View Full Version : Childhood dreams

01-11-2010, 08:52 PM
Happy New Year everyone!

When did you first felt the urge to try CDing? Have you always had the urge or did it reveal itself when you were older?

Ever since I was around 11 I would go to bed wishing that when I woke up in the morning, I would have been magically transformed into a girl, with all my clothes, my identity magically changed with my new body and that as far as the world is concerned I was born a girl.

The magic never materialised of course. So when did you first started feeling the urge to dress and did you have similar naive dreams?

01-12-2010, 05:52 AM
I'm 37 and still go to bed wishing I could wake up a woman! I've always wished I was a girl for as long as I can remember and have crossdressed as often as I could since around 11 years old. I did try on some underwear when I was about 5. I will never forget that as I consider it the moment I knew I wasn't a regular little boy. My high school years were spent longing for home time so I could wear my sheer black tights I had hidden at home.
I had an operation when I was a baby and I used to think that I was born a girl but changed into a boy by this operation and that it was a mistake.

01-12-2010, 06:31 AM
I think most of us here have shared that same wish and dream.

Maybe we'll get a chance in our next life time and probably then we'll wish we were men.

Joanne f
01-12-2010, 07:00 AM
I use to have dreams that i could fly , funny thing is i use to wake up in the garden and look up and see my bedroom window open and my mother looking out and smiling down at me .

01-12-2010, 08:14 AM
I started when I was seven to wear some of my mother's underthings; I began to dream and fantasize about awakening changed or undergoing surgery and hormones for changing after reading about Christine Jorgensen when I was a bout 12. Jorgensen had made the transformation in 1952, but I don't think that I knew about her until later; her story was highly publicized. When I read about it--in Life magazine, I think--I was fascinated with the idea that it really could be done and that some people actually had crossed over. Much later, there were other highly publicized cases, like Renee Richards, who kept my dreams going.
I was reminded of Christine Jorgensen when I recently was reading True Selves by Mildred L. Brown and Chloe Ann Rounsley who wrote: "Although Jorgensen, who took the name Christine, was not the first male-to-female transexual to undergo such surgery, her case was the first highly publicized one" (28).
Even though, at my age, I am highly unlikely to undergo SRS, I hold onto my dreams and enjoy them.

Kate Simmons
01-12-2010, 08:19 AM
For some of us this is as good as it gets.:)

Karren H
01-12-2010, 09:31 AM
I dreamed of shooting like Bobbie Hull and skating like Rocket Richard..... And looking like Peggy Flemming!! All at the same time.... :D

Angie G
01-12-2010, 09:39 AM
I was 11 or 12. It was off and on for years until the last few years.:hugs:

01-12-2010, 10:36 AM
I'm 37 and still go to bed wishing I could wake up a woman! I've always wished I was a girl for as long as I can remember and have crossdressed as often as I could since around 11 years old.

This is exactly me. (Except for the 37 part :) )

Maybe we'll get a chance in our next life time and probably then we'll wish we were men.

Hehe... I don't believe in reincarnation but this gave me a laugh. I've had the same thought. :)

01-12-2010, 11:16 AM
Only difference with me is that those dreams and desires started around 9 or 10.

01-12-2010, 12:41 PM
I was 9 almost 10 when I first started. Prime example of boredom and curiosity when home sick from school. I still have that dream lol

01-12-2010, 12:41 PM
personally I think this life is karma showing me that it's not all that better on the male side, and just how strong a woman I actually am..

01-12-2010, 03:08 PM
Oh yes I had a dream like that, So many of them that I cannot count but I have always woke up as just me with the same dreams. Have had a few wierd dreams lately however I was not thinking of it when I went to sleep. Is this my sub=conscious trying to tell me something or is it just a dream. HMM

01-12-2010, 03:35 PM
I had similar wishes, always hoping I would be a girl when I woke up. But a big part of me only wanted that for a short time I think.
I also have dreams of being caught and finally have things out in the open a little more.

