View Full Version : Unsure!

01-18-2010, 12:29 PM
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I like to crossdress. I am not sure if people would openly accept that I do it. Is their anyone that has any advice for me? I don't think that I can stop crossdressing. I love it too much!

Kathi Lake
01-18-2010, 12:36 PM
Although I am from the Mother Ship (Utah), I am not LDS. I am Christian, and believe that we are common enough in our beliefs to answer your question with a few questions:

Do you feel that what you're doing is a sin or against the tenets of your church?

What is the purpose of your dressing? To fully express yourself? To pick up guys?

If you had to make a choice - you or the church - which would you choose?

There are people on this site who are LDS and do crossdress. I will give them the opportunity to post first before I "drag" them into this (Sorry. Couldn't resist :)).


01-18-2010, 12:37 PM
If you love crossdressing, that is your answer. Don’t mind what others think – just enjoy this pleasure and “be” you. You won’t be able to stop, but that’s the beauty of it. Be thankful that you have embraced this rare expression and you are different from others – there is nothing to feel guilty about, ever…:hugs:

01-18-2010, 12:40 PM
Keep the feedbacks coming! I really appreciate everyone that has posted. I don't feel guilty about it. I just want to be accepted for it!

Kathi Lake
01-18-2010, 12:41 PM
Hmmmmm, interesting comment. You want to be accepted by whom? Others. The church? Yourself?


01-18-2010, 12:52 PM
I'm a christian, not LDS, but I am a church-going christian. I've studies LDS enough that I think it's most likely they would not accept you as a crossdresser. However, I don't see why you'd have to tell them. Why would they have to know? Are you planning on attempting going to church en-femme?

01-18-2010, 01:03 PM
[QUOTE=funazgirl28;2012162]I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I like to crossdress.

Me too!!!!


01-18-2010, 01:05 PM
Do you have to disclose your crossdressing to your church? Maybe deceit is causing you to feel uneasy or guilty.
I know that if I were going to disclose to a church, I would not choose to do so in the LDS denomination.
I would go to the United Church of Christ perhaps; they are very accepting of all kinds of lifestyles and qualities, including transgender.
I think that the LDS might think of it as something that would disrupt their traditional and very conservative family values. I'm not a member, but I know a little bit about them.

01-18-2010, 01:19 PM
You responded that you wanted to be "accepted." If your describing General Acceptance from humanity....keep hoping, as that seems unlikely. I have always thought that The Best that The Trans Community can expect is a "Tolerance" from The Public, and we will probably always be vulnerable to individuals who would NEVER tolerate our lifestyle.

If you are speaking of "acceptance" within your Church, I wouldn't count on it! I think they, The Elders of LDS are very fond of an "image" that looks like The Osmond Family. Clean Cut, handsome and pretty, FAMILIES that represent what they want The Rest of us to imagine ALL Mormons are like. I would imagine Your Lifestyle would never fit their perceived notions, and you will have to ultimately decide if they would "tolerate" your variance from THEIR Norms.

I'm not sure where your thinking is going with this situation. I might suggest that one day, and it may be soon; you will have to decide to stay and live with hidden guilts, or find a new, more tolerant church. The Good Thing is that I don't think God is that "picky" about your Church. I think you can find a house of Worship that is more tolerant and accepting. Good luck to you, your probably approaching a serious moral dilemma. Don't let it break your spirit.

Peace and Love, Joanie

Stephanie Miller
01-18-2010, 02:08 PM
Like Kathi I too have Salt Lake in the blood. ( Although I come from a much higher plateau than she does :angel:- Park City ) (( Joke Kathi, get it? Higher plateau? Elevation? :lol2:)) And like Kathi I, nor my wife, are not from that faith either. Although my wife IS a direct descendant of Brigham Youngs little known brother Phineas.
Stuck at work today, so I can't do any research for you but maybe this is a start.
"Sunstone Article Tackles Mormon Cross-Dressing" http://affirmation.org/news/2009_052.shtml
Hope this helps.

Karren H
01-18-2010, 02:12 PM
I'm a heathen but I don't think they will openly accept you crossdressing... Some may tolerate it... Most will not.

