View Full Version : Shaving arms

01-30-2010, 10:50 AM
I am trying to think of a good excuse to shave my arms so that when I go back to work. I know if I shave them I will get a lot of crap from the GUYS at work. Any one got any good ideas? I was think of saying that i got carpet glue in my arm hair and had to shave it off to get it out . any input


Joni Marie Cruz
01-30-2010, 11:00 AM
Hi Alexis-

Well, if you use the carpet glue excuse you'd have to explain why you needed to shave both arms instead of just a patch on one arm. FWIW, I shave all over and so far no one has hassled me over slick arms, but you probably know the guys you work with better than anyone. Of course you can always tell them it's none of their business but knowing how guys are it would probably just cause them to bug you more about it.

If you want to just make them, your arms that is, not the guys you work with, more femme you can try lightly trimming your arm hair by using an electric razor with a guard on it. Hopefully some of the other girls will have some ideas for you. Good luck.

Hugs...Joni Mari

01-30-2010, 11:07 AM
If your sure that the guys will act like dummys about it then start just lightly triming the hair over the next few weeks, a major change and people notice, a slow change and 99% of people never seem to catch on.

NV Susan
01-30-2010, 11:18 AM
Why not wear a long sleeve shirt to work? :daydreaming:

01-30-2010, 11:34 AM
I used the excuse my wife wanted it because the hair made her itch in bed. I now shave the entire body. Even though she doesn't accept my dressing, she likes the smooth body. She even shaves my back.

Genifer Teal
01-30-2010, 11:42 AM
Women often complain about men being too hairy (think back hair). This could be a great excuse - if you really need one. I don't think you do. The irony is that the stubble which will appear almost immediately as the hair regrows, will be itchier that the hair you shaved in the first place. Most guys wont think of that. The excuse still works.


I used the excuse my wife wanted it because the hair made her itch in bed. I now shave the entire body. Even though she doesn't accept my dressing, she likes the smooth body. She even shaves my back.

Starfire Jade
01-30-2010, 11:42 AM
I am trying to think of a good excuse to shave my arms so that when I go back to work. I know if I shave them I will get a lot of crap from the GUYS at work. Any one got any good ideas? I was think of saying that i got carpet glue in my arm hair and had to shave it off to get it out . any input


I tell people I just hate being an ape man. And that I find all body and facial hair to be an afront.

01-30-2010, 12:28 PM
I have a "friend" whose arms I've shaved. :-). LM

Starfire Jade
01-30-2010, 12:50 PM
Also to you shoulden't care what others think. I get my brows waxed every two months and nobody notices.

janet p
01-30-2010, 01:50 PM
unless you work at a place where you have to wear short sleeves,wear long sleeves for awhile, (since it's still cold enough there to do so)and in the spring or summer when it warms up nobody will probaly notice. I know when I first started shaving my body from the ears down and now that I;ve added my eye brows only a couple of times in 20 some yrs has it been noticed and that was all that was said, do you shave your arms and legs? Nothing more.:love:

01-30-2010, 02:06 PM
Shave them and see how many people notice or say anything. You'll be surprised that few if none do.

If they say something, just say "yea, I wanted to see how many people would notice. After it's only hair and will grow back."

If you bike or swim, you could claim you do it for air or water dynamics.

I usually just say that I don't like body hair.

01-30-2010, 03:21 PM
Well you could acclimate those you are most concerned about over time. Start by trimming the hair so that it is shorter and still very visible in its natural color. Then after awhile start bleaching the arm hair (start that in the summer) to reflect the natural tendency for some hair to turn lighter from the sun. Then at the end of this process just get rid of it. I recommend that you try epilating it first. Once you get past the initial pain from epilating for the first time, the follow-up maintenance gets easier, quicker and much more pain free. The hair grows back smoother without the stubble and itching. If that doesn't work shave it off. I would also recommend this for your legs too.

I play golf all summer, am not out to family and friends, always wear shorts and short sleeved polo shirts, and am in the sun constantly. So, this winter I am epillating arm, underarm and leg hair. Come short, short sleeve shirt and golf weather I will let it grow out to bleaching length and get on with my summer program, which permits me to go out dressed en femme without nylons and feel comfortable that I am not a hairy ape. Someone has to look hard or catch my legs in a certain light to see any hair when dressed. That way, I am acceptable to family and friends and capable of going out without nylons all during the summer. For something fancy, the hair can't be seen under the nylons.

Josie M
01-30-2010, 07:10 PM
Shave them and see how many people notice or say anything. You'll be surprised that few if none do.

If they say something, just say "yea, I wanted to see how many people would notice. After it's only hair and will grow back."

If you bike or swim, you could claim you do it for air or water dynamics.

I usually just say that I don't like body hair.

Actually, being a former "roadie" (until getting hit by a pickup truck), I can tell you that cyclist shave their legs because inevitable road-rash is easier to treat and less likely to get infected if your legs are hairless.

