't change how we feel inside. :hugs:

08-04-2005, 01:27 PM
Oh baby! :eyez: Would I. I'd be dangerous. :evilbegon We'd need much more closet space. And, if I were you I'd buy stock in Mary Kay, or Revlon, or one of those.

All kidding aside. Yes, I would continue to dress, and it would be full time. I hate male clothes. They are down right UGLY.