Kathi Lake
01-18-2010, 02:19 PM
(( Joke Kathi, get it? Higher plateau? Elevation? :lol2:))Ummmm, nope. Elevation? Plateau? Hmmmmmmmm. OH, now I get it! Sorry, I'm a bit slow. :)


01-18-2010, 02:36 PM
I happen to be a firm believer in the notion of "separation of church and state" .... state of dress that is. :heehee:


Kate Simmons
01-18-2010, 03:40 PM
Personally, I think it would be opening a can of worms pursuing that openly with LDS.:straightface:

Paula Siemen
01-18-2010, 03:46 PM
Being raised a Christian (Lutheran) and still attending Diciples of Christ CHurch I have wrestled with this though as well as most of you others have. I keep coming to this point!

God knows my mind better than I know my mind.
I can not hide from God.
My spirit wears NO clothes.
I have not chosen to be a crossdresser.
As a Christian, I would respect my fellow congregation members and not become a problem for them at their time of worship.
There are likely other congregations where CD'g would likely be more accepted if it is that important to me to attend church enfemme.
God will recognise me just as I come regardless.
God is my Saviour and will NOT FORESAKE me.

These thoughts and rationalizations sustain me.....but it still leaves me perplexed and bewildered.

Just as I am; I come.

01-18-2010, 04:03 PM
I know very little about this church but it seems the most productive way to find out would be to ask your minister. You could use the old line: "I have a friend who..."

01-18-2010, 04:22 PM
From what I've learned in college about Christianity as a whole, most churches that follow a more conservative (and fundamentalist) perspective will not accept it. I'm Wiccan myself, and there is absolutely nothing in my religion that condones crossdressing, being transgender, or homosexual. It focuses more on what you do on the path to God(dess) than who youre with, or what your gender is.

01-18-2010, 04:28 PM
There are a few places in the bible that condon dressing as the opposite gender. The bible was also written over 2000 yrs age. There are differences that we do today that would not be allowed then. As little as 150 yrs ago everyone wore long sleeve shirts only and 100 yrs ago full body suits, including men. As we progress the differences as to how people do or portray something is thier own belief. Follow the 10 commandments and thou shalt do no wrong.

Granny Gray
01-18-2010, 04:37 PM
I cannot address these issues from the point of view of the LDS church. I can just share who I am in respect to my "faith" beliefs. First, I dress openly at least 98% of my time. In addition to other academic studies, I've long made a study of Theology an intense personal pursuit, I've done this all the way to an advanced degree in the subject, not to work full time in any religious organization, but as a matter of profound personal interest. I have been totally immersed in Fundamentalism in the Southern Babtist environment, transitioned to the very traditionalist Lutheran theology (LCMS) and later moved to a place where I am now totally comfortable in my cutest feminine finery attending the local Episcopalian congregation on Sundays, if I choose to do so. Bear in mind, where ever I go, it's my personal relation with GOD that is vital, not the denomination or cult. I have served as guest minister in Metropolitan Community Church congregations, though active religious work has never been my calling. I've had multiple careers. The career is not what is important, but your happiness in it is, and of course, earning a living for your family while doing something productive and enjoyed. I fully believe what you wear is totally irrelevant before God. What is in your heart in relating with God is vital, your attire is not. I would offer this to those who are concerned: One's relationship with our Creator is the ONLY thing of importance. Humans are just that: HUMAN and that is totally reliable in being unreliable. Thus I say: if you are peaceful in your relationship with God, be content for that is what counts. If people reject you, their acceptance or rejection is NOT what is important, let them reject all they want to reject. Be content, happy, and at peace with your relationship with God and all will be well. Of course, some will accept you as you present your self. Some won't. That's just how humans are: inconsistent. Be peaceful and focus on why you go to church, and that's not to please people. It's to engage in public worship. I wish you well. Granny Gray.

01-18-2010, 06:30 PM
Im not familliar with the theology or views of LDS christianity.

However, I was brought up in a rigid catholic family, church every sunday, went to catholic schools, was even pushed into being an altar boy for a year by my mum and grandparents.
I renounced my religion and any organised religion not very long after the day our priest was giving a sermon on sin when I was about 14 (2 years into my habit of a lifetime)
"... Sin comes in stealth, there are sinners on our television sets, on our streets. Moral deviants such as drug addicts, murderers, rapists, crossdressing men, prostitutes..."
(There was more, but these words stay with me)
A religion that preaches that you be true to yourself, and a 'spokesperson for god' who tells you otherwise. I decided I didnt need catholicism. I was dragged to church each week untill I was 16 when my mum told me that I knew my own mind. That irritated me.

