View Full Version : Is it in our genes?

01-09-2010, 03:45 AM
Do you feel that you would end up being a crossdresser regardless of the age at which you first tried on that first female garment?

We tend to view all things feminine differently to other guys - yes?



01-09-2010, 04:20 AM
Do you feel that you would end up being a crossdresser regardless of the age at which you first tried on that first female garment?

We tend to view all things feminine differently to other guys - yes?



Yes, I don't believe any specific first-time age would have made a difference. But I doubt I could have made it thru my teen years before I started. At any rate I feel I'd still be where I am now, at age 70, no matter when I had started.

I believe there isn't a hard line between we CDs v.s. "other guys" when it comes to viewing all things feminine. I've known some very macho guys who are nevertheless able to relate quite well to very feminine women. And some guys a lot less macho who don't seem to have a clue about things feminine. We all reside somewhere along that continuum.


01-09-2010, 04:56 AM
I think it must be in our genes, at least for some of us. I don't remember ever choosing to do this, I just had an incredible urge since a young child. If these things are decided by our genes, I wonder how much of life is simply an illusion of choice...

Nicole Erin
01-09-2010, 05:04 AM
I got something in my jeans. Not sure what it is :fim:

Rianna Humble
01-09-2010, 05:25 AM
Don't know whether it's in my jeans or my genes, but I do know it's who I am.

I'm a litle concerned to place it firmly in the genetic category as the scientists are doing so much research on manipulating genes to "cure" conditions that some had accepted as a fact of life and I don't need to be "cured" of being me.

I would say that this whole Gender Binary idea is fairly recent and seems to come mainly from the colonial era - people originally in Africa, North America, the Australias etc. seem to have had a much better understanding of two spiritedness until the settlers tried to suppress it.

01-09-2010, 06:03 AM
I have wanted to dress like a girl since I discovered girls and boys wore different clothes. Mom would not let her 4 year old son have a dress like his cousin. I wished I could be a girl but that didn"t work. Been that way off and on ever since. So yes I think it is genetic. Either that or there is reincarnation and I did something wrong in a previos life and am being punished.

01-09-2010, 07:53 AM
I think it depends .........

Kate Simmons
01-09-2010, 08:23 AM
I think we tend to appreciate things more and yes, I believe it is in our DNA and our personal grid programming.:)

Jocelyn Quivers
01-09-2010, 08:51 AM
To quote Denise, yes I think it is in my programing or it's a file in my permanent hard drive which cannot be deleted.

01-09-2010, 09:07 AM
Is It In Our Genes?

Yes! Particularly the tight, skinny legged ones...

01-09-2010, 06:19 PM
If we have little choice in the matter when it comes to resisting the urge to dress (it's our 'calling') then we should be able to blend into society more than we do - much like other minority groups.

I accept that our partners have a right to object to our activities, but anyone else should be more accepting.

But then the majority of us do tend to keep ourselves to ourselves (its no wonder people find us strange). Catch 22?

01-09-2010, 10:20 PM
Crossdressing is not in the genes in the scientific genetic sense, because then one out of four of your children would cd; and your twin brother would be a cd (if any). However...are we cds from birth--probably so.
So leave a pretty dress in your son's room and peek through the keyhole for a few hours. let us know what happens.

Sweet Jane
01-09-2010, 10:49 PM
its always been me...I didn't make a conscious decision to wear girls/womens clothes, it just seemed that I should...I've always thought maybe I had the apprentice wire/install the brain and I got the wrong one (hahaha)

01-10-2010, 01:15 AM
Biochemically, everything we do is related to our genes. Even our socialization is filtered by the mental structure created by our genes. Thus, the immediate answer must be yes.

I was 56 before Tina appeared. It was such a strong appearance that it was my wife, seeing Tina for the first time, suggested that she needed a dress, a name, etc.

But there was a preparation for that. I certainly viewed the "other" gender differently from my male peers and related on a fundamental level much differently in virtually every social environment. The day Tina appeared is the day it all started to make some sense, and the desire to know who and what part Tina plays in my life drives me to explore every aspect of her!

01-10-2010, 01:29 AM
I found out recently that though he might not ever have been into dressing my grandpa did have a very feminan side, in that all his friends were girls, and was into sewing and dedicated an entire room to it. As well as being a memeber of many feminist groups.

Or maybe he just knew how to get the girls ;) who knows.

01-10-2010, 05:50 AM

Programed would be more to the point of the genes detail s .

& yes for me it was . just over 11 years ago . i knew i would live as a woman no if s or but s . or any thing in my way would stop me . i was driven .
on a day . i was in our shed . sorting some rag s . & every thing inside of me just clicked over like a timer . & i said ..oh no . its happened . & was happening . as i stood there i said its all on im going to live as the real me a woman . & from then on . till now its been a full on trip . of coming out . & living & i mean ...REALLY ... living .

Now i was not thinking . oh i think i ll be a woman now . sorry . not even a mid life crisses . no . this was to real ..
I belive its in our make up . its there at concepstion so yes . its a part of us . wether we are andros like me .
or dressers or ts its there . & we have proved it . & some ortopses have shown this to be so . so its there all right . just a matter of do we accept who we are or .damm well fight it till one day it bites us on the rear . & then we have no oppstion . but to be us .

I knew 52 years ago . just took that long to be told if you like times up this is the way you are going . now . so i did . & with out ?? .
& the best thing i have ever done . I may not be a girl e girl . I m just that ..other ..woman . that has come out .


Nicole Erin
01-10-2010, 10:21 AM
Is It In Our Genes?

Yes! Particularly the tight, skinny legged ones...

I don't wear those kind so uncomfy.

Now in our genes? I kind of doubt it, I think it is more a mental thing.

Kate Simmons
01-10-2010, 10:28 AM
Question: How do you tell the difference between a male chromosome and a female chromosome?

Answer: Easy, you pull down it's genes.