01-13-2010, 07:55 AM
I never have dreamed about being a girl. I like being a guy. I just wish I was better looking. I really mean that too. The dreams I have about cross-dressing involve me wandering around in rooms/malls/shops/etc trying to look for smooth/shiny womans clothing and 99% of the time not finding anything or running away in fear of getting caught or getting caught or the dream changes and when I wake up I wish it hadn't changed! My childhood reams were pretty much the same. I had a fascination with shiny clothes when I was 7-9 years old and it has proceeded to this current day. Some of these dreams parallel real life experience. For example, when I was a young teen I would sometimes visit the toy section to look at the model rockets, GI Joes, etc. I always been playful. I'd pass by the womans nightware section when I did that and got ample arousal from what I say there. And many years later, in my 20's, I would go the mall to checkout the computer store and do whatever. I'd walk through the clothing department of one of hte big names and would get a peek at the shiny thing and... sometimes before they close and not very many people are on the isles.. would touch it as I walked by - oh that was so exciting! So clean, bright, .. my hands are too rough to deserve to touch it (but they love to).

Not every CDer on this forum tries to be a woman. I don't. I've tried to state this half a million times in my posts. Lol. That's partly why I'm posting. I get this feeling that some people in these forums group us all into one box and think that, give or take 30 years, we'll all be dressing because we want to be woman. No, I'm sorry. That's not me. It's the material itself that I like. I like to feel it, see it. It looks great on females, but I don't think they like wearing it. Like guys, I think they wear what's comfortable. And when you don't have a good body image, the last thing you want to do is wear clothes that shine and reveal because... you're not shining inside and don't want to reveal yourself. I understand that.

01-13-2010, 08:46 AM
I too have dreamed about being a girl since childhood, without actually wanting to truly become a female bodied person. For me, those dreams have come true to my satisfaction.

Still, it would be nice to magically flop-flop between male and female at will, but this is as close as I'm going to get, and I'm thankful for it.

01-13-2010, 11:56 AM
I think the first time I tried on a dress was when I was 11 or 12, something like that. I've heard it said that whatever it is you don't have as a child, you are obsessed with as an adult. As a child, and as a teenager, I was too scared to try to get a girlfriend, so the only females I knew was from playboy, and from porn in general. This is where my obsession with lingerie came from...along with the female herself, it was a visual cue in my head of how amazingly sexy a girl could be. Eventually, I was just as turned on by lingerie as a naked girl. My first time, I was using the restroom, and my mother had a dress hanging. I don't think it ever occurred to me before that moment to try on an article of woman's clothing. I thought that the material may feel good against my skin, and it did! I hurried up and took it right back off, scared to death someone may walk in (even though the door was locked....). Within that week, I snuck into my sisters room when she was gone and tried on some of her satin panties, and a super sexy black silk slip. I'll never forget how good that thing felt...quite a turn on. I've dressed up as a sexual release ever since. I still remember the first night I went out and bought a bustier with garters at some porn shop. It was the first piece of womens clothing I bought on my own...it was pretty scary, fearing what the cashier may be thinking...now I don't give two shits what people think. Well, I don't care what they think when I'm buying stuff, but I still don't really want people to see me dressed up. I've gone out dressed up before and walked through a casino, and I'd LOVE to run errands dressed up, like go shopping and stuff, but the one thing that scares me is the moment when I'd have to ring up and be that close to a person and possibly have to talk. That, along with someone that knows me spotting me, scares me to death!

Okay, I've rambled on long enough. Suffice it to say that I love seeing myself in the mirror with a dress on knowing that there is lingerie underneath! Love it!

Jane G
01-13-2010, 01:16 PM
The omly dreams I can remember from when I was very young are about waking up in the morning as a girl. I guess from age 6 or 7. If I used to dream of anything else at that age I dont remember it.

As I got a little older, maybe 10-11, I started having a dream were I would take a magical pill that would make me look like a particular girl. Always one that I liked. But in that dream I used to finish up back as a boy.