What Im getting at, is since turning away from all that BS, I started browsing websites on alternate religions when I was about 22.
To be honest, they all say pretty much the same thing under the guise of makebelieve and vengeful gods smiting the sinners.
The thing they all say is basically...
Be good, don't hurt anyone, you might only get one shot at this.

Which brings me to my point.
If you decide that your failth is not your faith due to persecution, fear mongering or whatever you dont agree with, just remember that you probably don't need it anyway.
My life, I would say, has improved ten-fold since I learned to see through the bullshit.
But CDing is obviously part of you as you havent been prompted to it, Im assuming that like many of us, myself included, you just do it.
I'll also bet your parents told you that you belong to LDS?

Work out what YOU are, not what you have been TOLD you are, then go with it.
But DO however remember the good teachings from your religion, they ARE important.

I hope I havent offended anyone, but Im always up for a good theological debate. :hugs:

01-18-2010, 06:52 PM
I'm a firm believer that God made me the way I am, and the He loves me and accepts me as I am. Others may not, and I have to deal with that, too, but above all I know my Parent loves me. :)

01-18-2010, 06:57 PM
I love the thought posted above by Paula that says one's spirit wears no clothes!

God knows you better than you know yourself. And God does love you! I believe that it is fear that leads religions to state that certain people are not acceptable because they are different. The over all message of the Bible is Love. Sure, you can take verses out of the context in which they were written (when there was no knowledge of gender idenification or orientation) and you can beat people over the head with how they aren't acceptable unless they repent.

BUT, I believe that one's gender identity and orientation are not things that one needs to repent of. What we as human beings need to repent of are our failures to love as we are taught to love in most major religions (if we just get past our biases).

My denomination is not openly accepting of GLBT persons, but we are moving gradually in that direction. And there are many of us clegry who ARE accepting, because we have experienced the grace of God in our lives and in the lives of our GLBT brothers, sister, spouses, children, and friends.

Hope this helps!:hugs:

01-18-2010, 07:10 PM
There's a HUGE difference from your being accepted by your God, and by a congregation of humans!:eek:

MOST religions r based on VERY ANCIENT writings. Back then, superstition was daily fare and deviation from the norm was NOT considered to be GOOD!:sad:

Today, MOST religions following those OLD tenents can be VERY exclusionary. This is important, because it distinguishes them from the THOUSANDS of other, often similar, religions out there!:straightface:

Here in SoCal, there r a NUMBER of gay, TG, etc. friendly churches that WELCOME "different" folks! :)
I suggest u find one of those, if u wish to COME OUT to a congregation!:thumbsup:

Veronica 1
01-18-2010, 07:47 PM
I am LDS though inactive but I believe that the churches belief in the wholesome family values would find little acceptance with your dressing. My employer is a strong member of the church and when he noticed my clear coated fingernails at work one time his reaction was almost comical in that he asked me why I painted my nails and then stumbled around his brain until he came up with an answer himself, they must need strengthening. I really believe that he had to answer the question himself as he was afraid of what I might tell him. LOL

01-18-2010, 09:49 PM
I was raised Catholic with catholic school for 12 years. Last year I was concerned about this as well. I have been to church many times as my femme self and I was concerned if I was sinning by doing so. So I did some research & I have learned a couple things.

From talking with my priest and reading on the vatican's web site, I learned that the roman catholic church does not consider crossdressing a sin, but if crossdressing leads to a sin then it is considered sinful. That is, you can present as a female as you wish, but don't let it cause you to sin.

Second, I kind of agree with what is said below. God loves us all and he/she knows us better than we know ourselves. And if you are attending church as your femme self, I think that's great.

As for the LDS, I have no clue.

Im not familliar with the theology or views of LDS christianity.

However, I was brought up in a rigid catholic family, church every sunday, went to catholic schools, was even pushed into being an altar boy for a year by my mum and grandparents.
I renounced my religion and any organised religion not very long after the day our priest was giving a sermon on sin when I was about 14 (2 years into my habit of a lifetime)
"... Sin comes in stealth, there are sinners on our television sets, on our streets. Moral deviants such as drug addicts, murderers, rapists, crossdressing men, prostitutes..."
(There was more, but these words stay with me)
A religion that preaches that you be true to yourself, and a 'spokesperson for god' who tells you otherwise. I decided I didnt need catholicism. I was dragged to church each week untill I was 16 when my mum told me that I knew my own mind. That irritated me.