So, become a cyclist or triathlete and you've got a great excuse :) I've even seen "Nair for Men" at the local drugstore.

Stephenie S
01-30-2010, 07:20 PM
Oh for goodness sake! Why do you need an excuse?????

Do your arms belong to someone else? Of course not. They are YOUR arms, it's YOUR arm hair, and you can do what you DARN well please with it.

Are you going to live your whole life at the whims of others? Not only that, the IMAGINED whims of others? No one has said anything at all yet. You are just "imagining" what someone will say.

Do what you want. If someone asks why, just say "BECAUSE I WANTED TO".


Joni Marie Cruz
01-30-2010, 07:51 PM
All in all, I have to agree with Stephenie. Speaking for myself, I spent so many years in the closet because I was scared of what people might think of my being TG. Finally I realized that it wasn't what they thought that was stopping me, it was what I thought they thought, which made it all in my head. It turned out that mostly they didn't give a damn one way or the other. You have to be the judge of what's right for you, of course, but don't waste precious time worrying about what others may think.

Hugs...Joni Mari

01-30-2010, 07:59 PM
I have to agree with Stephanie, she rules! Do what you want, not what you perceive others will think of you.

Heck, 30 years ago I waxed all my brows off, not just a little bit, but every last hair. 11 years later someone asked me what happened to my eyebrows.

Wax your arms rather than shave because you will have less stubble and after waxing a few times the hair grows back thinner.

Have fun, be yourself, not the other person's ideal.

Sabra Fresh
01-30-2010, 09:45 PM
I just told those I work with that I don't like hair. All male workplace on a military base and so far
so good.

I use one of the epilady torture devices. The above poster is correct about stubble v growing back thinner. Want to experiment? Try a home wax on a small part of one arm and shave the rest. Want to really see something, don't shave for a

Epilady and wax where I can't take the epilady agony.

01-30-2010, 10:00 PM
I've never had a comment about my arms being hairless. and I've never made up any excuse as to why they are.

You could use an epilator and just do it a bit at a time over a month. That way no one will notice a sudden change.

01-31-2010, 10:43 AM
My arms, legs and body are all hairless and no ones ever commented on it.

Phyliss Hdson
01-31-2010, 12:39 PM
Hi Alexis,
I felt much the same as you for a long time, that and being 6'3" in flats that I dont wear I was always worried about going out. Then finnally a couple ears ago I said the hell with it and went out. It was a bit cool so I had on a pair of my guy jeans, a hot pink femme top (long sleeve) and 4" pumps.
I quickly found out most people do seem to really care and a lot dont even notice, and the ones that do dont ever say anything at least not to me. Other than some my you are tall, and I just smile and say thanks.

I have been shaving my legs for a while but last year started shaving my arms. At work I wear shorts and tee shirts every day and if any of my co workers have noticed nothing has been said. Same thing when I am out after work with people I meet male or female, if they have noticed they have said nothing. On occasion I wear clear nail polish for several days at a time and again if noticed nothing has been said.

So I say go for it and make yourself happy and if someones says something just tell them you like it that way.

Best of luck to you
Hugs Phyliss

01-31-2010, 02:58 PM
I've ben shaving and or waxing my arms for over 4 years now. Only one time has anyone ever asked me about it point blank. I told him why and he was cool with it.

Emma Leigh
01-31-2010, 03:10 PM
I just shaved my arms the other day!, my theory is that now while its cold, I,m wearing long sleeved shirts, by the time things start to warm up, everone will have forgotten if or how hairy they were before! :)

01-31-2010, 03:16 PM
1. Tell them you have decided to have your entire body tatooed and taking off the body hair was the first step

2. Confide to the workplace blabbermouth that you are in chemo

3. Loudly pronounce that your 18 year old chippie shaved you after you passed out following a sex marathon

4. Just do it and when someone asks, tell 'em that nothing says "old guy" like gray body hair

01-31-2010, 03:28 PM
this summer I painted my car royal blue, in the end my arms where royal blue as well, no way to clean them other than shaving. now I keep them shaved. feels great

Barbara Dugan
01-31-2010, 03:31 PM
I started shaving mine more than a year ago ..I wear long sleeves all the time and if someone ask me about it I tell them that I am using testosterone gel and it gets better absorbtion if my arms are shaved

01-31-2010, 04:43 PM
I shaved mine about 3 months ago but it is winter here in NY so no one has had a change to notice it. My wife knows but she is cool about. I still don't know what I will say when family and friends find out.


01-31-2010, 05:28 PM
I started thinning my arm hair about 2 yrs ago every week a little shorter and thinner after 6 mths not a hair left, and even my wife hasnt noticed or said anything, the lads i work with dont say anything ,and my shirt sleeves are rolled up most of the time , and now i just clean my arm hair up once a week
good luck

:hugs: J-JAY