01-14-2010, 12:15 AM
Lets see....
Ever since I can remember I've always wanted to be a girl/woman. As a very young child I always felt very girly and had girly thoughts. CDing didn't appeal to me though.
Every once in a while I had to wear my older sister's panties because my undies were dirty. I also remermber from time to time that I also was given a girl's undershirt to wear. As I recall evrything always seemed to be on the newer side and always fit perfectly (my sister was seven years older than me).
My mother also used me as a dress model under the pretense that the dresses that she was sewing were for a cousin of mine. After my mother died we found eight dresses that my mother sewed and had never given to my cousin. While modeling these dresses I was also dressed in the 'appropriate' underthings. I was always afraid someone would see me and make fun of me but my mother always had me 'dress' when no one was around. The dressing itself didn't bother me and looking back i felt quite comfortable wearing those things but after they were off I had no desire to revisit dressing again.
It wasn't until I was in the fifth grade that I started having feelings for CDing. I dressed as a colonial girl for Halloween (my motherr didn't want my sister's old costume to go to waist). When Halloween was over I didn't think about dressing again until I heard a couple of conversations about wind blowing up a girl's/woman's skirt. For some reason I wanted to experience that too because when I wore the dress to school and for trick or treating I was wearing pants underneath it.
When I was alone one evening I tried the dress on again but this time without my pants on. My curiosity was piqued and I dressed again a few more times. Then my curiosity got the best of me and I started to add a few more items of underwear to the costume. Then I began wondering what it would feel like to try on some other types of girl's clothing. So I did. Then I tried on one of my sister's tight skirts and WOW!!!! I was a real crossdresser from that point on. Up to that point I could have walked away from CDing and never look back. After that episode I would find that I couldn't give it up. Thats also the time in my life that I really started paying attention to my feminine side and started top become afraid of it. I embraced everything masculine that I could because I didn't want anyone to know about my other side.
There was one other time about a year or so before this happened that an aunt of mine forced me to wear girl's clothes as 'punishment' fo getting my regular clothes wet and dirty. But thats a different subject....

01-14-2010, 12:49 AM
I dreamed of shooting like Bobbie Hull and skating like Rocket Richard..... And looking like Peggy Flemming!! All at the same time.... :D

Very funny. I was at the ice rink last sunday practicing moving backwards & and there was this one 40ish woman who could manage a single axle spin and move backwards on one skate. Pirouettes vs. Sidney Crosby, I dunno.

But about me now: I have had a recurring dream as a child about attending a wedding or something in a dress because I asked my parents if I could.....straight out of the movie Ma Vie En Rose .

Rachel Morley
01-14-2010, 12:53 AM
The first time I became interested in girls clothes and girls things was when I was six and used to play with my friend and neighbor, Rebecca. I didn't really try crossdressing properly until I was much older. In my teens I would push the envelope of my dressing a little and I liked wearing the odd item of my current girlfriend (those that liked me wearing their t-shiirts and sweaters) ... I guess it all started to really happen when I saw an advertisement in a national newspaper for a "crossdressing change-away makeover service". I couldn't believe what I was reading. OMG ... there were actually places that helped you dress up and "turn into a girl?". Needless to say once I went to one of these dressing services, it changed everything! :)

Marcie R.
01-14-2010, 07:14 AM
When I was a baby my mother used to dress me as a baby girl. That is what she thought she was having during her pregnancy. She had only purchased baby girls clothing at that time, so that's what she dressed me in for quite a long period of time. I really don't remember this, but somehow there must have been an impression impregnated into my mind. I always longed to be a girl and grabbed every chance to wear womans undies whenever I could. I loved the look of all my little female classmates in school. When I got my first job I purchased some female clothing at a second hand store and wore it when ever I had the opportunity at home, while everyone was out. That is the way it is now. I am married, but my wife has no inclination of my female desires. I have kept this successfully as a secret for many years and still dress in my beautiful feminine clothing when everyone is out.
Marcie R.:daydreaming:

01-14-2010, 09:18 AM
Ever since my childhood I dreamt of being the 'belle of the ball' with a huge ballgown, heels and full make-up.
Since then my dreams have developed into being with a like minded girl and having lots of girly fun.