What Im getting at, is since turning away from all that BS, I started browsing websites on alternate religions when I was about 22.
To be honest, they all say pretty much the same thing under the guise of makebelieve and vengeful gods smiting the sinners.
The thing they all say is basically...
Be good, don't hurt anyone, you might only get one shot at this.

Which brings me to my point.
If you decide that your failth is not your faith due to persecution, fear mongering or whatever you dont agree with, just remember that you probably don't need it anyway.
My life, I would say, has improved ten-fold since I learned to see through the bullshit.
But CDing is obviously part of you as you havent been prompted to it, Im assuming that like many of us, myself included, you just do it.
I'll also bet your parents told you that you belong to LDS?

Work out what YOU are, not what you have been TOLD you are, then go with it.
But DO however remember the good teachings from your religion, they ARE important.

I hope I havent offended anyone, but Im always up for a good theological debate. :hugs:

01-18-2010, 10:31 PM
It seems more gay/lesbian than it truly is crossdresser/transgender, but you might check out http://affirmation.org/transgender/. It says it is a Mormon GLBT group.

Across the top of the page are several selections and the one on "stories" appears to have some interesting info, including this little tidbit:

"Brigham Morris Young (son of Brigham Young) in drag as Italian opera diva "Madam Pattirini"
(circa 1883 placard advertising "her" appearance in Logan, Utah)"


Sarah Doepner
01-18-2010, 11:49 PM
A search through the LDS Chruch web site for any reference to Crossdress(er) (ing), Transvestite or Transgender, returns 0 hits.

Recently the LDS church supported a new ordinance in Salt Lake City that protected the rights in employement and housing for GLBT persons. Some say it was an attempt to turn public opinion back in their favor after their position on California's Prop 8. Regardless, the SLC ordinance may become the standard for the state of Utah.

Last Friday at a local Tri-Ess meeting there was a discussion by one attendee who was going to write a letter to the LDS Church President concerning his need to crossdress. Our attendee wanted assurance that he could retain his temple recommend despite his crossdressing. I don't know when the letter will be written, but if the response is shared with me I'll ask for permission to pass it along.

01-19-2010, 02:17 AM
The LDS church ( I am an active member) says little about it like any one else. THOUGH my girl has talked to her bishop about me (with my consent) and he said and i quote "I don't see any reason for him to not be worthy to hold a recommend". This attitude may differ from person to person. Again there is very little understanding out there in the world.

Having said that, I also don't feel like I need to change my sexy, I just enjoy the dressing, for what ever reason (still learning).

The LDS church like the world is full of people who have there own views on things of this nature, and you will find those who forget that Jesus taught love and kindness. Within the church you will find love and an effort to understand (from those who truly do understand there religion). But the key I have come to feel is more about crossing lines that they (the church) does have issue with. To some as we all know first thing when hearing about crossdressing is homosexuality. Not hard to find out the views of the LDS church on that. BUT that doesn't ever mean there should be any issue accepting the person, there heart, there spirit... ect.

Good luck though, this is a difficult issue and you will always find those who think they need to tell you how evil you are, forgetting that they have issues and things they need to work on.

Do your best to find the kindness and love within the church and something that I have problems with is remembering we are all on a different road that we hope leads to the same destination.

01-19-2010, 02:31 AM
I took this picture in a church here a month ago.
I only had on me a short dress.

The female priest said taking pictures was not allowed, and needed to write an application if I wanted to. But after we talked a little, she said I could take the pictures if I wanted. It was mostly not to disturb they did not want it.She connected with me talking of the beauty of the church lights through the painted windows.

So very nice actually. I was pleasantly surprised. And even gave her a smile and a wave with my hand when finished.

I suspect there are plenty of black angels within the church, but there are some white ones also. I'm generally able to tell what peoples genuine emotions are, and this one was as far as I could tell pure.

01-19-2010, 07:07 AM
My family is Protestant, and my wife's Roman Catholic, and even to this day,there is a sense of narrow mindedness and hypocracy in these churches. It has lessened in the last 30 years or so, but if I were you, I'd tread lightly on this issue and thoroughly "feel it out" to prevent a major train wreck. Just my :2c:. Good luck.