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01-07-2010, 01:36 PM
I'm working from home today, enjoying full Dianna-time for the first time in a couple months. It's also my first time wearing press-on nails (painted in Sally Hanson "Rose Petals" color...what a pretty shade of pink!).

Now, I type on computers all day long, and typing with nails is--as I'm sure many of you know--a lot different than typing without. I believe I'm adjusting pretty quickly, though...the trick seems to be to type with the nails themselves, as opposed to the pads of my fingers as usual. It means I have to hold my hands a little higher above the keyboard than I'm used to.

It's kinda fun, but I'm finding I have to correct a lot more mistakes. ;)

Haven't tried texting on my phone yet...I suspect that'll be a lot harder.

No major announcement here...just talking about my day. :)

01-07-2010, 01:46 PM
Thats funny because I have had acrylic nails for two years now and just recently I have choosen to stop getting them filled and cut my nails short again. Why? I am just tired of one more thing I have to do every three weeks and tired of spending the money as well.

What has been difficult is getting used to the two fingers where the nails came off (my tech is on vacation and shes the only one I have found that does a good job so I had another girl do it and the results were they are comming off). Part of me feels soo wierd not having nails on those two fingers.

Also playing roller derby I had one torn off in a crash with another girl so thats another reason to get rid of the nails.

01-07-2010, 01:58 PM
Havent worn nails in aaaages.

But I love how it limits me and forces my hands to do things in a more femme style.
Typing, texting, smoking, drinking, even just getting dressed.
Feels very sexy, cant wait till I can do it again!

Joanne f
01-07-2010, 02:08 PM
Makes it very difficult if you have a heat sensitive key pad on your phone :heehee:

Melissa Anne
01-07-2010, 02:08 PM
Having long nails on definately changes how I do a lot of things. It does take some practice to do things like typing.

01-07-2010, 02:25 PM
I love how it limits me and forces my hands to do things in a more femme style.

It does, doesn't it? I find myself holding my hands in certain ways, because I can't have them like I normally do, and it's just comes out femme each time. :)

01-07-2010, 02:36 PM
I've never liked the press on nails. My fingernails are so big I have to buy two sets to get one set big enough to fit. They fall off too easy, and, frankly, I just don't like the look.


I grow my own nails out to about a 1/8" to a 1/4" and I love them. They are long enough to be fem, look good when painted, and don't get in the way when I type - I sit a a computer 8 hours a day, and that's just at work. I give myself a mani once a week and just love the feminine activity. I also just love the way they feel.

01-07-2010, 02:39 PM
I'm not an expert but I'm married to a professional typist and she says that you have to use your finger pads and never your nails or the tip of your fingers.

In my personal experience, when I let my finger nails grow a couple millimeters above the finger, I start hitting the keys with my nails and at the end of the day it hurts a lot.

I guess she didn't have my bad experience, she uses the finger pads because it's more efficient. She types so fast you can't see her fingers moving so I have to assume she's right.

Karren H
01-07-2010, 04:00 PM
When enfemme... I become an electronic deaf/mute... Can't use the computer... Can't type on my blackberry... Luckily I haven't fallen and can't get up.... But I can turn on the camera...

01-07-2010, 04:05 PM
Ahhh keyboarding with long nails. <sarcasm on> loads of fun <sarcasm off>

It's how I know I need to get them shortened, when I begin making mistakes because of the length of the nails. Hit a key above where I'm aiming.

This Friday I have my appointment for my bi weekly nail fill and I really need to shorten them. If anybody hears a wail of dispair then, it's only me crying about the loss. Then I get the fun or regrowing them again

Tiff Rivera
01-07-2010, 05:15 PM
Havent worn nails in aaaages.

But I love how it limits me and forces my hands to do things in a more femme style.
Typing, texting, smoking, drinking, even just getting dressed.
Feels very sexy, cant wait till I can do it again!

I agree, i let my own nails grow out, I just don't care who sees them. But doing everything takes practice.

The hardest thing for me is texting from my touch screen phone, if I use my nails you can hear the tapping. If if use my fingers, i end up spelling everything wrong, oh well, they look nice

Christina Horton
01-07-2010, 05:24 PM
I had acrylic nail for little over a year and loved them. Then I lost my job with the flat bed co (I pulled a 48 foot flat bed) they knew about my CDing. Now with my new co I have short nail ( sigh ) and I hate them. Never had a prob typing but then again I am a two finger girl.

01-07-2010, 06:39 PM
I would so love to grow my nails out, but even minor physical changes are firmly on my wife's current "don't you even think about it" list! :)

I haven't had a haircut in a couple of months, and I discovered today that it doesn't look terrible in a headband and ribbon, but she's been pretty much nagging me to get it cut, because "long hair" equates to "feminine husband" in her book.

Somehow I need to get that book re-written. LOL :)

01-07-2010, 07:30 PM
I agree they do make typeing hard I never got used to it,

01-07-2010, 07:37 PM
I've grown my nail out just enough to be femme and alos long enough where I have to type almost sideways. I'm constantly hitting my scrollbar because my hands are close to the keyboard.

01-07-2010, 11:54 PM
Sounds like you are having fun learning the tricks of girl world, Dianna!

Makes it very difficult if you have a heat sensitive key pad on your phone :heehee:

Not just very difficult, Joanne, but damned impossible! My acrylic covered nails extend between 3/8" to ½" (10~12 mm) beyond my fingertips and I can't use any of those keypads.

I've been told that there is a stylus available for long-nailed women. I keep wondering how that works -- does it have some dead gal's fingertip stuck on the end of it?

I'm not an expert but I'm married to a professional typist and she says that you have to use your finger pads and never your nails or the tip of your fingers.
. . .
She types so fast you can't see her fingers moving so I have to assume she's right.

How long are her fingernails, Alex? There is no way that I could possibly use my finger pads with my nails. I'm a touch typist, although I certainly may not be as fast as your spouse is, and I had to learn to use my nail tips a long time ago.

Like Kate (Katesback) mentioned, after you become used to long nails, if one is broken it feels so weird to actually be touching something with your fingertips.

01-08-2010, 03:42 AM
I have naturally really long nails and I can say that honestly there is so much difference in the feeling between real and fake.

I've tried fake nails in the past and it feels so strange trying to do anything because the pressure is different. I'm so worried to touch anything in case the false ones pop off. To do anything you really need to spread your hands out and attempt to bop things with the balls of your fingers. I always end up getting finger cramp. :heehee:

I use my real nails are for everything, I use my thumb nails in sewing to help push needles through hard fabrics. My pointing nails are great when I'm creating things from clay, they aid me in sculpting. Opening things, picking small things up, catching tiny beads. They aren't just used for painting and looking pretty for me. In my childhood they were used to as a self defence mechanism. :daydreaming: That will teach boys to pick on me.

Whey they break its so hard to do anything, I broke my thumbnail this week.. it peeled back right down into the fleshy part of my thumb which was painful. Still now I can't do as much till it grows back *it was my sewing nail lol* and everywhere I touch feels really weird as the skin there is so used to being covered that it's ultra sensitive.