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01-15-2010, 12:09 AM
So I have recently informed my beloved that I do enjoy wearing women's clothing just not all the time. She has been incredibly supportive and yet at times I feel like I should be wearing all women's clothing and at other times I want to be wearing just men's. Most of the time I want both. Does any one else feel this way?

bridget jones
01-15-2010, 12:20 AM
I don't have a problem with my MAN clothes but I do love dressing completely enfemme more. Womens clothing,high heels,make up and accessories just make me feel at ease and comfortable. I do however wear panties while in male mode,.....gotta have the panties.

01-15-2010, 12:25 AM
Meh... I shop in both the men's and women's departments, and wear whatever I'm in the mood for at the time. Wearing a man's shirt and women's pants right now. Don't over-think things, just be happy. :)

01-15-2010, 12:33 AM
I have a very supportive wife. She helps me keep things in perspective when it comes to my fem side. I find it very hard to have balance between the male side and fem side. It is like I want to be both at the same time.

Angie G
01-15-2010, 12:48 AM
I wear men's cloths when I Have to on the weekends so my wife can have her man about. And when going out. And I much prefer wearing woman's clothing as much as I can.:hugs:

01-17-2010, 01:28 AM
I love dressing up.but i dont get much time to dress up since my kids are always around. my wife helps me and in fact we plan on a shopping trip soon. cant wait..

Rachel Morley
01-17-2010, 01:47 AM
..... and yet at times I feel like I should be wearing all women's clothing and at other times I want to be wearing just men's. Most of the time I want both.

I think that's a fairly common feeling amongst crossdressers. I personally love to be and act as what I perceive "just as a girl would do" .... which for me is openly wearing obvious girls t-shirts and jeans whilst otherwise presenting in boy mode (no wig and forms and either none or minimal makeup). It's ok to blend .... do what you feel comfortable doing and if that's "mixing it up a little" ... then that's ok :

Rianna Humble
01-17-2010, 02:09 AM
So I have recently informed my beloved that I do enjoy wearing women's clothing just not all the time.

It's good that you can discuss this with your beloved

She has been incredibly supportive and yet at times I feel like I should be wearing all women's clothing and at other times I want to be wearing just men's.

That's one of the joys of being a crossdresser - you get to wear men's clothes as well as women's. :eek: Or any combination of both depending on what makes you feel comfortable. :)

Most of the time I want both. Does any one else feel this way?

I'm sure there are many in the cd.com family who feel exactly as you do. I know I have in the past, but less so now.

It's great that you have a supportive SO, in your place, I wouldn't worry about wanting to dress differently at different times, rather enjoy the freedom that this gives you to express your true self. :hugs:

01-17-2010, 02:29 AM
The desire to dress tends to ebb and flow for me. Right now I'm in a mood to dress A LOT, so I am. Other times I just don't feel like it much so I don't.

I think part of the ebb is my wife's feelings. I kind of start to pick up on a vibe from her when I've been dressing a lot that tells me I need to put Kimmy away for awhile :(

She tolerates it more than she accepts it most times, but she really is great about the whole thing so I do my best to stay sensitive to her feelings.

01-17-2010, 07:20 AM
hi everyone , let me just say im glad i found this site , i am still in the closet , but i hope one day to be able to be more open , i too think about my fem side more often ,

01-27-2010, 02:48 PM
I'm more comfortable - or maybe the word is at peace - when I'm dressed even a little. I find that I rather grudgingly put on my male attire when necessary. Fortunately, I can dress openly with my SO.

01-27-2010, 05:41 PM
The attire makes you feel the way you do. The other week I tried French nails and the following day fully dressed enfemme oh what a feeling happy days.:):):):)

01-27-2010, 06:05 PM
I definitely feel both ways. Before my wife knew, it was a secret compulsion. There would be times when the pink fog would absolutely gripping, and depending on whether or not I had an outlet to dress, I might become even more obsessed with dressing en femme, or, in my case, spending absurd amounts of time on Second Life interacting as a woman. The desire to dress was with me all the time. Then following episodes of cross-dressing, particularly if there was any form of sexual release, I commonly felt shameful and silly about the clothes I was wearing,and the desire for femininity that had seemed so overpowering. There would always be a time following this when I wouldn't even want to think about women's clothing. Gradually, the attraction would begin again.

Now my wife knows. There is no compulsion, no need for secrecy. Part of the urgency of dressing, and the urgency of responding to the need to dress is gone; if I can't dress now, I'll probably be able to dress another day in the near future. And now that I've accepted (and my wife has returned the acceptance) of who I am and what makes me tick, there seems to be less need for the sexual release from cross-dressing. I'm not sure, but I think the feelings of shame are probably going to go away in large part, as well. so now, I think some of the secret, intense, ecstasy will be blunted, and some of the lowest lows will be gone.

I have tried, not just because she has asked me, but because I want to,to make sure that the man that she married is still here for her . I still want to live my days as a man in general, and would absolutely and exclusively choose females as my mating partner. So yes, a good part of the time I just want to be a man, and not even think about my feminine side. For me, I probably spend the largest single chunk of time living as a man, thinking as a man, happy as a man, but with my feminine side ready to appear at a moments notice. sometimes it's on DEFCON 3, sometimes DEFCON 1. I think someone else on this forum has a great signature line that goes something like "when I see a beautiful young woman in a lovely dress, I can appreciate her . But I also want to wear that dress." I don't know if this specifically addresses your question, but maybe it's close. Mk

01-27-2010, 08:26 PM
I never get mixed up about which clothes to wear anymore because I threw out all my male a while ago.

Melissa Paige

01-27-2010, 10:26 PM
I love to lounge around in lingerie when the wife isn't home, sometimes. I'm lazy, though, so more often than not, I'm cool with just wearing my man clothes.

01-27-2010, 10:32 PM
i keep asking myself why do i feel this way
all i get is i gave myself way to many choices of what to wear it gives me a head ach